中医基础,TCM basis
1)TCM basis中医基础

1.How to Re-recognize Existing Basic Theory System of Traditional Chinese Medicine;如何重新认识中医基础理论现有体系
2.Academic thought of constructing data bank of basic theories of Chinese medicine;中医基础理论数据库的学术建构思路
3.Survey of the Study on Teaching Transformation of Basic Theory of Chinese Traditional Medicine Course;《中医基础理论》课程改革研究现状分析
4."Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Experimental Teaching Reform《中医基础理论》实验课的教学改革思路
5.The Gate of Life as An Important Category to Construct Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine命门是构筑中医基础理论的重要范畴
6.The "Research Character" of the Building of Discipline of the Basic Theory about Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医基础理论学科建设中的“研究性”探讨
7.Application of collaborative learning method in the teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine;合作性学习方法在中医基础教学中的应用
8.The contents include two parts: the basic theory of TCM and the diagnostics of TCM.教学内容包括两部分:中医基础理论与中医诊断学。
9.Charaters of Science and Art Coexist in TCM试论中医学的科学性与艺术性——关于中医基础理论研究方法的思考
10.An Experiment Program on Basic Medicine for Postgraduates of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医研究生基础医学实验课程的研究
11.Inspiration to basic researches of traditional Chinese medicine from the 2001 Nobel Prize2001年诺贝尔医学奖对中医药基础研究的启发
12.Basic Medical Science Curriculum in the Undergraduate Medical Education during the 20~(th) Century;20世纪本科生医学教育中的基础医学课程
13.Application Fundamental Research about the Objective Syndrome Differentiation of Tinnitus;耳鸣中医辨证客观化的应用基础研究
14.Ideological Exploration during the Formation of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医学基础理论形成过程的思想探源
15.Historical Research of The Forming of The Basic Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医学基础理论形成过程的历史研究
16.Discussion on How to Construct Teaching Mode of Tradition Chinese Medical Preliminary Experiment;构建中医学基础实验教学模式的研究
17.Construction and Practice on Laboratory Teaching Centre of Basic Medicine;基础医学实验教学中心的建设与实践
18.Experience of "Solid Evidence" in Basic Medical Science Research;对医学基础研究中“确凿证据”的认识

basic Chinese medicine中医基础学
1.Several suggestions on object teaching of basic Chinese medicine;中医基础学直观性教学的几点建议
3)fundamental Chinese medicine中医学基础
1.Problems in teaching fundamental Chinese medicine for non-medicine majors together with countermeasures;非医类专业中医学基础教学面临的问题及其对策
4)basic theory of traditional chinese medicine中医基础理论
1.Bovine Colostrum Powder(BCP) has some immunological function to human body, In this article we give an account of BCP with basic theory of traditional chinese medicine in order to provide a new vision to search BCP more deeply.牛初乳粉对人体有一定的免疫功效,运用中医基础理论从邪正学说、藏象学说的角度对其进行认识,旨在对牛初乳粉功能的进一步探索提供另一种视角。
2.The essence of traditional Chinese medicine is ecological medicine,so that the research of gastrointestinal flora microecology should be combined with the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.中国传统中医学的本质是生态医学,胃肠道菌群的微生态学研究应注重与中医基础理论的结合。
3.A comparison between discussion in class and conventional teaching mode was made in study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.中医基础理论教学在中医教学中占有重要地位。
5)basic curricula of traditional Chinese medicine中医基础课程
1.Teaching-in-classroom is the major teaching style of basic curricula of traditional Chinese medicine.根据现代教育理论,以每堂课为单元,分析和细化分类中医基础课程教学内容,确定教学目标,建立所有知识点的"内容-目标"二维层次模型。
6)basic theories of Chinese medicine中医基础理论
1.Brief remarks on learning transference in teaching organ manifestation of basic theories of Chinese medicine;浅谈中医基础理论藏象教学中的学习迁移
2.Application of students cognitive manner in the teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine;学生的认知风格在中医基础理论教学中的应用
3.Enhancing research on bilingual teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine;加强中医基础理论教学中的双语教学研究

中医自学丛书·基础中医自学丛书·基础 基础理论著作。杨医亚等编。《中医自学丛书》之一。此书以历年中医院校教材为基础,按照自学的需要编撰而成。书分5章,概述阴阳五行、脏腑和气血津液的生理病理、经络学说以及病因病机与预防、治则等中医学基本内容。1984年由河北科学技术出版社出版。