
1.Studies on the Medicinal Plant Resources of Osmundaceae,Gleicheniaceae and Dennstaedtiaceae in Guizhou黔产紫萁科、里白科、碗蕨科药用植物的资源研究
2.type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa to Maylasia and New Zealand.里白科的模式属;薄囊蕨,具无柄的孢子囊群;产于南非至马来西亚和新西兰。
3.The message Pronnikov imparted was clear to Levchenko.列夫钦科心里很明白普洛尼科夫讲话的用意。
4.15 cases of treating unknown Leukopenia Reducing of Gynecology by inject- ing in Zusanli AeuPoint足三里穴位注射治疗妇科患者不明原因白细胞减少15例
5."The heat in the day. The cool evenings.“白天热,夜里凉。
6.Jericho II missile杰里科- ii型导弹
7.Now Draco Malfoy, in Madam Malkin's the first time: "a boy with a pale, pointed face."再看德拉科?马尔福第一次出现在摩金夫人的店里:“一个面色苍白,瘦削的年轻人。”
8.Three afternoons a week Mrs. Scott and Brandtner received the children, welcoming them into Bethune's large living room.每星期三个下午,斯科特夫人和布兰特纳招待孩子们,欢迎他们到白求恩的宽敞的客厅里去。
9.Igor Azaryonok said Tuesday in Minsk that his country does not have the types of weapons the U.S. missile defense systems are designed to destroy.阿扎里耶诺科星期二在明斯克说,白俄罗斯没有美国导弹防御系统设计摧毁的武器类型。
10.If the President of the United States needs to talk to Moscow in secret he can use the hot line, actually a direct teleprinter link betweenthe White House and the Kremlin.如果美国总统需要与莫斯科秘密通话,他可使用热线,即白宫与克里姆林宫之间的电传专线。
11.Strutting and dancing across the disco floor in his white suit, Travolta became a superstar.片中的他身着白西装昂首阔步,在迪斯科舞池里劲舞,已然成为超级巨星。
12.miles of whitewashed fences.绵延几英里的白色栅栏。
13.in shining white armor.在华丽雪白的盔甲里。
14.Seemed midnight at noonday.仿佛变成白昼里的黑夜。
15.She laced the coffee with brandy.她在咖啡里加了白兰地。
16.You know whom I mean.Hey, don't blush."您心里明白,哙,别烧盘。”
17.Here I watched the dawn.我在这里看着东方发白。
18.Briand Kellog Pact白里安凯洛格非战公约

Hicriopteris glauca里白
1.A New ent-Kauranoid Diterpenoid from Hicriopteris glauca(Gleicheniaceae)蕨类植物里白中一个新的对映-贝壳杉烷型二萜化合物(英文)
3)the spoken part科白
1.The Sweater of Grandfather and Grandchild,written by Zhang Guobing in Yuan Dynasty is identical with The Anthology of Yuan Dramas,complied by Zang Maoxun in the Story details,but they are different from the spoken parts.元人张国宾所作《公孙汗衫记》与臧懋循收入《元曲选》的《合汗衫》在情节内容上大体一致,但在科白的有无及详略上却截然不同。
4)Coriolis[英][,k?:ri'?ulis][美][,k?ri'ol?s, ,kor-]科里奥利
1.Application of Coriolis Mass Flowmeter in Automatic Flavoring System;科里奥利质量流量计在烟草自动加香系统中的应用
2.Fluid Viscosity Measurement Methods with Coriolis Mass Flowmeter and Affection Factors Analysis;采用科里奥利质量流量计的流体粘度测量方法及影响因素研究
3.A fluid viscosity measuring method and the design of its measuring system based on the Coriolis mass flowmeter;采用科里奥利质量流量计的流体黏度测量方法及装置设计
5)E. J. CoreyE.J.科里

科里试剂分子式:PCC C5H5NH·CrO3Cl- CAS号:性质:又称氯铬酸吡啶盐。熔点205℃(分解),黄橙色晶体,在空气中稳定。在低温下将吡啶加至铬酐的盐酸溶液中制取。在有机合成中用于将醇氧化成醛或酮的氧化剂;醇分子中含有碳碳双键时,后者不受影响。