潜在危机,potential crisis
1)potential crisis潜在危机
1.Using the view in coordination theory, the author a nalysed the potential crisis of human culture, the division of human social groups, natural ecologic al deterioration, the exhaustion of resources, pointed out the necessity of human culture coordination.运用协同论的观点 ,分析人类文化的潜在危机 ,人类社会群体的分裂 ,自然生态的恶化 ,资源的耗竭 ,指出为了人类的可持续发展 ,人类文化协同性的必要 ,并按照系统的要素和结构 ,把人类文化的协同关系大致分为 :人与自然、人类群体的协同 ;真、善、美的协同 ;人类不同形态的文化的协同 ;人类文化与个体心理的协同。
2.The result shows that the sustainable development of Shanghai sports in sociology is facing the potential crisis.以上海市 7区县的 471名市民为对象 ,从社会学视角重点探讨影响上海竞技体育可持续发展的潜在因素和基础问题 ,在研究范围内 ,上海竞技体育可持续发展可能会出现社会学方面的潜在危机

1.The Latent Crisis and the Potential Development of Our Country s Legal Program on Television;论我国电视法制节目的潜在危机与潜质开发
2.Mortuary Management and Sustainable Development of Land Resources;土地资源可持续发展的一个潜在危机
3.The analysis on Superiority and Crisis of Chinese Athletics Gymnastics;我国竞技体操运动的优势和潜在危机
4.Talking Elementarily about the Emergence,Development and Potential Crisis of CUBA and the Corresponding Countermeasures;浅谈CUBA的产生、发展和潜在危机及对策
5.If we dip into the future we can see potential dangers ahead.我们稍加探究前景,就会发现有潜在危机
6.Blood Loss from Laboratory and Iatrogenic Anemia:the potential crisis in ICU;实验室检验失血与医源性贫血——ICU的潜在危机
7.Causes of Track and Field Curriculum and Teaching Potential Crisis and Reform Measures;田径课程与教学潜在危机的原因及整改措施
8.Potential Crisis of the Split of Collgec Fund Chain and the Precautions;高校资金链断裂的潜在危机与风险防范
9.Discussion on the Strengths and Potential Crisis of Winning Advantages of the Chinese Men s Competitive Gymnastics;我国男子竞技体操夺标优势与潜在危机分析
10.Behind the Prosperity: the Potential Crises in the Development of Colleges of Local Areas;繁荣的背后——地方高校发展中的潜在危机
11.Latent Crisis of the University Education of China Based on the Source Condition of Students;从生源状况看中国高等教育的潜在危机
13.The Europeans' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers.欧洲国家对非理性政权的绥靖政策,只会让潜在危机恶化。
14.Enlightenment of the decline of ancient Greek Olympic Games on potential crises in the modern Olympic movement;古希腊奥运会的衰落对现代奥林匹克运动潜在危机的启示
15.Analysis on the Underlying Crises and Contributing Factor of Newly-upgraded Universities Enrolment;新升格地方本科院校招生工作潜在危机及成因分析
16.Importance of Developing Circular Economy in View of Potential Crisis of Offshore Environmental Resources;从近海环境资源潜在危机看发展循环经济重要性
17.China s Latent Energy Resource Crisis and Administration of Power Demands;中国潜在的能源危机与电力需求侧管理
18.The WTO and Potential Crisis in Chinese Banking Industry;WTO与我国银行业潜在的危机及对策研究

latent crisis潜在危机
1.New the production capacity of steel plants under construction surpasses the demand of national economy, and is far beyond the supply limits of natural resources, energy and makes environmental protection very difficult and it is the serious latent crisis for Chinese steel industry.目前钢铁工业在建规模超过国民经济发 展需求和资源、能源、环境的承受能力是最大的潜在危机
3)Latent moral crisis潜在道德危机
4)potential damage潜在危害
1.Resting cysts of harmful and toxic dinoflagellates and potential damage of Alexandrium tamarense from Xiamen Bay sediments;厦门湾沉积物中有害有毒甲藻休眠孢囊及塔玛亚历山大藻的潜在危害
5)potential danger潜在危险
1.This paper tries to put forward a proposal for preventing pollution of radioactive wastes through the analysis of potential dangers from the nuclear industrial pollution of radioactive Wastes in Sichuan Provinc本文通过对四川省境内核工业放射性废物污染的潜在危险分析,提出了防止污染的对
6)Potential risk潜在危险
1.This characteristic shows that the potential risk of China s economy is not inflation,but deflation.这一特征表明,中国经济的潜在危险不是通货膨胀,而是通货紧缩。

《潜在抗干扰性理论》  阐述无线电接收设备潜在抗干扰性理论的名著,苏联B.A.卡捷尼柯夫著。1947年作为博士论文在苏联莫斯科动力学院发表,1956年在莫斯科正式出版。全书共13章,分为4个部分。第一部分是阅读本书的预备知识。第二部分叙述离散消息传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了两个离散值信号和多离散值信号下的理想接收机和潜在抗干扰性。第三部分叙述连续消息、参量传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了不同调制方式(调幅、调频、脉冲调制)和不同噪声干扰强度(弱噪声、强噪声干扰)下的系统潜在抗干扰性。第四部分讨论连续消息、波形传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别研究了直接调制、脉冲调制(脉冲调幅、脉冲调位、脉冲调频)和积分调制系统的潜在抗干扰性。这本书是研究最佳接收理论的重要理论著作。