中医发展,TCM development
1)TCM development中医发展
2)development of Chinese medicine中医发展
3)developing Chinese medicine发展中医

1.“Abandoning theoretical system,testing medicines” is the Only Way out for Traditional Chinese Medicine;“废医验药”是发展中医药的必由之路
2.Giving full play to TCM-characterized advantages and developing education for in ternational students at TCM colleges and universities;发挥中医特色优势发展中医院校的对外教育
3.Preparatory Committee on Chinese Medicine中医药发展筹备委员会
4.The Role of Integrative Medicine in the Innovation and Development of Chinese Medicine中西医结合医学在中医药创新发展中的作用
5.Philosophical Speculation on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Development实话中医——中医学及其发展的哲学思考
6.Highlight the characteristics of Chinese Medicine to promote the development of Chinese Medicine hospital突出中医药特色 推动中医院发展
7.Private Hospitals Development Plight and Development Strategy of GuoJi Chinese Medicine Hospital;民营医院发展困境与国济中医院的发展策略
8.Discussion on the Developmental Trend of Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Historical Standpoint of Medical Sciences从医学的发展历程探讨中医药理论发展之路
9.Several Reflects on Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department in General Hospital;关于综合医院中医科发展的若干思考
10.Study on HuangPu of Chinese Medical Hospital Developments Trategy广州市黄埔区中医医院发展战略研究
11.Research for New Medical and Health System Reform and Medicine Industry New Challenges in China“新医改”条件下中国医药产业发展前瞻
12.Chinese Medicine Psychology Development and in Chinese Medicine Gynecology Department Clinical Application;中医心理学的发展及在中医妇科临床中的应用
13.Effect of TCM Literature to Promote the Development of Synthetical Hospitals中医药文献在综合性医院发展中的作用
14.Promoting the development of traditional Chinese medicine cause in college and university libraries of traditional Chinese medicine中医药高校图书馆推进中医药事业发展的思索
15.The course of different schools of Chinese medicine theories should take development of these schools as masterstroke;中医各家学说课程应以中医学派发展为主线——兼论中医学派的“五性”
16.Discussion of Global Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on the Cognitive Differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine从中西医对中医药的认识差异谈中医药在全球的发展
17.The Developed Situation about Domestic-overseas Chinese Traditional Medicine Education and Current Analysis on Tianjin Chinese Traditional Medicine Education国内外中医药教育发展现状与天津中医药教育发展分析
18.Middle-lever cadre is the main power of hospital development.医院中层干部是医院各项事业发展的骨干力量。

development of Chinese medicine中医发展
3)developing Chinese medicine发展中医
4)TCM development中医药发展
5)development of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医学发展
1.Combining syndrome differentiation with disease differentiation is an important method to improve the therapeutic effect and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine.就如何提高中医的临床疗效及临床疗效在中医学发展中的重要作用等采访了金实教授。
6)Chinese medicine developmental strategy中医药发展战略

成都中医学院发展简史成都中医学院发展简史  医史著作。陈先赋主编。本书简要介绍了自1956~1986年30年间成都中医学院的创建与发展史。全书共分为成都中医学院的创建与初期发展、10年动乱时期、成都中医学院的蓬勃发展等3章。书末有成都中医学院部分专家教授介绍、成都中医学院大事年表等附录。1986年由四川省社会科学院出版社出版排印本。