人机互动,man-machine interaction
1)man-machine interaction人机互动
1.3D technique and man-machine interaction in the design of city square;城市广场设计中的3D技术与人机互动
2.A Practice and Exploration on Man-machine Interaction of City Image Monitoring System城市图像监控人机互动的实践与探索
3.Furthermore, it thoroughly explains how to use ASP to develop systems based on B/S structure and the geomatics Industry advantages of Heilongjiang Bureau of Surveying and Mapping to realize man-machine interaction in the whole bureau with the base study of the system of geographic information query and testing.通过对管理信息系统(Manager Information System,以下简称M IS)基本概念与基本特性的简介,分析了M IS在新形式下的地位及作用,进而以“基于B/S模式的地理信息查阅、测试系统”这个具体案例,详细说明了如何利用asp开发基于B/S结构的系统,利用黑龙江测绘局地理信息产业的优势,实现全局的人机互动,使全局职工能够及时便捷地了解和掌握最新的信息动态,更好地发挥创造力和想象力,最大限度地发挥作用。

1.A Practice and Exploration on Man-machine Interaction of City Image Monitoring System城市图像监控人机互动的实践与探索
2.Structuring the Human-computer Interaction Study Platform of Children with Moderate Retardation;构建中度弱智儿童人机互动的学习平台
3.Simple Interactive Personal Computer简单互动个人计算机
4.Design of Human-machine Interaction for Motor Controller of Electric Vehicle电动汽车电机控制器的人机交互设计
5.Build up an Open and Interactive Human Resources-tapping Mechanism;构建开放与互动的人力资源开发机制
6.The study on inherent relationship between Social Capital and Human Capital;社会资本与人力资本的互动机制研究
7.A Human-Robot-Interaction-Based Navigation System for Mobile Service Robot基于人机交互的移动服务机器人导航系统
8.Study and practice of education-research-industry training mechanism for computer major计算机学研产互动人才培养机制的研究与实践
9.Construction of Interactive Mechanism for Adult Education in the Viewsight of Group Dynamics群体动力学视域下成人教育互动机制构建
10.An Interaction Model of Concentration on Talented Persons and Independent Innovation Which Could Use for Reference on Backward Areas;广西“人才小高地”:人才集聚与自主创新互动机制
11.man-computer interaction人机交互,人机对话
12.Inverse Perturbation Method and Human-Computer Interactive Annealing Genetic Algorithm and Their Applications逆摄动法和人机交互退火遗传算法及其应用
13.Study on Interactive Mechanism of Talent Structure and Industrial Structure and Relevant Policies;人才结构与产业结构互动机理及相关政策研究
14.Study on Internet-based Mobile Robot Web Control System;基于互联网的移动机器人网络控制系统研究
15.The Measurement Ststem for Compensating Brake Master Cylinder Based on Man-Machine Interaction;基于人机交互的汽车制动主缸补偿孔测量系统
16.A Study of Human Computer Interaction Based on Dynamic Gesture Recognition;基于动态手势识别的人机交互技术研究
17.Research on Mobile Terminal-oriented Adaptive Human Computer Interaction System;面向移动终端的自适应人机交互系统研究
18.Internet-based Remote Control System for Mobile Robot;基于互联网的移动机器人远程控制系统

human-computer interaction人机互动
3)human-machine interaction人机互动
1.The sound wave energy is used in the amplifying system, and the stochastic human-machine interaction control function is realized.提出了在扩声系统中利用声波能实现随机人机互动控制功能的方法。
4)human computer interaction/inverse perturbation method人机交互/逆摄动
5)Actor's interdynamic mechanism行为人互动机制
6)The Human-Computer Interactive Teaching Mode人机互动协作教学模式
1.The Human-Computer Interactive Teaching Mode constructed in Tongji University,supported by the theories like "comprehensible input","zone of proximal development" and "constructivism",sets modular graded teaching and learning as a premise and employs multi-media and the Internet as a teaching aid,featuring "self-access" and "high involvement".同济大学构建的人机互动协作教学模式依托“可理解输入”理论、“最近发展区”理论和“建构主义”理论,以模块化分级教学为前提,利用多媒体网络辅助教学,突显“自主、参与”两大特点,提升了教学效益,为延伸大学英语发展空间构建了坚实的互动平台。

符号互动  见符号互动论。