生态学特征,ecological characteristics
1)ecological characteristics生态学特征
1.Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Invasion Species Eupatorium Adenophrum and Eupatorium Odoratum in Guangxi;广西外来物种紫茎泽兰、飞机草的入侵生态学特征研究
2.In this article,fixed plots were adopted to investigate the communty structure,ecological characteristics of species and the population age structure of Quercus fabri and Liquidambar formosana forests.采用固定样地法 ,研究白栎林与枫香林的群落结构、种的生态学特征、种群的年龄结构 ,并比较了两者的乔木层和灌木层的物种多样性 ,为蜀山林业管理及植物群落演替研究提供基本资

1.The Ecological Characteristics of Fish Communities in the Yangtze Estuarine Wetlands, China;长江河口湿地鱼类群落的生态学特征
2.Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Castanopsis Communities in Jinggang Mountain in Jiangxi;江西井冈山栲属群落生态学特征研究
3.Eco-characteristics of phytoplankton in Lake Wuli, Lake Taihu in 20072007年太湖五里湖浮游植物生态学特征
4.Preliminary Study on Ecological Characteristics of Soil Fauna in Eucalyptus grandis Plantation巨桉人工林土壤动物生态学特征研究
5.A taxonomic species considered in terms of its ecological characteristics and usually including several interbreeding ecotypes.生态种按生态学特征划分的分类种,常包括一些杂交生态型
6.Physiological and Ecological Properties of Agriophyllum Squarrosum, a Pioneer Plant for Sand Control;固沙先锋植物沙米的生物与生理生态学特征
7.Effects of Environmental Stress on Ecophysiological Characteristics of Suspension-feeding Bivalves;环境胁迫对滤食性贝类生理生态学特征的影响
8.Ecological Characteristics of Ice Algae in Typical Sea Ice Biotope in the Arctic Ocean;北冰洋典型海冰生境冰藻生态学特征的研究
9.Studies on the Ecological Characteristics of the Communities of Secondary Forests of Pinus Massoniana, Acacia Confusa Along the Coast;沿海马尾松、相思次生林群落生态学特征研究
10.The Anatomical and Chemical Characteristics of a Culm-brittleness and a Leaf-rolling Mutants of Rice and Their Ecophysiological Properties;水稻脆茎和卷叶突变体的解剖和化学特性及其生理生态学特征
11.Studies on the Ecological Characteristics of Forest Types of the Subtropical Zone;中亚热带几种森林类型生态学特征研究
12.Ecological and biological characteristics of Piper hancei山蒟(Piper hancei)的生态生物学特征
13.On Times Features and Philosophical Significance of Modern Ecology Science;现代生态科学的时代特征及哲学意蕴
14.The Character and Regulation of Top Competitive Form in P.E Test of Middle School;体育中考学生竞技状态的特征及调控
15.Study on Attitudes of College Students Toward Sport Gambling大学生体育博彩态度特征的调查研究
16.Studies on Morphologic Characteristics and Biologic Property of Ixeris chinensis(Thunb.)Nakai中华苦荬菜形态学特征和生物学特性的研究
17.Research on Patterns and Aesthetics of Settlement in Ecological View;生态视野下的聚落形态和美学特征研究

3)ecological characteristic生态学特征
1.Study on effect of ecological characteristics and enzyme activity of Aphid radiated by different intensities of ultraviolet;不同强度紫外线对蚜虫生态学特征及有关酶活性的影响
4)ecological character生态学特征
1.Study on biolo ecological character of condiment material plant wasabia;从日本、韩国引进香辛料食品调料植物 -山葵种子资源 ,进行了山葵生物学特性、生态学特征的初步探讨 。
5)ecological features生态学特征
1.This paper reports the ecological features of Primula merrilliana, a rare and endangered plant in Anhui ,which includes nature environment,geographical distribution,community composition and it s quantitative features,population size and reproductive ecology of the species.报道了安徽特有珍稀濒危植物安徽羽叶报春的生境、地理分布、群落组成及数量特征、种群大小和繁殖生态学特征
6)Ecological and biological characteristics生态生物学特征
1.The ecological and biological characteristics of an endangered plant, Primulina tabacum Hance;报春苣苔的生态生物学特征
2.The ecological and biological characteristics of P.山蒟(Piper hancei)是一种有较高园林绿化价值的常绿藤本植物,通过样地调查及相关数据分析,对山蒟的形态解剖学、生理生态学、营养元素含量等生态生物学特征进行研究,结果表明:山蒟喜阴湿环境,耐贫瘠,适合在酸性赤红壤上生长,主要分布于热带亚热带地区光照适中或较弱的溪涧边、林下、树干或岩石上。

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学