1.The features of pollen morphology of the 2 speciesshow that the pollen of Lowiaceae can be consi.使用扫描电镜及光学显微镜观察了国产兰花蕉科2种植物(兰花蕉及长萼兰花蕉)的花粉形态。
1.Chromosome Numbers of Orchidantha (Lowiaceae);兰花蕉属植物染色体新计数
3)Orchidantha chinensis兰花蕉
1.Karyotypes of endangered plant Orchidantha chinensis(Lowiaceae)濒危植物兰花蕉的核型研究
2.Embryologicalfeaturesof threatenedOrchidantha chinensis werestudiedwiththehelpof a Leitzmicroscope.兰花蕉(OrchidanthachinensisT。
3.The ovary locule of Orchidantha chinensis is closed at the top and extendsupwards to form prolongation that is solid and penetrated by the stylar canals andgynopleural enctary ducts.兰花蕉(Orchidanthachinensis)的子房室顶部闭合后向上延长成延长部,实心,但有花柱沟和隔膜蜜腺管通过。
4)Orchidantha Larson老挝兰花蕉
5)Orchidantha longisepala长萼兰花蕉
6)orchid resources in China兰科花卉
1.Therefore, it is very urgent and necessary to study on conservation and utilization of orchid resources in China.中国兰科花卉资源十分丰富,但大多为珍稀濒危植物,全面地开展中国兰科花卉的保护与利用研究,显得十分迫切和必要。

1.Study on Conservation and Utilization of Orchid Idioplasmic Resources in China;中国兰科花卉种质资源的保护与利用研究
2.Current Situations and Utilization of Orchid Plants in Nanyang;南阳市兰科植物花卉资源现状及利用
3.Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach- Polska波兰果树花卉研究所
4.A Discuss on the Development of Flower Industry in Yunnan Province in the Light of the Successful Experience of Dutch Flower Industry从荷兰花卉业的成功经验论云南花卉产业的发展
5.Orchid Status and Development of Floriculture Trade in the World;兰花在全球花卉贸易中的地位及发展动态
6.Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes.人造花卉不仅用于陈设,也用于科研。
7.The Construction of Technical Foundation Platform for Forestry and Flowers Germplasm Resources;林木和花卉种质资源科技基础平台建设
8.Research on Countermeasures and Problems of Science Technology Information Field in China Flower Industry;中国花卉业信息科技发展问题及对策研究
9.Scientific and technological strategies for developing flower industry of Jiangsu Province after joining WTO;加入WTO后江苏省花卉业发展的科技对策
10.Wild Flower Plant Resources of Liliaceae in Henan and Their Ornamental Evaluation河南百合科野生花卉植物资源及观赏评价
11.Development of the flower industry in Fujian Ⅲ.Mode of high-tech garden for flower industry in Xiamen;福建省花卉产业发展研究 Ⅲ.闽台(厦门)花卉产业高科技园运作模式分析
12.The Exploration of the Way to Develop Flower Industry on the Basis of Experience from Tobacco Industry--Countermeasures to Accelerate Technological Innovation of Flower Industry in Yunnan;从烟草产业发展经验看花卉业的发展途径——加快云南花卉产业科技创新的对策
13.paint flowers, a girl, a landscape画花卉、 女孩、 风景
14.The Dutch Floriculture Industry: Collaboration within the Chain and Adaptation to Novel Technologies as Factors of Success荷兰花卉业的成功因素:产业链内的合作和新技术的运用(英文)
15.New Zealand flower industry-With special reference to wintersweet introduction and commercialization;新西兰花卉产业——特别关注蜡梅的引进和商品化(英文)
16.Dessert-Type Cultivars of Blackcurrant(Ribes nigrum L.)-New Breeding Aiming at the RIPF,Skierniewice,Poland鲜食型黑穗醋栗品种—波兰果树和花卉研究所新的育种目标(英文)
17.The Impact of Flower Certification on the Development of Chinese Floral Industry;花卉认证对我国花卉产业发展的影响
18.Plants belong to clematis genus of buttercup family are popular in the world.毛茛科铁线莲属植物为风行世界的园艺花卉品种;

1.Chromosome Numbers of Orchidantha (Lowiaceae);兰花蕉属植物染色体新计数
3)Orchidantha chinensis兰花蕉
1.Karyotypes of endangered plant Orchidantha chinensis(Lowiaceae)濒危植物兰花蕉的核型研究
2.Embryologicalfeaturesof threatenedOrchidantha chinensis werestudiedwiththehelpof a Leitzmicroscope.兰花蕉(OrchidanthachinensisT。
3.The ovary locule of Orchidantha chinensis is closed at the top and extendsupwards to form prolongation that is solid and penetrated by the stylar canals andgynopleural enctary ducts.兰花蕉(Orchidanthachinensis)的子房室顶部闭合后向上延长成延长部,实心,但有花柱沟和隔膜蜜腺管通过。
4)Orchidantha Larson老挝兰花蕉
5)Orchidantha longisepala长萼兰花蕉
6)orchid resources in China兰科花卉
1.Therefore, it is very urgent and necessary to study on conservation and utilization of orchid resources in China.中国兰科花卉资源十分丰富,但大多为珍稀濒危植物,全面地开展中国兰科花卉的保护与利用研究,显得十分迫切和必要。

兰花蕉兰花蕉介绍 兰花蕉 (Orchidentha chinensis T. L.Wu)科属: 芭蕉科 别名: 形态特征: 多年生草本,高约45厘米;根茎横生。叶二列,椭圆状披针形,长22-30厘米,宽7-9厘米,先端渐尖,基部楔形,稍不延,横脉双格状,稠密,干进十分清楚;叶柄长14-18厘米。花紫色,1-2朵自根茎生出;苞片长圆形,长35-7厘米,位于花葶上部的较长,下部的较小,萼片长圆披针形长9。5厘米,宽15-2厘米;唇瓣线形,长9厘米,基部宽8毫米,先端渐尖,具小尖头,中部稍收缩;侧生的2枚花瓣长圆形,长约2厘米,先端有长约5毫米的长芒;雄蕊5,花药长1厘米;子房顶端延长呈柄状的部分长2厘米,花柱和花药等长,柱头3,其中1枚较长,长8毫米,其余2枚稍短,先端具细锯齿,背面具%26quot;V%26quot;形附属物。蒴果卵圆形。分布与习性:产于广东信宜和广西上思十万大山。生于海拔约370米沟谷林中。分布区年平均温22,1月平均温14,年平均降水量约1600毫米。本植物喜温、湿,耐阴。多生于枯落叶层较厚,土壤深厚、肥沃、排水良好的沟谷山坡。花期3月,果期7月。繁殖与栽培:春夏间切割带芽的横生根茎,进行无性繁殖,植于有适当荫蔽、土壤肥沃、排水良好的沟谷山坡。应用:濒危种。本种为蕉科兰花亚科在我国之代表种,数量少,分布极为局限,是稀有植物。对研究我国植物区系及蕉科分类系统均有研究价值。根茎民间用作清热药。图片: