1.Advances in ecological restoration of quarry escarpment.;采石场石壁生态恢复研究进展
2.The Characteristics of Natural Vegetation on the Escarpment of Abandoned Quarries in Early Restoration采石宕口石壁植被自然恢复初期特征

1.Island Hostel [boys' home]石壁宿舍〔男童院〕
2.(of a cliff,rock-face,etc)rising very steeply(指悬崖、石壁等)陡峭的,壁立的
3.The Characteristics of Natural Vegetation on the Escarpment of Abandoned Quarries in Early Restoration采石宕口石壁植被自然恢复初期特征
4.We slowly made our way up a slope of rock walls, ledges and loose rock.我们慢慢地爬上一面斜坡,坡上净是石壁、出的岩壁及松落的石块。
5.Ted King went over into the space before the marble fireplace.特德·金走到大理石壁炉的前面。
6."He points at the wall, and says' Drive Slowly.' "他指着石壁读道:'慢速行驶!'
7.After what seemed a long time I was trapped in the rock.仿佛过了很久,我给困在石壁上了。
8.Every crevice was sprouting grass and even small wildflowers.石壁的裂缝里长满了野草甚至小野花。
9.The force of the blast dashed him against the wall of the cave.狂风的威力把他猛撞在山洞石壁上。
10.marbleize the fireplace.使壁炉成大理石花纹。
11.hard rock coring tool坚硬岩石井壁取心器
12.Well known grotto murals, tomb paintings, stone carvings, brick carvings and lacquer paintings were produced during that period,这一时期的石窟壁画、墓室壁画、石刻、砖刻以及漆画等都已蔚然可观,
13.The Artistic Characteristics of Kizil Rock Cave "Jataka" Frescos and Their Influence on the Rock Cave Frescos of Inland;克孜尔石窟“本生”壁画的艺术特色及对内地石窟壁画的影响
14.Father put some dry wood on the hearthstone.父亲将一些乾材放到壁炉底石上。
15.frieze of cement, concrete or artificial stone水泥、混凝土或人造石料制壁缘
16.fender (fireplae), of natural stone (excl. slate)围栏(壁炉),天然石料(不包括板岩)制
17.Calculation method of tube thickness in tube heaters for petrochemical enterprises石油化工管式炉炉管壁厚计算方法
18.Blasting reverberated by quarry walls.采石场的墙壁回响着爆炸声

Rock Carving at Shek Pik石壁石刻
3)beautification of the cliff石壁美化
4)cave painting石窟壁画
