李约瑟问题,Needham question
1)Needham question李约瑟问题
1.The thesis belongs to comparative study on Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, which aims to response the Needham Question with studing on cases of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.本文旨在对中西医的比较研究中,尝试对“李约瑟问题”做另一种回应。

1.Thoughts on the "Needham Puzzle" and the "Nobel Phenomenon关于“李约瑟问题”与“诺贝尔现象”的思考
2.Consider "Needam Thesis" from the Point of Philosophy Ideology;从哲学思维角度思考“李约瑟问题
3.Study on Culture of Ancient Chinese Scholars in Han Dynasty on the Basis of "Joseph Needham Problem";“李约瑟问题”的两汉士人文化研究
4.The Interpretation on "Needham Question" from Multidimensional Perspectives;多元化视角下的“李约瑟问题”的解读
5.The Enlightenment of“Needham problem”to Science Education Reform“李约瑟问题”对科学教育改革的启示
6.From"Joseph Lee s Question" to the Cultural Philosophy of" Comprehensive Innovation";从“李约瑟问题”到“综合创新”文化哲学的思考
7.The Control of Original Model and the Culture of Tension: From Future Seeing the Needham Problem;原型控制与张力文化——未来视野中的“李约瑟问题
8.A Comprehension to Li Yue-se s Puzzle ──From a Logical Point of View;“李约瑟问题”的深层解读——从逻辑的观点看
9.Science Under Asian-American Continuity: Anthropological Perspective of "Needham Puzzle;亚美文化连续体背景下的科学——“李约瑟问题”的人类学观察
10.Analysis to the text of “The Joseph Needham Difficult Problem”;“李约瑟难题”问题境遇的文本分析
11.Needham focused on the 1st and 3rd questions, but gave little attention on the 2nd ones.李约瑟着力解答了第 1、第 3两个问题 ,而忽视第 2个问题。
12.A Re-explanation of the "Needham Thesis":On the Questions of the Paradoxes from Cause/Effect and Alternative Propositions;重释“李约瑟命题”(续)——论因果和选言命题的二难推论问题
13.The delimitation and connection between science and technology from mathematical angle --concurrently on the mathematical problem of "Joseph Needham s Tickler;从数学谈科学与技术的划界及联系——兼谈“李约瑟难题”的数学问题
14.The Beginning of Modernization and the Origin of Capitalism in China;中国现代化的开端与资本主义起源问题──从“李约瑟文化难题”说起
15.The Issue of Historical Conception Involved in Explaining Needham PuzzleⅠ and A Tentative Solution李约瑟难题Ⅰ涉及的历史观问题及一个尝试性解释
16.A Further Discussion of "Needham Puzzle"--Simultaneously Commenting on "Further Reflectionon the Query of Needham s Puzzle";再论“李约瑟难题”——兼评《对‘李约瑟难题’质疑的再反思》
17.Solve NEEDHAM problem by Social Capacity of Science从社会的科学能力看“李约瑟难题”
18.Philosophical and Cultural Analysis of Needham s Puzzle;“李约瑟难题”的哲学—文化学分析

ultra-Needham Thesis超李约瑟问题
1.China s modernization h as raised ultra-Needham Thesis and possible future-Needham Thesis.中国现代化史产生了“超李约瑟问题” ,且蕴涵“未来李约瑟问题”。
3)possible future-Needham Thesis未来李约瑟问题
1.China s modernization h as raised ultra-Needham Thesis and possible future-Needham Thesis.中国现代化史产生了“超李约瑟问题” ,且蕴涵“未来李约瑟问题”。
4)Joseph Needham Problem李约瑟难题
1.On Solution to “Joseph Needham Problem” from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Mode of Thinking;试从中国传统思维方式角度解“李约瑟难题”
2.Solving Joseph Needham Problem;试解“李约瑟难题”——从中国传统思维方式的角度思考
5)needham problem李约瑟难题
1.Trying to solve the Needham Problem in the Thought of Confucian School;在儒家思想中求解“李约瑟难题”
2.This issue has been referred to as the "Needham problem".这一问题也被称为“李约瑟难题”,学术界关于此问题从各个角度进行了研究和探索,给出了不同的观点。
3.Needham problem is well-known to the comparative study of the history of Chinese and Western science.李约瑟难题是中西比较科学史研究中的一个著名问题,具有很高的学术价值和现实意义。
6)Needham Puzzle李约瑟难题
1.On the Influence of the Civil-service Examination System on Our Country s Sci-tech Development from the Needham Puzzle;从李约瑟难题看科举选才对我国科学技术发展的影响
2.Although according to Edgardo Macorini s law,China once was the world s scientific and technological center before the 15th century,the Needham Puzzle shows that China later failed to keep its advantage of science and technology and to develop the modern science.根据“汤浅现象,”中国在15世纪前曾是世界科技中心,而“李约瑟难题“则告诉我们,中国尔后在很长时期却没有保持住科技的优势并发育出近代科学。
