中医术语,TCM terms
1)TCM terms中医术语
1.The article gives a brief account of TCM terms translated into English about standards to be established and the basic methods,puts forwards a new way that TCM unique terminology is metained original shape with translating into English,and it is called quotation (means not to translate).本文简述了中医术语英译标准的确立及基本方法 ,提出了对中医特有术语保留中文原字“不译”的方法。
2.So, it is very difficult to translate the TCM terms into Japanese, especially in oral form.汉语的中医术语形式、意义基本固定,许多术语言简意丰、浓缩性很强,具有丰富的文化信息,常以比喻、类比、暗示等表达意义,翻译、特别是口译时难度很大。
3.The result is detrimental-incorrect translations,many English versions of one TCM term,and disconnected translations hamper the understanding of TCM terms by receptors and hence undermine the spread of TCM worldwide.许多学者和翻译人员都致力于中医术语翻译的研究,但是由于文化背景、中医知识和语言知识等的差异,他们所采用的翻译原则发和翻译方法各不相同,从而导致中医术语的翻译大相径庭。

1.Japanese Translation of TCM Terms--concurrently talking about processing ways in interpretation;谈中医术语的日译——兼论口译中的处理方法
2.Application of Yanfu's translation theory in translation of TCM terms严复的翻译理论在中医术语翻译中的应用
3.On the Phenomenon of Lexical Gap in English Translation of TCM Terms;试论英汉中医术语的词汇空缺现象与翻译
4.Preliminary clinical verif ication of traditional Chinese medicine terms about vascular mild cognitive impairment血管源性轻度认知障碍中医术语的临床初步验证
5.Experimental Study on Semantic Relationships of Clinical Nomenclature of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医临床术语集语义关系的示范研究
6.Studies on the Terminology of TCM Diagnosis and Terminology System Standard中医诊断学术语及术语体系规范的研究
7.business [medical] jargon商业 [医学] 术语
8.On English Translation of TCM Ophalmic Term “Wulun”;关于中医眼科术语“五轮”英译的商榷
9.A Discussion on the Standards and principles of English Translation of TCM Terms中医名词术语英译的原则和标准探析
10.Morpheme-level Translation in the Standardization of TCM Terminology;词素层译法在中医名词术语翻译中的应用
11.Functional Equivalence Theory as Tools for English Healthcare Management Texts Translation;功能对等论在医院管理术语翻译中的应用
12.Standardization History of English Terms of Chinese Medicine in Last 30 Years;近30年中医名词术语英译标准化的历程
13.On the Typical Narrative in Medical Context--Characteristic of Luxun s Novel;医学语境中的独特叙事——论鲁迅小说的艺术特点
14.Criticism of “English Translation of Common Terms in Chinese Medicine";对《中医药常用名词术语英译》的一些意见
15.The structures of basic theoretical system of Chinese medicine and terms call for criterion;中医基础理论体系结构及名词术语亟待规范
16.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Multimedia Technology in Medical English Teaching医学英语教学中多媒体技术应用的优劣
17.Talking about the Comparison of Synonyms Pneumonia with Pneumonitis in Medical English Terminology浅谈医学术语pneumonia与pneumonitis
18.Investigation on the application of multimedia technology in teaching English for Chinese medicine多媒体技术在中医英语教学中的调查及运用体会

terms of traditional Chinese Medicine中医术语
1.During the Qin-Han Dynasty,the system of terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has been initially established.中医术语有它的独特性,其特点大约有:①历史性,②人文性,③定性描述,④抽象的概念用具体的名词来表述。
3)TCM terminology中医药术语
1.Based on the problems and difficult points in TCM translation,the writer proposes that further study and research on the translation of TCM terminology is of vital importance to promote international exchange of TCM,it is also very helpful to medical English teaching in TCM colleges.针对中医药术语英译规范化所存在的问题和难点提出开展中医药术语翻译的课题研究对促进中医对外交流和中医高校专业英语教学的重要作用,并就术语英译规范化提出建设性意见。
4)clinical terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医临床术语
5)TCM terms中医名词术语
1.The significance of morpheme-level translation in the standardization of English translation of TCM terms was discussed, and in order to seek out an effective way for remembering them, a further probe was given to the mnemonics of the new words produced from it.简要论述了词素层翻译在中医名词术语翻译规范化进程中所起的作用,并进一步探讨了词素层翻译所生成的新造词的记忆方法问题,旨在提高中医英语学习者的词汇记忆效果。
2.The structures of"V+-ing+N"and"N+V+ed+N"were proposed,and their charac- teristics and advantages as well as practical application were introduced aiming at the existent problems in the pres- ent translation of TCM terms and solving them.针对目前中医名词术语翻译中存在的问题,探讨"V+-ing+N"和"N+V+ed+N"结构特点,分析其应用在中医名词术语翻译中的优点,以及该结构在中医名词术语翻译中的具体应用,以解决目前中医名词术语翻译中存在的问题。
6)English translation of Chinese medicine nomenclature中医术语英译

汉英双解常用中医名词术语汉英双解常用中医名词术语  中医工具书。帅学忠等编译。收集中医常用名词术语3400余条,分阴阳五行、脏象、经络腧穴、病因病理、诊法、治则、方药、针灸、内儿科、妇产科、外伤科、五官科、医史等13类予以解释并英译。英译部分使用现代科技英语。书末附有“针灸穴位名称”、“汉语拼音与威托玛式拼音法音节对照表”等。1983年由湖南科学技术出版社出版。