1.In view of the problem on rise of electrolyzer voltage in ion-exchange membrane caustic soda in our factory,a set of reasons were analyzed,and lots of correlation measures have been adopted to eliminate the rise.针对我厂离子膜烧碱生产中出现的槽电压升高的问题,认真分析了其产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决措施。

1.The act or an instance of elevating.升高升高的行为或事情
2.He hovers and rises, and then hovers and rises again.盘旋,上升,再盘旋,再升高
3.An elevated place or position.高处升高的地点或位置
4.The up-down gear turns in the proper direction to raise the seat.升降齿轮转到适当的方位,升高座椅
5.This steady state rise in voltage is referred to as a swell.这种电压的稳态上升称为电压升高
6.an officer who rose through the ranks.地位一步步升高的军官
7.The clouds rolled away as the sun rose higher.太阳升高时,云散去了。
8.Temperatures around the world continue to rise.全球温度在不断升高
9.The moon is rising gradually.月亮渐渐地升高了。
10.a sensible rise in temperature可以感觉到的温度升高.
11.The river level rose after the rain.雨后河里的水面升高了。
12.So the river kept on rising, too.所以河川水位不断升高
13.lift with a jack, as of a car.用起重机升高,例如汽车。
14.the tide when the water is highest.水面最大升高时的潮汐。
15.I rejoice to hear of your promotion.听说你高升我非常高兴。
16.The act or process of rising or raising to a higher position.上升上升到或上升到较高位置的动作或过程
17.To rise in rank, position, or value.提升,晋升在地位,职位或价值方面提高
18.the range of a thermometer温度计升降的高低差距 [升降幅度]

4)rising times升高倍数
5)progressive intrusion height导升高度
1.Rocks' water-resistance ability and natural progressive intrusion height;岩层阻水性能及自然导升高度研究
6)Rise of Geotemperature地温升高
