1.First Supplement of Insect List From Jiulianshan Nature Reserve九连山自然保护区昆虫名录(增补Ⅰ)
2.Therefore, a proposal on the code supplement to the International Code of Signals is presented, which could provide standard code language and solve the language barrier.船舶发生污染事故时信息交流存在困难,建议增补船舶防污用语的码语,提供标准用语,解决语言隔阂。
3.This paper is the supplement and revision to the Pteridophyte Flora of Guizhou 对《贵州蕨类植物志》的增补与修订。

1.The company gives him a supplement to pension.公司给他增补了退休金。
2.The book has been supplemented with new material.该书内容有所增补
3.The mark X denotes an omission.增补号(X)表示有脱漏.
4.system tape addition and maintenance program系统带增补与维护程序
5.the supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica《大英百科全书》的增补
6.The mark denotes an omission.增补号( )表示有脱漏.
7.quarterly updates季度增补材料, 季度更新[补充]资料
8.co-opted member增选委员;增补委员;推举委员;特别延聘委员
9.I'm busy spatchcocking more examples into my book.我在忙着给我的书增补更多的例句。
10.He appended a clause to the treaty他在条约上增补了一个条款。
11.He supplemented his earnings by taking a night job他谋取了一份夜间的工作以增补收入。
12.He has written a summary for the supplement to a dictionary.他给这本字典的增补部分写了总结.
13.Specification for aseismic design of buildings (partial revision & addition in 1996)建筑抗震设计规程(1996年局部修订增补)
14.The Research on the Biographies which New Tang Book Supplements《新唐书》增补传记之史料来源考略
15.Meat loaf that contained oatmeal as an extender.包容燕麦片的肉块用作增补
16.repair by adding pieces.通过增加碎片进行修补。
17.An agent, such as a medication, that restores or increases body tone.增强剂,补药恢复或增加身体强壮的补品,例如某种药物
18.The government have Increase Its subsidy to the car Industry .政府已增加了对汽车工业的补贴。

1.A revision and addition of the genus Quercus from Henan Province;河南栎属植物增补与订正
2.At last,it will put forward four translating methods——omission,addition,adaptation and equivalent translation to shed some light on the translation of euphemism.本文拟从委婉语在具体语境中的功能入手,以功能目的论为指导,探讨其目的法则、连贯法则以及忠实性法则在委婉语翻译实践中的指导作用,并提出委婉语翻译的四种具体操作方法,即删减、增补、改译与对等译法,希望对委婉语翻译实践具有一定的参考价值。
3.However, simultaneous interpreters claim that the strategy of addition is also frequently used and it is most welcome for them although they are facing the constraint of processing ca.可是,译员提出增补也是他们常用的策略。
1.Epidemiological studies have shown that periconceptional supplementation of folic acid can reduce the probability of many birth defects.出生缺陷已经成为影响新生儿健康和生命的主要疾病 ,神经管畸形及多种出生缺陷的发生与妇女孕早期叶酸缺乏有关 ,孕期前后增补叶酸可以降低胎儿多种出生缺陷的危险性。
2.A discussion is devoted to the supplementation and omission of words or phrases in Chinese-English translation.论述了汉英翻译过程中词句的增补与省略。
1.This thesis attempts a study of redundancy in English and Chinese to account for amplification, and studies the application of amplification to English-Chinese translation for the purpose of achieving equivalence of redundancy effect between source language text and target language text.本文对英汉两种语言中的冗余成分进行了分析,试图从冗余的角度解释英汉翻译中的增补,并探讨在英汉翻译实践中如何在译文中增补必要的成分,取得译文和原文的冗余效应对等。
