中医各家学说,different schools of Chinese medicine theories
1)different schools of Chinese medicine theories中医各家学说
1.The course of different schools of Chinese medicine theories should take development of these schools as masterstroke;中医各家学说课程应以中医学派发展为主线——兼论中医学派的“五性”
2.Role of Course of Different Schools of Chinese Medicine Theories in Cultivating Undergraduates’ Innovative Consciousness;《中医各家学说》课程在培养学生创新意识中的作用

1.The course of different schools of Chinese medicine theories should take development of these schools as masterstroke;中医各家学说课程应以中医学派发展为主线——兼论中医学派的“五性”
2.Medical experts say this disorder is caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals.医学专家说这种紊乱是由于大脑中的化学物质失衡造成的。
3.Isabella Moore of Cilt said: "The UK needs linguists and people who can speak a language as an adjunct to other skills.国家语言中心的伊莎贝拉·摩尔说:“英国需要语言学家和会说外语的各类人才。”
4.The Preliminary Study on the Difference and Similarity of Theory between TCM and Four Tower Theory in Dai Medicine中医五行学说与傣医四塔学说的比较研究
5.Before discussing the individual forms of cancer we shall define some common medical terms.在讨论各种癌之前说明一下常用医学用语。
6.His teachings have become known as Confucianism and they continue to influence today's Chinese and Chinese communities all over the world.他的学说,就是我们现在所指的儒家学说至今仍对中国人乃至世界各地的华人有着深远的影响。
7.Some medical researchers are physicians. Others are professors at various medical schools and scientists at research institutes.有的医学研究人员是医生,有的是各类医科院校的教师以及研究单位的科学家。
8.Regulating Entrepreneurs Qing Zhi to Harmony Based on the Five Elements of TCM;文化、情绪与企业家职业心理健康——基于中医五行学说理论调节企业家的情志和谐
9.Theory of Vital Essence and Medical Psychology in Canon of Medicine;精气学说与《内经》中的医学心理思想
10.Analysis of the Psychological Significance of Theories of Viceral Manifestation and Spirit-mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine中医藏象神志学说的心理学意义辨析
11.Discussing Relationship Between Theory of Qi Blood and Body Fluid in TCM and Modern Immunology中医“气血津液”学说与现代免疫学思想
12.Department of Community and Family Medicine [Chinese University of Hong Kong]社区及家庭医学系〔香港中文大学〕
13.There are bisexual persons in traditional Chinese medicine.中国中医学上就有阴阳人这种说法。
14.Ancient Chinese Militarists' Thoughts and Chinese Medicine中国古代兵家思想与中医学关系研究
15.Of them, more than 500 have been trained by the Tibet College of Tibetan Medicine, founded nearly ten years ago.其中西藏藏医学院建立近十年来,共培养各类藏医药人才500多人。
16.Discussing the Role Transition of Medical Experts during the Technique Identifying to Accidents in Medical Treatment.;论医学专家在医疗事故技术鉴定中的角色转换
17.But the Jacobs family is particularly well suited to test VeriChip for use in medicine.而雅各布斯一家最适合试验绝对芯片在医学上的作用。
18.Is TCM Scientific or Unscientific:Some Comments on Academician He Zuoxiu s Statement of "TCM is Unscientific";中医学是否是科学——诘难何祚庥院士“中医不科学”之说

various schools各家学说
1.DENG Tie taos experience in education and practice of various schools,this article introduces Prof.通过对邓铁涛教授从事各家学说教学与研究心得的梳理 ,介绍了邓老在仲景学说、东垣学说、叶 (天士 )吴 (鞠通 )学派、王清任学说等方面运用其相关理论、方药 ,以解决当代临床实际问题的实践与发
3)TCM theories中医学说
4)specialist acupuncture theory各家针灸学说
5)specialist doctor of Chinese medicine中医学家
6)various schools of traditional Chinese medicine中医学说学派

中医各科精华·妇科学    中医各科精华·妇科学    妇科著作。李复光、高德明等编著。此书根据现代医学理论,结合中医临床经验编成。分总论、各论两部分。总论概述女性生殖器之解剖生理、月经妊娠、无痛分娩法以及大脑皮质功能与疼痛的关系等。各论介绍妇科经带胎产诸疾,并详述其病因、症状、诊断、治则等。兼收针灸与民间单验方、治疗方法。1955年由上海中医书局出版。