1.Study on the Family Styracaceae in the Qinling Mountain;秦岭野茉莉科(Styracaceae)植物研究
2.Study on Plant Resources Utilization of Styracaceae in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve福建武夷山国家级自然保护区野茉莉科植物资源利用前景
3.The genera of Styracaceae from Asia are classified with methods of cluster statistic analysise.用聚类分析的最短距离法,最长距离法,中间距离法,重心法,类平均法等5种方法对亚洲野茉莉科的属进行了分类。

1.Study on Plant Resources Utilization of Styracaceae in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve福建武夷山国家级自然保护区野茉莉科植物资源利用前景
2.Gentianaceae; Apocyanaceae; Asclepiadaceae; Loganiaceae; Oleaceae; Salvadoraceae.龙胆科;夹竹桃科;马钱科;木犀科;刺茉莉科。
3.a caryophyllaceous genus of the family Nyctaginaceae having only one species.紫茉莉科的一个属,只有一个种。
4.Nice week--Jasmine大周末--茉莉时尚
5.The Effects of GA_3 Soaking and Stratification on the Germination of Styrax japonicus Seeds赤霉素浸种与层积时间对野茉莉种子萌发的影响研究
6.trees and shrubs having berries or drupes or capsules as fruits; sometimes placed in the order Oleales: olive; ash; jasmine; privet; lilac.乔木和灌木科具有浆果或核果或蒴果;橄榄;岑树;茉莉;女贞;丁香。
7.Jasmine tea has a sweet smell.茉莉花茶,香气馥郁。
8.Emily, what kind of report is this?艾茉莉,这是什么鬼报告?
9.Oolong tea or jasmine tea?乌龙茶还是茉莉花茶?
10.The Formation and Circulation of the Folk Song The Jasmine;茉莉花开香四溢──江苏民歌《茉莉花》的形成与传播
11.Milly and molly took an immediate liking to Alf.米莉和茉莉很快喜欢上了阿尔法。
12.Milly and Molly discussed the issue fervently.蜜莉和茉莉热烈讨论那问题。
13.shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate Old World: jasmine; jessamine.主要在热带和温带的旧大陆的灌木和木本攀缘植物;茉莉;茉莉属。
14.Studies on the Microencapsulated of Jasmin Essential Oil and Its Application in Scented Tea;茉莉精油的微胶囊化及其在茉莉花茶中的应用研究
15.Any of several plants or shrubs having fragrant flowers.茉莉任何一种开芳香花朵的灌木
16.The perfume obtained from these plants.茉莉香料从此种植物中提炼的香料
17.That's great. I love the flavor and the fragrance of it.太好了。我喜欢茉莉花茶的味道和香味。
18.Food additive--Jasmine concreteGB6779-1986食品添加剂茉莉浸膏

Styrax japonicus Sieb野茉莉花
1.Volatile components in the flower of Styrax japonicus Sieb.研究了贵州产野茉莉花的芳香成分,用固相微萃取技术提取野茉莉花的香气成分,用气相色谱-质谱联用技术进行了分析测定,共鉴定出37个化学成分,占挥发油色谱总峰面积的92。
1.A Discussion on the Name Correction of “Yemoli”;关于订正“野茉莉”一名的商榷
5)Styrax tonkinensis东京野茉莉
1.Analysis of Wood Properties of Styrax tonkinensisand Its Utilization;东京野茉莉木材性质分析与利用
2.Extraction of Fruit Oil from Styrax tonkinensis and Preparation of Bio-diesel;东京野茉莉油的提取及其制备生物柴油的初步研究
3.Bioenergy Tree Species Styrax tonkinensis and Its Cultivation Techniques;优良生物质能源树种东京野茉莉及其培育技术
6)Styrax tonkinesis东京野茉莉
1.The Test Raising Seedling and Afforestation of Styrax tonkinesis;东京野茉莉育苗和造林试验
2.Studies on the Nutrient Composition of Styrax tonkinesis Seed;东京野茉莉种子油营养成分研究

野茉莉植物名称:野茉莉别  名:齐墩果英文名:未知 [补充]拉丁名:Styraxjaponicus科  名:野茉莉科属  名:野茉莉属适应地区:产中国秦岭和黄河以南地区,朝鲜、日本也有。生态分类:木本植物>常绿乔木类观赏分类:观花类高度范围:10(M)形态特征:叶互生,椭圆形或卵状椭圆形。花单生叶腋,或2-4朵成总状花序,下垂;花白色,芳香,花期6-7月。果卵形,果熟期9-10月。生长习性:喜光,稍耐阴;喜湿润、肥沃、深厚而疏松富腐殖质土壤,耐旱、忌涝。繁殖培育:播种繁殖。景观用途:野茉莉树形优美,花朵下垂,盛开时繁花似雪。园林中用于水滨湖畔或阴坡谷地,溪流两旁,在常绿树丛边缘群植,白花映于绿叶中,饶有风趣。花、叶、果均可药用。