中医语言,TCM language
1)TCM language中医语言
1.The smooth development of TCM science must revise TCM language,it s the necessary basic work and is the prerequisite of TCM development.中医学要顺利发展 ,中医语言必须要修订 ,这是必要的基础性工作 ,是中医学发展的前提。
2)Chinese Medical Terminology中医言语翻译

1.Foreignization and Domestication In Translation of Chinese Med ical Terminology;论中医言语翻译的“归化”和“异化”
2.Application of semantic translation and communicative translation to English translation of traditional Chinese medicine语义翻译和交际翻译在中医英语翻译中的应用
3.A translation from another language.翻译另一种语言的翻译
4.On the Translation of Eliza s Idiolectal Varieties in Pygmalion;Pygmalion汉译本中Eliza语言风格翻译策略研究
5.Strategies Adopted in Linguistic Deviation Translation;试论英汉互译中语言变异的翻译策略
6.Application of Yanfu's translation theory in translation of TCM terms严复的翻译理论在中医术语翻译中的应用
7.The Language Features and Translation of L/C in International Business English;国际商务英语中信用证的语言和翻译
8.Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Factors in English Advertisement Translation;英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素
9.The Application of Comparing and Translating in Japanese Teaching;谈日语教学中语言比较与翻译的应用
10.Paralinguistic and Exrralinguistic Messages in Wrirlen Text and Their Translafion;书面语中的副语言和超语言信息及其翻译
11.Use of Target Language s Advantages in Translation;翻译中译语语言优势的发挥——浅析张谷若先生的几种翻译手法
12.Linguistic-cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Medicine and English Translation of Chinese Medicine;论中西医学语言文化差异与中医英译
13.Discussion about Language Characteristics and Basic Principles in Business English Written Translation;谈商务英语笔译中的语言特点及翻译原则
14.Image Diversity by Translators in the Translation of Ancient Poems;论汉语古诗翻译中语言形象偏离的译者因素
15.The Characteristics of Colloquial Language in Dubbed Movies and the Translation Strategies;译制片中口语体语言的特点及翻译策略
16.Culture in language and facsimile of culture in language;语言中的文化与翻译中的文化“传真”
17.Paralinguistic Clues in Language and Its Translation;语言模式中的副语言暗示手段及其翻译策略
18.A Study of Fuzzy Language in Literary Works and Its Translation;文学作品中的模糊语言及其翻译研究

Chinese Medical Terminology中医言语翻译
3)Traditional Chinese Medicine Language System中医药学语言系统
1.Application of ontology in the development of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Language System;本体论在中医药学语言系统中的应用研究
1.This paper introduced the similarities and differences in the Metathesaurus and semantic network of NLM s Unified Medical Language System(UMLS) and the Traditional Chinese Medical Language System(TCMLS) as well as the characteristics of TCMLS.从词表、语义网络等方面介绍了一体化医学语言系统(UMLS)与中医药一体化语言系统(TCMLS)的异同及TC-MLS的特点,阐述了在TCMLS建立过程中应注意的一些问题。
5)Medical language医学语言
1.The Interpretation of Medical Language in a Cultural Vision文化视阈下的医学语言解读
2.Medical language has acquired a series of characteristics in terms of literal style and pragmatics in its long development and the mastery of these characteristics has become a standard by which the level of medical language usage can be judged.医学在长期的发展中已形成了鲜明的语体、语用特点,能否掌握这些特点,成为衡量医学语言使用水平高低的一个标准。
3.The conflict between the modern medical legacy and the postmodern world was intensifying increasingly, which has caused difficult comprehension of the medical language and its ethical significance losing.医学的现代性遗产和后现代世界的冲突在不断加剧,导致了对医学语言理解的困境和伦理意义的丧失。
6)language and medicine语言与医学

上海中医学院中医图书目录上海中医学院中医图书目录 中医工具书。上海中医学院图书馆编。此书共收截止至1979年6月底以前上海中医学院图书馆所藏中医图书9034种。全书分20类编排,即医药卫生的方针政策、中国医学史、中医学基础、中医诊断学、中草药学、方书方剂学、经络针灸学、推拿学、中医骨伤科学、中医内科学、中医妇产科学、中医儿科学、中医外科学、中医五官科学、外治及其他治法、综合性医书、医案医论医话、中医法医学、中医兽医学、工具书、丛书全书。著录方式按书名、卷数、撰年、作者(包括字、号、别名)、著述方式、作者籍贯、版本等项。书末附有书名索引、人名索引。1980年上海中医学院印行。