形神,Form and Spirit
1)Form and Spirit形神
1.Su Shi s Concept of "Form and Spirit" in Painting and the Relationship with Buddhism;苏轼绘画"形神"观及其与佛教的关系
2.The employment of transfarmation contributes much to the vividness of the literary image in both form and spirit and adds to its aesthetic value.变形是文学创作中的普遍规律,是创作构思中主体因素渗入的一种体现,通过变形可以使艺术形象形神兼备,具有较高的审美价值和意义。
3.By the study of hiterature and logic,this paper makes on inuestigation into the ancient study of regrine in Chinese Wushu and the form and spirit in moder Wushu nespectively furthermore,it discusses their relationship and procdures in realizing the combination of the form and spirit.采用文献资料和哲学研究的方法,分别对中华武术中的形与神进行研究,对二者的关系及影响形神兼备的实现程序等问题进行论

1.Variation and Development of Chinese Painting Theory of Shape and Spirit;意得神传 笔神形似——浅析中国画论的形神
2.multiforme glioblastoma多形神经胶质母细胞
3.Fake Dao Cultivates Xing,True Dao Cultivates Shen:Xing and Shen in Xisheng Jing伪道养形,真道养神——《西升经》的形神观探险
4.built to honour the gods)一个被建来供奉诸神的环形神庙)
5.He paid considerable attention to the vivid expressions of the figures to show their spirit.他主张要形神兼备,更重传神。
6.From the Theory of "Spirit being Main and Appearance being Auxiliary" to the Theory of " Spirit being Sole and Appearance being Neglected"--BE on the Change of Taoist Appearance-spirit Theory从“神主形从”说到“略貌取神”观——道家形神观在汉魏六朝之变迁
7.Three Embodiment Forms of "Shape and Mind Theory" about Wushu Routine;武术套路“形神论”的三种表现形态
8.The Spirit of Apollo and Dionysus in "Martin Eden"“马丁·伊登”形象中的“日神”与“酒神”精神
9.The shapes of neuronal cell bodies are spherical, ovoid, pyramial, fusiform, stellate or crescentic.神经元细胞体的形状有圆形,卵圆形,锥形,梭形,星形或半月形。
10.The art of China is written the good with the shape ,Alike in spirit in order to be similar to reaching ,the similar of spirit is more important than that of the shape .中国艺术以形写神 ,以形似达到神似 ,神似重于形似。
11.His feelings had been awakened by the whole scene.整个形势使他精神振奋。
12.malformation of central nervous system中枢神经系统先天畸形
13.encarnalize divinities赋予神灵以人的形性
14.The Origins of the Spirit of Mormons (1847-1890);摩门精神的形成(1847-1890年)
15.A Review of ZhuGe Liang’s Historical and Apotheosized Images;从人到神:对诸葛亮历史形象兼神化形象的考察
16.Quan Yin carries the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect of Buddhism.观音具有女神和神性母亲佛的形象。
17.Study on Forming Condition of Ethnologic and Epochal Spirit;民族精神与时代精神的形成条件探析
18.Agreement of Likeness in Spirit with Likeness in Form in Translation;浅谈翻译“神似”论中“神”与“形”之契合

shape and spirit形神
1.From three aspects, this paper compared the different between Chinese-Western painting art, including the relationship of shape and spirit, space behaving and art means, then, also discussed primarily Chinese-Western culture and philos.本文对中西传统绘画艺术从形神关系、空间表现、艺术手段三方面进行了实践上的比较和理论上的梳理,并对影响艺术实践的中西文化及哲学思想作了初步探讨。
2.Content: From the relations between Transcendence and four circumstances, langue and thoughts, object and mind, shape and spirit, conceiving of image, this thesis discovered the development of Transcendence , defined its meanings, displayed the relation between Transcendence and interrelated items, identified the place of Transcendence.本文从“象外与言意”、“象外与心物”、“象外与形神”、“象外与诗境”四个方面揭示“象外”的发展历程、把握“象外”的意义、显现“象外”与相关范畴的关系、确立“象外”的地位。
3)Body and spirit形神
1.‘Body and spirit’ is a pair of category that indicates the relationship between body and spirit."形神"是标志人的形体与精神关系的一对范畴。
4)divine images神形
1.By systematizing historical documents, paleography and archaeological materials in the open country, the author of this paper, based upon the researches of predecessors, carefully studies the main divine images in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties and arrives at the conclusion that human images, animalimages and invisible images are the original ones of the ban divine images in the two dynasties.文章通过对古文字、古文献及考古材料的爬梳整理,在继承前人研究成果的基础之上,断代、细致地考察了商周时期人们心目中主要神灵的形象,归纳出商周神形演变的三个起点,一为人形,一为动物形。
6)integration of the form and the spirit形神合一
1.Thought of the "integration of the form and the spirit" in HuangDi NeiJing contains abundant concepts of physical and mental medical ideology.《黄帝内经》"形神合一"理论蕴含着丰富的身心医学思想。
