沙拐枣属,Calligonum L
1)Calligonum L沙拐枣属
1.Biodiversity and Distribution Pattern of Calligonum L. in Xinjiang;新疆沙拐枣属植物多样性特征及分布格局
2.Coupling relationship between Calligonum L. community species diversity and soil factors in China;我国沙拐枣属(Calligonum L.)天然群落物种多样性与土壤因子的耦合关系
3.Characteristics of Calligonum L.Community and Species Diversity in China;中国沙拐枣属天然群落特征及其物种多样性研究

1.A Study on the Species Selection of Calligonum and Its Forestation in the Drift-sand Area of Cele County策勒县流动性沙地沙拐枣属的引选和造林研究
2.Numerical Taxonomy of Fruit Characteristic of Calligonum L.沙拐枣属植物果实性状的数值分类研究
3.α diverstiy of four Calligonum L. communities and soil interpretation in the Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地4种沙拐枣属植物群落的α多样性及土壤环境解释
4.Esterase isozyme analysis of xeric shrubs Calligonum potaninii A.Los.民勤旱生灌木河西沙拐枣的酯酶同工酶分析
5.Calligonum mongolicum Turcz. had the highest Mg content (1.67%),Ephedra sinica Stapf and Clematis fruticosa Turcz. had the least one(0.11%);镁含量最高的是沙拐枣(1.67%),最低的是麻黄和灌木铁线莲,均为0.11%;
6.Study on the Isozyme of Xeric Shrubs Calligonum Potaninii A. Los. and Nitraria Tangutorum Bobr. in Gansu甘肃旱生灌木河西沙拐枣和唐古特白刺同工酶分析
7.Effects of salt water treatments on gas exchange characteristics,photosynthetic pigment and soluble sugar content of Calligonum spp. at different times盐水处理对沙拐枣气体交换特征、光合色素和可溶性糖含量的影响
8.Injury of unexpected strong precipitation to Calligonum under different factors:a cast of the shelterbelt eco-project along the Tarim Desert highway不同因素影响下突发性强降雨对沙拐枣的危害——以塔里木沙漠公路防护林生态工程为例
9.A small Eurasian tree(Elaeagnus angustifolia)having oblong silvery leaves, fragrant greenish flowers, and olivelike fruit.沙枣树一种短小的欧亚树木(沙枣胡颓子属)有长方形的银色叶子,淡绿色芳香花朵和橄榄状果实
10.sometimes placed in genus Scilla.有时被归属于绵枣儿属。
11.a breezy corner, beach, hillside风凉的拐角处、 沙滩、 山坡.
12.The Extraction and Identification of the TotalFlavanone of Flowers of Ningxia Elaeagnus angustifolia L.by Ultrasonic Wave沙枣花中总黄酮的超声波提取及鉴别
13.Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus Using Elaeagnus angustifolia as a Substitute for Broad-leaved Tree沙枣树代替阔叶树木屑栽培平菇试验
14.Immunoloregulation Effect of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Polysaccharides in Immunosuppressive Mice沙枣多糖对免疫抑制小鼠的调节作用
15.Hardwood Cutting of Elaeagnus moorcroftii with Full Illumination Spray in Xinjiang新疆大沙枣全光照喷雾硬枝扦插试验
16.Analysis on the Genetic Relationships of Chinese Ziziphus with SRAP Markers中国枣属植物亲缘关系的SRAP分析
17.Studies on the Phylogenetic Relationships of Chinese Ziziphus by RAPD Technique中国枣属植物亲缘关系的RAPD分析
18.Our experiment shows that the best percentage of each ing-redient in the jam is:50% of fresh Chinese Jujube,10% of raw juice of Seabuckthorn and 40% of sugar.试验表明:鲜枣50%,沙棘原汁10%,蔗糖40%为最佳配方;

1.RAPD study on inter-species relationships in Calligonum;用RAPD分子标记探讨沙拐枣属的种间关系(英文)
2.Pollen morphology of 11 species of Calligonum L.通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了中国沙拐枣属(Calligonum L。
3)Calligonum sect. Eucalligonum沙拐枣属刺果组
1.In this study, the seed morphology of 11 species of Calligonum sect.利用体视显微镜观察了新疆沙拐枣属刺果组野生的11种植物的种子形态,并编排分种检索表。
4)CalligonumL沙拐枣属(Calligonum L.)
5)Calligonum mongolicum沙拐枣
1.Study on Artificial Introduction and Domestication of Calligonum mongolicum;沙拐枣人工引种驯化研究
2.Photosynthetic characteristics of C_4 desert species Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum under different moisture conditions;C_4荒漠植物梭梭和沙拐枣在不同水分条件下的光合作用特征
3.The growth trait and nutrition dynamic research of Calligonum mongolicum at artificial culture;人工种植沙拐枣生长发育特性及营养动态的研究
6)Calligonum alaschanicum沙拐枣
1.Study on Pelletizing of Calligonum alaschanicum for Aerial Sowing in Desert;沙漠地区飞播沙拐枣种子丸粒化研究
2.The effects of different raw material ratio on disintegration time of Calligonum alaschanicum seed were studied by using the organic-inorganic composite adhesive.合成了有机—无机复合粘结剂,选择沙拐枣为研究对象,通过各种原料配比对崩解时间的影响,确定了种子丸粒化的配方。

沙拐枣【通用名称】沙拐枣【其他名称】沙拐枣 (《中国沙漠地区药用植物》) 【异名】头发草。 【来源】为蓼科植物沙拐枣的根或带果全草。 【植物形态】沙拐枣 灌木,高1~1.5米。老枝灰白色,开展,皮不落,无光泽;一年生枝草质,绿色,有关节,节间长1~3厘米。叶线形,长2~4毫米;托叶鞘膜质,极小。花两性,淡红色,通常2~3朵簇生叶腋;花梗细弱,下部有关节;花被片5,卵形,大小不相等,果期水平伸展;雄蕊12~16,与花被近等长;子房椭圆形,有4棱,花柱4,较短,柱头头状。瘦果宽椭圆形,不扭转或稍扭转,顶端急尖,基部狭窄,连刺毛直径约10毫米,刺分歧,排列为4纵列,较刚硬,棕褐色。 生于砂丘、砂地、戈壁、干河床。分布内蒙古、甘肃、新疆,宁夏等地。 【采集】根夏、秋采挖,全草果熟时采集。 【性味】苦涩,微温。 【功用主治】根治小便混浊;全草治皮肤皲裂。 【选方】①治小便混浊:沙拐枣根五钱至一两。水煎服。 ②治皮肤皲裂:沙拐枣全草,研末,调油膏外涂或煎水外洗。