1.Study on the Volatile, Characteristic Floral Fragrance Components of Chinese Cymbidium中国兰花挥发及特征花香成分研究
2.Development of new SSR markers from EST of SSH cDNA libraries on rose fragrance基于差减cDNA文库EST信息的月季花香突变体SSR标记的开发

1.Fragrance can bring the joy, especially as flowers bloom in the spring time, the fragrance of flowers, glasses, and earth spread over the world.香会带来喜悦,尤其当春天百花盛开时,真是花香、香,人间香,香香呼应。
2.All the perfumes of the island came rushing in on the wind, orange, lemon blossoms, grapes, flowers.全岛的香气都随风飘米了,冲未了:柑橘花香,葡萄花香,山花香
3.scent the flowers, the silks, the wines;当你嗅到了花香、绸香和酒香;
4.An oil or a perfume obtained from the flowers of this tree.依兰花香精油或香水从这种树的花中提取的香精油或香水
5.Yes,it is. And the scented tea smells of flowers,such as jasmine tea and plum tea.是的。花茶有花香,比如说茉莉花茶和梅花茶。
6.I smelt the flowers in her hand and asked half in words,我嗅着花香,一半用语言
7.The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.轻风送来一阵花香
8.a room redolent of roses弥漫着玫瑰花香的房间.
9.The faint smell of flowers lay on the air.空气里带着淡淡的花香
10.The smell of blossom weighed down the air.空气中有浓郁的花香
11.A breeze wafts the smell of roses.微风吹送玫瑰花香气。
12.fragrant herbs, flowers, etc香的药草、 花等.
13.The handsomest flower is not the sweetest.最美的花并非最香的花。
14.Hesperis oreophila f.bicolor,a new form of Hesperis from Hebei香花芥属一新变型——二色雾灵香花芥
15.Any of various shrubs of the genus Syringa, especially S.vulgaris, widely cultivated for its clusters of fragrant purplish or white flowers.丁香花属植物一种丁香属紫香花植物,尤指西洋醒香,因其束状紫色或白色芳香花朵而广为栽培
16.Eastern Pacific Circuits (HK) Ltd瑞花电路(香港)有限公司
17.The flowers send forth fragrance.这些花散发出香味。
18.Jasmine tea has a sweet smell.茉莉花茶,香气馥郁。

fragrant (=sweet) flowers香花
3)Huaxiang A花香A
1.Breeding and Utilization of Aromatic CMS Line Huaxiang A with Good Grain Quality and a Salmon Pink Glume Marker in Rice具橙红色颖壳标记性状的优质香稻不育系花香A的选育与利用
4)Potpourri of clove丁香花香
5)floral compound花香香精
6)A flowery perfume.花香型香水

花香鼓舞  中国汉族民间舞蹈。流行于江苏北部的邗江县、江都县一带,大约是从唐代一种祭祀活动"香火会"发展而来的。舞蹈时香烟缭绕、钟鼓齐鸣,充满神秘色彩。此舞主要是女子独舞,表演者头戴唐代样式的凤冠,上身着窄袖霞披,下穿百折裙。舞蹈时左手执鼓,右手拿鼓鞭,边打边舞,主要用打击乐器伴奏。舞起来头摆脚晃,腰胯扭摆,不瘟不火,很有特点。舞蹈动作有"金鸡独立"、"凤凰点头"、"仙鹤伸腿"和"风摆荷叶"等。