1.OBJECTIVE To investigate into the features of TCM symptomatology of children s viral pneumonia.目的研究小儿病毒性肺炎的中医证候学特点。
2.Objective To discuss the relationship between quail model of hyperuricacidemia and Chinese medical symptomatology through the observation on ethology,tongue texture and the quantitative analysis.目的通过观察模型动物行为学表现及舌质变化,并进行量化分析,探讨高尿酸血症鹌鹑模型与中医证候学之间的联系。
3.Based on discussing the etiology and pathogenesis of PD in TCM, the study aims to reveal the PD s symptomatology characters in TCM and optimize the scheme of Bianzheng Fenxing in TCM.本研究在探讨迁延性腹泻的中医病因病机特点的基础上,通过资料调研和临床观察,深入研究迁延性腹泻的中医证候学特征,探讨优化中医辨证分型方案。

1.Using Systems Biology to Promote the Study of Chinese Medicine's Syndrome Theory运用系统生物学促进中医证候学研究
2.Theoretic Research Analyzed by Syndrome in Etiopathogenisis and Pathogenesis of "Toxin" Recorded in 《诸病源候论》有关“毒”的病因病机证候学理论研究
3.Study on TCM Syndromes of Chronic Renal Failure in Early and Medium Stage早中期慢性肾衰竭的中医证候学研究
4.Retrospective Review of TCM Syndrome on Uremic Myocardiopathy尿毒症心肌病中医证候学回顾性调查
5.Analysis on TCM Syndromes of 88 Cases of Narcolepsy88例发作性睡病患者的证候学分析
6.The Study Characters about the Relation between Manifestation of TCM and the Common Pathogen of ALRI of Children;小儿ALRI病原学检测与中医证候学相关性研究
7.Pathogenesis and Syndrome Study of Infantile Anorexia in Traditional Chinese Medcine小儿厌食症的中医病因病机及证候学研究
8.Experimental Study on the Effects of Glucocorticoids on Syndrome Evaluation in Rat Asthma Model at Different Stage of Intervention激素干预哮喘模型大鼠证候学评价的实验研究
9.Study on the Chinese Medicine Syndrome Characteristics and Coronary Artery Lesion Specialty of Female Coronary Heart Disease女性冠心病中医证候学及冠脉病变特点研究
10.TCM symptomatology of chronic kidney disease in the third,fourth and fifth stage慢性肾脏疾病3,4,5期中医证候学的临床研究
11.The Epidemiological Characteristics of TCM Syndrome and the Statistical Model of Syndrome Research of Hypertension高血压病中医证候流行病学特征及证候统计模型研究
12.Clinical epidemiology of TCM syndrome and syndrome element in 1010 patients with bronchitic asthma1010例支气管哮喘患者中医证候及证候要素的临床流行病学调查
13.The Research of Asthenia Cold Syndrome on Symptomatic Rules and Its Metabonomics;虚寒证的证候规律及其代谢组学的研究
14.Biological Basis of Northwest Dry and Cold Syndrome西北寒燥证证候动物模型的生物学基础研究
15.Study and thinking of relationship of syndrome and genomics,proteomics证候与基因组学、蛋白质组学相关研究及其思考
16.The Epidemiology Investigationg about TCM Syndrome for MCI;轻度认知障碍中医基本证候流行病学调查
17.Correlation between Chinese Medicine Symptom and Hematology Index of 160 Old Persons;160例老龄人中医证候与血液学指标相关性研究
18.Construction research methods of Syndrome Study based on artificial neural network1基于人工神经网络的证候研究方法学探讨

1.Objective: To study TCM syndrome characteristics after chemical therapy of tumors.目的:研究肿瘤化疗后中医证候学特点。
2.The essence of syndrome of TCM research is to use modern scientific theory reveals scientific connotation of TCM theory,and clarify the micromechanism of treatment of syndromes and related diseases.基因组学与蛋白质组学的引入有望给证候学研究带来契机。
3)theory of syndrome证候学
4)TCM syndrome证候学
1.Objectives:To evaluate the effects of beforehand treating with cooling and promoting blood circulation Chinese medicine on the pathological changes of rats with radio-pulmonary lesion, and validate its control efficiency on the TCM syndrome.目的评价和验证早期应用凉血活血法对放射性肺损伤的防治效果及其对证候学演变的影响。
2.Objective:To evaluate the effects of pre-treatment of Chinese Medicine with functions of cooling and promoting blood circulation on the pathological changes of rats with radio-pulmonary lesion,and validate its control efficiency on the TCM syndrome.目的:评价和验证早期应用凉血活血法对放射性肺损伤的防治效果及其对证候学演变的影响。
3.Objective To analyze the characteristics of TCM syndromes of narcolepsy.目的探讨发作性睡病的证候学特点及证类分布特征。
5)syndromic characteristic证候学特征
6)syndrome in TCM中医证候学
1.[Methods] The investigation of syndrome in TCM was performed by answering the inquiring paper during the early, middle and late stage.[目的 ]探讨SARS中医证候学表现 ,并观察中西医结合治疗效果。

中医证候鉴别诊断学中医证候鉴别诊断学 赵金铎主编。全书分总论、各论两大部分。总论系统阐述证候的概念、所涵内容、表述形式、分类方法以及证候与病名、症状、治疗的关系等,分析证候变化情况及其类同或疑似之点,并介绍本证辨析、类证鉴别主要原则和方法。各论分全身证候、脏腑证候、温病证候、伤寒证候、专科(妇、儿、外、耳鼻喉、眼)证候,共310条,每一条目均列概述、鉴别、文献选录3项。“概述”先作释名,阐述该证候概念;次为临床主要症状,并提示有关病种。“鉴别”首论同一证候在不同疾病中的特点和区别;次述同一证候因人、因时、因地而出现的不同表现;后为兼挟证候。于类证鉴别中,则以病因、病机、主症、次症、体征(脉、舌)等逐一分析。“文献选录”多引有关证候鉴别,或具独到见解之论述。末附方剂汇编。此书体例新颖,内容丰富,反映当前证候研究的进展水平。1987年由人民卫生出版社出版。