1.Sageretia are fine plants with medical and ornamental value.雀梅藤属植物是优良的药用和观赏植物。
2)Sageretia gracilis细雀梅藤
3)Sageretia theezans Brongn雀梅藤
1.The pigment was extracted from the edible fruit of Sageretia theezans Brongn by using 0.1%HCl-70%乙醇(体积分数)水溶液从可食的雀梅藤果实中提取食用色素,并对该色素的理化性质和稳定性进行了研究。

1.Study on Extraction and Properties of Edible Pigment from the Fruit of Sageretia thea (Osbeck) Johnst可食雀梅藤果实色素的提取及理化性质研究
2."I've never painted dead wisteria and winter birds before. This is a new picture with a new poem.枯藤寒雀从未有,既作新画,又作新诗。
3.Any of various tropical Old World birds of the genus Estrilda and related genera, having a short, often brightly colored waxy beak.梅花雀几种梅花雀属及相关属的热带东半球鸟类之任一种,有短而常带明亮颜色的蜡状喙
4.Studies on Extraction, Isolation and Bioactivity of Dihydromyricetin in Ampelopsis Grossendentata;藤茶中二氢杨梅素的提取、分离和功能研究
5.Conditions and Parameters for Extraction of Flavones of Tengcha藤茶黄酮及二氢杨梅素提取条件的优化
6.Effect of ampelopsis of ampelopsis grossedentata on duck hepatitis B virus藤茶双氢杨梅树皮素抗鸭乙肝病毒的实验研究
7.I loved how Concha Y Toro dared to 6)mass market the Cab/Merlot combo.孔雀酒厂敢大量行销卡本内和梅洛的混合酒,正合我意。
8.Preliminary Study on Extraction of Dihydromyricetin from Ampelopsis with Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Technology and the Inhibition Experiment;超临界CO_2流体技术萃取藤茶中二氢杨梅素及抑菌活性的研究
9.Purification of Dihydromyricetin from Tengcha and Preliminary Study on Its Metallic Complexes;藤茶中二氢杨梅素的纯化及金属配合物的初步研究
10.A Feminist Interpretation and Reconstruction of Primitive Myth of the Literary Creation of May Sarton;梅·萨藤的文学创作对原始神话的女性诠释与重构
11.Expression of Apoptosis-related Oncogenes of wptp53 on the Growth of Human Lung Cancer Line A549藤茶双氢杨梅树皮素对A549肺癌细胞凋亡相关基因wptp53表达的影响
12.Anti-Tumor Effects of Ampelopsin on Human Lung Cancer A549 Implanted in Nude Mice藤茶双氢杨梅树皮素对荷A549肿瘤裸鼠的治疗作用
13.Experimental Study of Anti-Tumor Effect of Ampelopsin on Hela,A2780 Cells藤茶双氢杨梅树皮素对Hela细胞及A2780细胞增殖的抑制作用
14.homeysuckle stem双花藤,忍冬藤,金银花藤
15.Of, relating to, or having the nature of vines.藤生植物藤的、关于藤的或有藤属性的
16.finches: goldfinches; bullfinches; chaffinches; siskins; canaries; cardinals; grosbeaks; crossbills; linnets; buntings.雀类;金翅雀;红腹灰雀;花鸡;金雀;金丝雀;主红雀;松雀;交嘴雀;红雀;颊白鸟。
17.A bird of the order Passeriformes.雀形目鸟雀形目的鸟
18.type genus of the Fringillidae: chaffinch, brambling.雀科的模式属:花鸡,燕雀。

Sageretia gracilis细雀梅藤
3)Sageretia theezans Brongn雀梅藤
1.The pigment was extracted from the edible fruit of Sageretia theezans Brongn by using 0.1%HCl-70%乙醇(体积分数)水溶液从可食的雀梅藤果实中提取食用色素,并对该色素的理化性质和稳定性进行了研究。
4)Estrilda; waxbills梅花雀属
5)Estrida amandava(红)梅花雀
6)avadavat;avadavat finch梅花雀

雀梅藤【通用名称】雀梅藤【其他名称】雀梅藤 (《广西药植名录》) 【来源】为鼠李科植物雀梅藤的嫩枝叶。 【植物形态】雀梅蓐,又名:对节刺、对角刺、碎米子、沙穷勒、米碎木。 常绿或半常绿攀援状灌木。小枝具针刺。叶对生,卵形以至广椭圆形,长1~4厘米,宽1~1.5厘米,先端钝,有小尖,基部圆形或近心形,下面叶脉显著,两面无毛,仅叶柄正面两边有毛;托叶早落。花形小,白色,芳香,有长柔毛,排列成顶生而呈穗状分枝的圆锥花序;花萼5,花瓣5,兜状,花盘杯状,5裂。果实紫黑色,近于球形,径约5毫米。花期9~10月。果熟期翌年4~5月。 通常栽作绿篱。分布江苏、浙江、福建、江西、广东、广西等地。 本植物的根(雀梅藤根)亦供药用,另详专条。 【功用主治】治疥疮,漆疮,水肿。 《广西药植名录》:"祛毒,生肌。治疮疥。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两,或入丸剂。外用:煎水熏洗。 【选方】治水肿:雀梅藤二层皮。朱砂一钱五分,绿豆粉一两。研末为丸如梧子大。每服七丸,开水送下。(福建)