语言障碍,language barrier
1)language barrier语言障碍
1.The significance and effect of treatise publication,surmounting language barrier and correct understanding of theses quality indexes are demonstrated.阐明了公开发表论文、克服语言障碍和正确认识论文质量指标的重大意义和作用。
2.We can remove the language barriers brought by the culture differences only when we learn and understand the language and its related culture and background.只有了解所学语言及其国家相关的文化和背景知识,才能消除文化差异带来的语言障碍,从容跨过文化沟。
3.Furthermore,the psychological and language barriers in his words were also very prominent.其作品具有浓厚的自我心理分析色彩,其创作中的心理障碍与语言障碍也十分突出。

1.He has got over the language barrier .他已克服了语言障碍
2.How do you deal with the language barrier?你如何克服语言障碍呢?
3.On Language Barriers and Non-language Barriers in Interpretation;试论口译过程中的语言障碍和非语言障碍
4.Source-Exploration on Psychological and Language Barrier In Kafka s Creation;卡夫卡创作中的心理障碍与语言障碍探源
5.Pathological Study of Speech Problems in Second Language Acquisition;SLA口语问题与语言障碍对比研究
6.Evaluation on application of speech therapy for cerebral apoplexy patients complicated with language disorders语言治疗在脑卒中语言障碍病人中的应用评价
7.The Language Barrier(产品跨国销售中的)语言障碍
8.Language Disturbance of Autistic Children and Its Causes;自闭症儿童的语言障碍及其形成原因
9.On the Obstacles to the Implication of Language in Intercultural Communication;论跨文化沟通中的深层语言障碍问题
10.The Mentally Retarded Student Speech Disorder Type Investigation and the Training Countermeasure Study;智障学生语言障碍类型调查及训练对策研究
11.Treatment of Stroke Patients with Dysarthria by Microcomputer-based Speech Training计算机语言障碍诊疗系统对脑卒中构音障碍的治疗作用
12.athetotic speech手足徐动性言语障碍
13.On Obstructive Vague Utterance in Verbal Communication and Non-verbal Semantic Orientation;语言交际中的障碍性模糊语与非语言语义定位
14.Non-Verbal Barriers and Solutions to English Listening;英语听力理解的非语言性障碍及对策
15.Language Acquisition and the Science-Engineering Students English Learning Barriers;语言习得与理工科学生英语学习障碍
16.But words are sometimes an obstacle, and the heart is clearer than the tongue."但言语有时是个障碍,而心灵比语言更明白。"
17.Is First Language Acquisition an Obstacle to Second Language Learning?;第一语言习得是第二语言学习的障碍吗?
18.On What Hindering the Bilinguals on the One-Language Circumstances and Countermeasures;单一语言环境下双语言者学习障碍及解决措施

language disorder语言障碍
1.One of the hallmark features of children with autism is language barrier,which mainly manifested with lack of visual contact and attention,imitation speech,broad pronunciation problems,poor understanding abilities to speech and abstract questions,deficiency of logicality,spoken language disorder,confusion about the usage of pronouns such as you,I and she or he,etc.语言障碍是孤独症儿童最显著的特征之一,主要表现为与人的目光接触少和专注力弱,学舌式说话,多方面的发音问题,语言理解能力弱,对抽象问题难于理解,缺少逻辑性,语言表达障碍,混淆代名词你/我/他等。
2.Objective:Through examining the ability of acoustic comprehension, visual comprehension and spoken expression of the normal group and groups of patients with different intracranial focal lesions using Language Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Apparatus ZM2.目的: 用自行研发的“语言障碍诊治仪ZM2。
3)language barriers语言障碍
1.The essay mainly elaborates the language barriers and other factors which influence students listening comprehension, and puts forward some effective strategies.结合笔者多年的教学实践和体会 ,着重阐述影响学生听力技能提高的语言障碍及应对的策略。
4)Language disorders语言障碍
1.Background: Patients with language disorders are rather common in our country at present, but the personnels to help rehabilitation are far from need.背景:目前我国语言障碍的患者不少,康复人员不足,国内辅助语言障碍诊治的智能产品缺乏,语言障碍诊治仪ZM2。
5)language obstacles语言障碍
1.Listening comprehension of English is restricted by some language obstacles and non-language obstacles.英语听力理解受到一些语言障碍和非语言障碍的制约。
6)language and speech disorder言语障碍
1.Objective:To explore a effective way to treat cerebral palsy(CP) in children with language and speech disorder by analysis of the therapeutic effect.目的:通过对发音器官运动障碍矫治和构音训练治疗脑瘫儿童言语障碍,探讨有效治疗脑瘫儿童言语障碍的方法。
