品牌专业,Brand specialty
1)Brand specialty品牌专业
1.Innovating teaching ideas and establishing brand specialty are the needs of economic development in our country, the needs of development of vocational school, the needs of students to be talents, the needs of the era giving us educators responsibility.革新教学观念,创办品牌专业是我国经济发展的需要,是职业教育发展的需要,是职业学校发展的需要,是学生成才的需要,是时代赋予我们教育工作者的责任。

1.For Further Reform to Create Super Feature in ET;深化教育技术专业改革,打造优势品牌专业
2.Making Efforts To Build Up Brand Majors With Market Confrontation And Characteristics;面向市场 突出特色 努力打造品牌专业
3.The Summary Discussion about Constructing the Symbolic Specialty of Industrial Design;略论综合性大学工业设计品牌专业建设与实践
4.Existing on Characteristics and Thriving on Brands --On the Building of Brand Speciality and Characteristic Speci ality in Local Colleges and Universities;以特色求生存 以品牌求发展——论地方高等院校的品牌专业、特色专业建设
5.Practice and Experience Based on the Construction of Excellent Speciality of the Resources Prospecting Engineering;“资源勘查工程”品牌专业建设的实践和体会
6.Research on the Priority of Connotation Construction for Brand Specialties of Higher Vocational Institutions of Transportation交通高职院校品牌专业内涵建设之思考
7.Optimize Discipline and Specialty Structure and Set up Brand Name Specialties;优化学科专业结构 创建品牌特色专业
8.The Development of Regional Industrial Brand in Special Economic Zones专业化产业区区域产业品牌发展研究
9.A professional team has forged the brand of SuHuang.专业的团队,铸就塑皇优质品牌。
10.Insists management strategy which" professional" with" the famous brand".坚持专业化和品牌化的经营策略。
11.The Brand Strategy Research of Fujian T IM & EX Company;福建T专业外贸公司的品牌战略研究
12.Studying on Combination of Production and Study Realizing Tourism Specialty Brand;走产学结合之路 创旅游专业品牌
13.0n Theory and Practice of Specialty Development of Brandology in Universities;高校品牌学专业建设理论与实践研究
14.Development of specialization,branding and internationalization;走专业化 品牌化 国际化发展之路
15.Head in Discipline Construction,Found Representative & Special Major;以学科建设为龙头 创品牌和特色专业
16.Analysis of the Cases on Brand Positioning in Garment Market服装专业市场的品牌定位及实例分析
17.Foxconn's product is ranked tier one brand based on perfessional reviews from an esteemed media.从专业媒体的专业评论角度来看,富士康(品)誉为第一品牌。
18.Researching on the Professional Brand Marketing Strategy of Wanhui Double-crane;万辉双鹤药业专业化品牌营销策略研究

brand major品牌专业
1.Research into brand characteristics of brand majors in higher learning institutions高等学校品牌专业的品牌特性研究
2.Guided by the educate economic theory, feet on the "brand" of the marketing theory, this study is on the point of view of the marketing to study the content of the brand major and the major development issues and to advance the ways and means which can polish the major of the private secondary vocational schools to become the brand major.因此,本研究以教育经济学理论为指导,以市场营销学中关于“品牌”的理论为基础,从市场营销学的角度研究民办中等职业学校专业发展的问题,对打造品牌专业的理论基础和内涵进行了探讨,并提出了民办中等职业学校打造品牌专业的途径和方法。
3)brandology specialty品牌学专业
1.Talented persons of brandology specialty are so insufficient that brand theory innovation and brand business development has been conditioned in china.当前品牌学专业人才的极度匮乏,已成为制约我国品牌理论创新和品牌事业发展的关键因素。
4)brand & specialization exhiibition品牌专业展
5)Professional hairdressing brand专业美发品牌
1.Schwarzkopf Professional hairdressing brand enjoy highly worldwide fame by right of its professional hairdressing products and hair-care products, in the process of brand history growth by a century.施华蔻专业美发品牌,在经历了一个世纪的历史发展进程中,以专业的美发产品和头发护理产品打造出了高品质享誉国际的专业美发品牌。
6)brand monopolization品牌专卖
1.In supply chain of brand monopolization, supplier is the leader, and retailer is the follower, and supplier adopts the same retail price policy in the same district.在品牌专卖经营模式的供应链中,供应商为供应链的领导者,零售商为跟随者,供应商在同一销售区域中会采用统一的零售价格政策。

CPU品牌 笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料