临床指南,Clinical guideline
1)Clinical guideline临床指南
1.Since Chinese medicine has its own theoretical system in diagnosis and treatment,and the integrative Western and Chinese medicine (ICWM) is characterized by complicated intervention,making up a clinical guideline for Chinese medicine or ICWM based on the evidence obtained from modern medical research is apparently not so suitable.临床指南对于规范临床实践具有重要作用。

1.AASLD PRACTICE GUIDELINES:diagnosis,management,and treatment of hepatitis C:an updateAASLD丙型肝炎临床指南(2009)
2.Explicit Priority Setting in Clinical Guidelines: The Next Frontier?明确临床指南的优先点:下一个前沿?
3.The Design and Implement of Clinical Decision Support System Based on Clinical Guideline基于临床指南的临床决策支持系统的设计与实现
4.To Construct the Clinical Guideline of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine Based on Clinical Practical Data以临床实践数据为导向构建中西医结合临床指南的设想
5.Delphi method and its application in research for clinical guidelines of traditional Chinese medicineDelphi法及其在中医临床指南研究中的应用
6.Current status and problems in developing clinical guidelines for Chinese medicine and integrative medicine中医和中西医结合临床指南制定的现状与问题
7.Fast Track Guideline for Colorectal Surgery of West China Hospital in Sichuan University (4)四川大学华西医院肛肠外科·结直肠外科快速流程临床指南(四)
8.Fast Track Guideline for Colorectal Surgery of West China Hospital in Sichuan University (3)四川大学华西医院肛肠外科·结直肠外科快速流程临床指南(三)
9.The quality of guidelines varies considerably," and some are controversial, says a commentary by the journal's national correspondent, Robert Steinbrook.本周新英格兰医学杂志撰文指出美国的许多临床指南经常受到制药业和相关利益集团的影响。
10.The Computerized Clinical Practical Guideline's Research and Implementation计算机化临床实践指南的研究和实现
11.Clinical Practice Guidelines Web Resources and Metadata Analysis临床实践指南网络资源及元数据分析
12.Explanations of the NCCN clinical practice guidelines 2008 on colon cancer2008年版NCCN结肠癌临床实践指南解读
13.NCCN clinical practice guideline:Adult cancer pain 2008NCCN成人癌痛临床实践指南解读
14.Visual Representation of Clinical Guidelines Based on Arden Syntax;基于Arden语言的临床诊疗指南的可视化表达
15.Methodological Study on Development of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline循证性临床实践指南的制定程序与方法研究
16.Unscrambling the international clinical guidelines of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis国际肌萎缩侧索硬化临床实践指南解读
18.Literature quality evaluation criteria for Clinical Practice Guideline of Evidence-based Acupuncture and Moxibustion《循证针灸临床实践指南》文献质量评价标准

clinical guidelines临床指南
1.Progress of revising clinical guidelines in foreign countries and its inspiration to China;国外临床指南修订的进展及对我国的启示
3)clinical guide临床指南
1.Present situation of domestic and foreign research on CHD clinical guide and pondering over clinical guide of Chinese medicine;国内外冠心病临床指南研究现状调查及对中医临床指南的思考
2.Clinical guide is some systemic statements and suggestion developed for medical staffs.临床指南是指经过系统研究所生成的、供医务工作者用来为患者制定最恰当的医疗卫生服务的有关陈述和建议。
4)evidence based guidelines循证临床指南
1.This review is to systematically summarize other countries methodology for developing scientifically sound guidelines,in order to share information and gain experience in developing the evidence based guidelines suited to the clinical situation in China.循证临床指南具有十分重要的临床指导意义,但目前国内尚缺乏自行开发的指南。
5)clinical practice guidelines临床实践指南
1.Nowadays, there have been many clinical practice guidelines that developed in relevant medical websites and medical databases, and the quality of the guidelines varies.目前全球各医疗网站和数据库中有各类各样的临床实践指南,其质量参差不齐。
6)clinical therapeutic guideline临床治疗指南

《临证指南医案》《临证指南医案》 《临证指南医案》   医案著作。简称《临证指南》。十卷。清·叶桂撰。叶氏门人华岫云等辑录整理。刊于1766年。其中内科杂病医案八卷、妇科、幼科病案各一卷。内容以病为纲,89门,体现了叶氏治病辨证细致,善于抓住主证的特点。立法处方熨贴、中肯,用药灵活而有法度。其中温病治案颇多,反映出叶氏卫气营血的辨证特色及汗、清、透、凉、散诸法先后缓急的施治原则。吴瑭撰《温病条辨》多取材于此。本书于每门之后均附论一篇,由叶氏门人分别执笔。书末附有案中所引用的方剂,有助于读者掌握运用。以叶氏善抓主证,故某些案记述过于简略,缺乏系统完整性。由于治案切于临床实用,流传甚广。现存清刻本、石印本等数十种,1949年后有校印本。