实习效果,effect of practice
1)effect of practice实习效果
1.Methods On the ground of Roy’s adaptation model, a research about the adaptive condition and the effect of practice of the clinical practical nurses was done through 220 questionnaires taken by the clinical practical nurses.目的探讨临床实习护生的适应状况与实习效果的关系,寻求促进护生的适应反应、提高实习效果的最佳途径。

1.Study on the effect on practice by recording practice diary for the nursing students记实习日记对护生实习效果影响的研究
2.Strengthening Case File Writing and Improving Outcomes of Neurological Practice;强化病历书写 提高神经病学实习效果
3.Improving management of clinical teaching to ensure practical effects完善临床教学管理工作 确保实习效果
4.Improvement of the Production Practice Effects of College Students in Engineering提高工科大学生生产实习效果的探讨
5.Discussion and Analysis on Improving Experiment and Field Practice Results for Surveying;提高《测量学》实验实习效果的探讨与分析
6.Improve Science and Technology of Electronic Information Specialty's Production Practice Effect在实践中提高电信科技专业生产实习效果
7.Correlation on Cultivation of Communication Skills of Nursing Interns and Results of Clinical Practice临床实习护生人际沟通能力培养与实习效果的相关性
8.target practice analysis实弹演习射击效果分析
9.Empirical Study on the Performance of Blended-Learning混合式学习模式实施效果的实证研究
10.Improvement of the Practice Teaching Efficiency by Using the NC Simulation Software;利用数控仿真软件提高实习教学效果
11.The Surveying Practice Teaching and Its Effects on the Simulated Production;模拟生产的土木测量实习教学与效果
12.Effects of Psychological Crisis Training Program for Nurse Students实习护生心理危机干预培训效果探讨
13.Enhance the Theoretical Study of Leading Staff and Improve the Effect of Theoretical Study;加强领导干部理论学习 切实提高理论学习效果
14.Construction of university practice base for improvement of education quality;创建校内生产实习基地 努力提高实践教学效果
15.The practice and effectiveness of test of pre-practice training in simulation scene;模拟情境下实习前培训考核的实践与效果
16.Organize the plants classify training and practicing in fact, improve the teaching results;组织好植物分类实训实习,提高教学效果
18.Real-world case studies and exercises to ensure increased retention.包括真实案例研究和练习,加强记忆效果。

learning effect学习效果
1.Review and forecast on learning effect appraisement of students physical education in basic education of new China;新中国基础教育阶段学生体育学习效果评价的反思与前瞻
2.Substantial assessment of learning effect of Sports and Health;论《体育与健康》课程学习效果的质性评价
3.According to the definition and characteristics of learning autonomy,this paper determines the guiding thought and principle of learning autonomy ability cultivation,and brings forth some strategies on how to cultivate the learning autonomy,which helps improve the learning effect of English learning in college.根据自主学习的定义与特征,确定自主学习能力培养的指导思想和原则,提出培养学生英语自主学习能力的策略,借以提高大学生英语学习效果。
3)study effect学习效果
1.Regression analysis of effecting factors on study effect of medical science general education;医学通识课程公选课学习效果影响因素Logistic分析
2.Analysis of study effect and spirit symptom of medical students with self-experience-based learning;自我体验教学法对医学生学习效果与精神症状的影响
3.Based on the characteristics of the independent study of students in the online environment,analyses the advantages of the students study effect under the online environment through the definition of the students study effect and the environment of the traditional methods of assessment.根据网络环境下学生学习自主性的特点,通过对网络环境下学生学习效果评价的界定、传统评价方法的不足来探讨网络环境下学生学习效果评价方法的优势,着重分析了网络教育中学习效果评价方法。
4)learning effects学习效果
1.By using this theory,the paper finds the key factors that influence the learning effects and decisive principles on the relation of these factors,obtaining a method for evaluating the learning effects by analyzing the mas.研究了一种基于粗糙集理论的学习效果评价方法,通过运用该理论对采集到的大学生学习过程中的大量数据进行分析,对数据进行属性约简,从中得到影响学习效果的关键因素以及各因素间关系的决策规则,提出了一种基于评价学习效果的方法。
2.In this paper, the main purpose is to explore the representation form of concept\'s impact on learning effects of the concept, through the study; we have received some results about characteristics of the form of internal representation of different types of chemical concept, the impact of concept representation on the learning effects and so on.本研究的主要目的是探索概念的表征形式对概念学习效果的影响,通过研究,我们得到了关于不同类型化学概念内部表征形式的特征、概念表征对学习效果的影响等方面的研究结论。
5)Practising Effect练习效果
1.Relationship Between Emotional Adjustment Practising Effect in P.E.Teaching;体育教学中情绪调节与练习效果的关系
6)Study result学习效果
1.Analysis of the relationship between the study results and times of experimental lessons of hemocytology;骨髓细胞实验课时数与学习效果的关系
2.Considering the comment of study result in geography for students based on marks, this theme, combined with the characteristics of geography and starting with the comment of study result in geography, researches the significance of the study result comment in geography, pressing need of reform and the basic ideas for the reform.本文针对当前学生地理学习效果评价中存在的以分数为主要评价依据的问题,结合地理学科的特点,从改革学生地理学习效果评价入手,探讨了学生地理学习效果评价的意义,进行改革的迫切性以及改革的基本构想。

教育实习  中等师范学校和高等师范院校高年级学生到初等或中等学校进行教育和教学专业训练的一种实践形式。它是师范教育贯彻理论联系实际原则、实现培养目标不可缺少的教学环节,是教学计划中的重要组成部分。通过教育实习,可以使学生把知识综合运用于教育和教学实践,以培养和锻炼学生从事教育和教学工作的能力,并加深和巩固学生的专业思想。    中国自从创办师范教育开始,就较重视教育实习。清光绪二十二年(1896)盛宣怀创办南洋公学,分为四院,先设"师范院",继设"外院",为师范生进行教育实习的场所。1904 年 1月 13 日颁布的《奏定学堂章程》,规定把师范教育分为"初级"和"优级"两级。初级师范学堂培养高等小学堂和初等小学堂的教员,优级师范学堂造就初级师范学堂及中学堂的教员。初级师范学堂章程规定"教育"是一门重要课程,包括教育史、教育原理、教育法令、学校管理法和"实事授业"。所谓"实事授业",就是"师范学生于附属小学堂练习教育幼童之方法",即教育实习。辛亥革命后,师范学校和高等师范院校都规定有教育实习。    中华人民共和国成立后,适应人民教育事业发展的需要,对师范教育的教育实习更为重视,对培养合格的中小学教师起了重要的作用。    教育实习是师范教育培养合格中小学教师的综合实践环节,实习前须制订出计划。计划包括实习的目的和要求、内容安排、指导教师配备、实习组的划分以及组织领导等项。教育实习的内容,应包括课堂上课实习、班主任工作实习和课外辅导工作实习,使学生受到全面锻炼,培养教育和教学工作的能力。教育实习在中等师范学校和高等师范院校教师和实习学校教师共同配合下进行指导。教育实习成绩的评定,由双方指导教师按照标准,共同商议进行,并写出评语。为了使学生在实习中有章可循,学校应从实际出发,制订出"实习生守则"。