中医文化,TCM culture
1)TCM culture中医文化
1.How to Understand TCM Culture in Cultural Globalization在文化全球化背景下如何理解中医文化
2.The TCM culture s dual structure is the unity of opposites between its feature of era and historical limitations,such as closing and opening,exclusion and inclusion,dispersion and stability.中医文化的二元结构是指其所反映的时代特征与其历史局限性的对立统一 ,主要体现在三个方面 :封闭性与开放性的对立统一、排斥性与包容性的对立统一、稳定性与离散性的对立统一。
3.TCM culture is typically a culture of agriculture,and classic Chinese medicine is a natural medicine arising from the fight for survival,with the ancient philosophy about substance.中医文化是典型的农业文化,古典中医是在自然生存中形成与发展的自然医学,以中国古代关于物的哲学为理论基础。

1.How to Understand TCM Culture in Cultural Globalization在文化全球化背景下如何理解中医文化
2.Cultural Connotations and the Translation of Traditional Chinese Medical Texts: With the titles of some ancient rare books as a case in point;论中医文化内涵对中医英译的影响——中医药古籍善本书目译余谈
3.Quest for Similarities between Traditional Culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine -an Interview with Professor XUE Gong-chen from TCM Research Center of Nanjing University of Tradition Chinese Medicine;探寻传统文化与中医药学的契合点——访南京中医药大学中医文化研究中心薛公忱教授
4.Linguistic-cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Medicine and English Translation of Chinese Medicine;论中西医学语言文化差异与中医英译
5.Differences in Chinese and Western Culture:Medical System,Ethics and Security of Medical Care中西文化差异:医学体系、医学伦理及医疗保障
6.Developing Cultural Essence and Promoting the Sustained Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine;弘扬传统中医药文化 提升中医药高校办学实力
7.Will Traditional Chinese Medicine Practices and Pharmaceuticals Have Role in Future Medicine and What Will It Take to Globalize?中医药在未来医学中的角色及如何全球化?(英文)
8.The Effect of Chinese Traditional Ethical Civilization on Chinese Doctors;中国传统伦理文化对中国医生的影响
9.The Traditional Chinese Medical Culture in the English Versions of A Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》英译本中的中医药文化现象
10.Contact with Western culture and medicine did not put an end to TCM.与西方文化和医学的接触并没有终结传统中医。
11.The Analysis of Ancient Chinese Female Doctors Based on the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine中国古代女医兴衰之医政文化制度探析
12.The Cultural Feature and Comparing with The Cross-culturally of The Clinical Psychology Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医临床心理学理论的文化特质与跨文化比较
13.The TCM Literature Study of Syndrome and Therapeutic Principles Research on Alcoholic Hepatic Fibrosis (Jiu Pi);酒精性肝纤维化(酒癖)的中医文献研究
14.Contents of Medical Culture in Yuewei Cottage Notes;试析《阅微草堂笔记》中的医药文化内容
15.The Roles and Practices of Cultural Development in Teaching Hospitals文化建设在教学医院中的作用及实践
16.Differentiation and Development of Chinese Medicine in the Background That Poly-cultures Collide Each Other中医学在多元文化碰撞背景下的分化与发展
17.Discussion on culture management of large scale general hospital in preparatory time探讨现代化大型综合性医院筹建中的文化管理
18.Emphasizing Humanity Education in the Modern Library Construction of Medical Colleges and Univesities医学院校现代化图书馆构建中应强化人文教育

traditional Chinese medicine culture中医文化
1.Through analysis of the connotation changes of traditional Chinese medicine culture in eras and the conflict between culture and modern society,the article has explained the underlying causes of the many misperceptio.通过分析中医文化内涵的时代变化,以及与现代社会文化之间的冲突,解释了诸多误解中医的内在原因,提出了发展中医文化的对策及建议,对中医药学术进步有启迪和警醒意义。
3)the traditional Chinese medical culture中医药文化
1.The author takes the traditional Chinese medical culture in the English versions of A Dream of Red Mansions as an example and believes that the translator must both consider the characteristics of the traditional Chinese medical language and maintain the literary flavor of the novel .以古典文学名著《红楼梦》为例,翻译小说中的中医药文化现象,既要体现中医药术语的特殊性,又要保持小说应有的文学色彩。
4)traditional culture of Chinese Medicine中医药传统文化
5)study of traditional Chinese medical culture中医文化研究
1.Since 1970s, the study of traditional Chinese medical culture has been carried out, which has gone through three stages: separate exploration, collective study and separate essay writing.自上世纪70年代末以来,我校开展了中医文化研究,至今已经历了分散探索———集体攻关———分散著述3个阶段,取得了可观的成就,并产生一定的影响,但也存在明显的不足和缺陷,有待总结经验教训,把这一研究工作提升到新的高度。
6)TCM intercultural communication中医跨文化交流
1.Generally speaking, TCM intercultural communication study requires conscious under.中医跨文化交流可远溯至唐、宋时期,当时的汉文化是强势文化,中医跨文化交流是在所根植文化土壤随同迁移的情况下,移植到日本、韩国和亚洲其他国家,这种移植很具有生命力。

上海中医学院中医图书目录上海中医学院中医图书目录 中医工具书。上海中医学院图书馆编。此书共收截止至1979年6月底以前上海中医学院图书馆所藏中医图书9034种。全书分20类编排,即医药卫生的方针政策、中国医学史、中医学基础、中医诊断学、中草药学、方书方剂学、经络针灸学、推拿学、中医骨伤科学、中医内科学、中医妇产科学、中医儿科学、中医外科学、中医五官科学、外治及其他治法、综合性医书、医案医论医话、中医法医学、中医兽医学、工具书、丛书全书。著录方式按书名、卷数、撰年、作者(包括字、号、别名)、著述方式、作者籍贯、版本等项。书末附有书名索引、人名索引。1980年上海中医学院印行。