1.Survey and Research on Woody Ornamental Plants in Parks of Jiaxing City;嘉兴城区公园木本观赏植物调查研究
2.Resources and Utilization of Wild Ornamental Ferns Plant in East Fujian;闽东野生观赏蕨类植物资源及其利用
3.Investigation and Study on the Ornamental Spermatophyte Resources in Mayanghe Nature Reserve麻阳河国家级自然保护区观赏种子植物资源研究

1.We eat moon cakes and watch the moon.吃月饼,观赏月亮。
2.and see some of the new buildings.观赏些新建筑的好机会。
3.And the sensitive observer of sculpture,因此,敏锐的雕塑观赏者,
4.They want to see the race.他们想要观赏这场比赛。
5.Families can watch fireworks early in the evening.家人可在前夜观赏烟火。
6.They would look at paintings together.他们将一起观赏油画。
7.They all went to enjoy cherry-blossoms.他们都观赏樱花去了。
8.A Review:ornamental characteristic and maintain technique of ornamental grasses观赏草的观赏特性与养护技术研究进展
9.Travellers in the train crawling its way slowly up the mountain can have a real good time, feasting their eyes on the scenery and chatting to each other as the mood carries them.游人坐上森林火车,观赏窗外的风光,悦目赏心。
10.the audience could still enjoy the concert.观众还是尽情地观赏着演唱会。
11.The Introduction Observation and Ornamental Application of Chaenomeles in Zhejiang观赏木瓜引种观察与应用的初步评价
12.The Study on Blossom Ornamental Period of Dual-purpose Peach Varieties观食两用桃品种(系)花观赏期的研究
13.ornamental plant of Middle East cultivated for its dark purple spathe.生长于中东的一种观赏性植物,目的是观赏其暗紫色的佛烟苞。
14.The part of a scene or picture that is nearest to and in front of the viewer.前景舞台或图画上位于观赏者前方且最靠近观赏者的部分
15.Main Resources of Ornamental Grasses in Shaanxi Province and Preliminary Studies on the Application of Ornamental Grasses in Landscape;陕西省观赏草资源及观赏草在园林设计中的应用初探
17.Ornamental grass such as mondo grass, pampas grass, blue fescue, etc.观赏植物包括粗草、蒲苇、牛毛草等。
18.We enjoyed watching waves lapping against the beach.我们观赏着波浪轻拍海滩的美景。

1.The landscape of urban greenspaces might be enriched and the country tourism might be promoted by planting fruit trees in different forms including orchards and patches of plantations by making full use of diversities in species,ecology,ornamental and landscaping purposes,and the abundant variations in color,fragrance,form and seasonal a.果树具有物种、生态、观赏和园林用途的多样性,利用丰富的果树树种资源的色、香、形态、季相变化可营造风景林,丰富城市绿地景观,建造观光果园,促进乡村旅游开发。
2.The term "Ornamental grass" is used to describe all grasslike plants of ornamental value.本文就禾草的种质资源及其评价与繁殖利用作综述,并重点综述观赏的禾草类植物的种质资源评价及其繁殖利用。
3.Bamboo plays a decisive role in the gardening of Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang Province, especially in ornamental, ecological and economic terms.竹子在千岛湖园林绿化中占有举足轻重的地位,尤其在观赏、生态、经济效益等方面,本文介绍了该地区的竹林栽培技术,为园林绿化提供科学的依据。
3)view and admire观赏
1.Among them,a lot of blueberry have value of view and admire,but the variety of blueberry has not seen application so far in afforestation.我国有越橘属植物90余种,其中不乏有观赏价值的品种,但这些越橘品种在园林绿化中至今未见应用。
1.View and Function in Campus Landscape Design;校园景观设计的观赏与功用
2.By using the method of documentary and market investigation, this article makes relevant research on resource configuration of sports view.运用文献调研和市场调查等方法 ,对浙江省竞技体育观赏业的资源配置进行相关研究。
1.If it was not proper,the lawn might lose the ecological benefitand enjoyment.养护管理的好,可有效延长草坪的利用年限,年度内可延长绿色观赏期;只种不管或轻管,草坪将失去其生态效益及观赏功能。
6)ornamental plants观赏植物
1.The growth test of different ornamental plants in the sewage urban riverway;不同观赏植物在城市河道污水中的生长试验
2.Study on the Ornamental Characters and Application of Wild Ornamental Plants Resources in Hong Kong;香港野生观赏植物资源观赏特性及应用探讨
3.Applications of AFLP molecular markers in ornamental plants;AFLP分子标记技术在观赏植物中的应用

草莓-观赏鱼学名:pseudochromisporphyreus 科种:虾虎鱼科产地:分布于中国南海、台湾、菲律宾、太平洋的珊瑚礁海域 体长5-6cm,全身紫色,尾鳍紫色,其余各鳍透明无色。眼睛紧靠身体前端。饲养水温27-28摄氏度,海水比重1.022-1.023,海水ph值8.0-8.5,海水硬度7-9度dh。饵料有丰年虾、鱼虫、切碎的鱼肉、贝肉、蛤蜊肉、海水鱼颗粒饲料等,可与活珊瑚、海葵等无脊椎动物混养。