中医改革,Chinese medicine reform
1)Chinese medicine reform中医改革
2)Reform of traditional Chinese medicine中医药改革
3)teaching reform of traditional chinses medicine中医教学改革
4)medical reform医疗改革
1.Requirement of medical reform for quality and administration skills of head nurses;医疗改革对护士长素质和领导技能的需求
2.There are several solutions about the medical reform.目前,关于新一轮医疗改革有多套备选方案,尽管详细的方案一直没有向社会公布,但是针对这些方案的争论已经十分激烈,代表不同利益方的声音此消彼长。

1.On Cuba Medical Mode and Its Enlightenment to Medical Reformation In China古巴医疗模式对我国医疗改革的启示
2.Exploring the factors that influence the hospital business operations in the reform of health care system探讨医疗改革对医院医疗营运的影响因素
3.Neo-German Historical School,Germany s Practice and China s Medical Reform--The Reform Thoughts of China s Medical Care;新历史学派、德国实践与我国医疗改革——兼论我国医疗保障改革设想
4.Deepening the Reform of Medical Insurance and Improving Medical Security System深化医疗保险改革 完善医疗保障体系
5.Why Does the Tripartite of Medical Care,Drug Industry and Medical Security Co-reform not Succeed?;医疗、医药、医保联动改革为什么不成功?
6.Research on the Overall Design of Joint Reformation for Public Health Services, Medical Insurance, and Medical Production-Circulation;三医(医疗/医保/医药)联动改革总体设计研究
7.The Effect of Reforms of the Pricing System for Medical Treatments on Hospital Management;医疗价格体制改革对医院经营的影响
8.Health care reform must begin with Medicare;医疗保健改革必须始于老年保健医疗制度;
9.Medical Care Demand for the elderly and Reform of Medicare Insurance System老年人口的医疗需求和医疗保险制度改革
10.A Tentative Study of the Medical System Change in China by Comparing with the Other Countries;从各国医疗体制对比中浅谈我国医疗体制改革
11.The discussion of health insurance institution and health system reform;浅谈医疗保险制度与医疗卫生体制改革
12.Comparison of Health Care Financing Schemes Before and After Market Reforms in China’s Urban Areas中国城镇医疗体制改革前后的医疗融资比较
13.Mutual Influence of Medical Care System Reform and Economic System Reform;医疗保障制度改革与经济体制改革的相互影响
14.I urge the Congress to pass medical liability reform.我敦促国会通过医疗责任改革法案。
15.Deepening reforms of the medical support system and logistics outsourcing.深化医疗保障制度和社会化保障改革。
16.medical insurance for urban workers城镇职工医疗保险制度改革
17.Reform Measures of Medical Health Care and Its Success in the United States (USA).美国医疗保健制度的改革措施与成效
18.The health service must be radically reformed.公共医疗卫生服务必须进行彻底改革。

Reform of traditional Chinese medicine中医药改革
3)teaching reform of traditional chinses medicine中医教学改革
4)medical reform医疗改革
1.Requirement of medical reform for quality and administration skills of head nurses;医疗改革对护士长素质和领导技能的需求
2.There are several solutions about the medical reform.目前,关于新一轮医疗改革有多套备选方案,尽管详细的方案一直没有向社会公布,但是针对这些方案的争论已经十分激烈,代表不同利益方的声音此消彼长。
5)hospital reform医院改革
1.Discuss the future of hospital reform in urban area;对城市医院改革发展前景的探讨
2.An exploration of theory and practice on separation of two rights in public hospital reform;公立医院改革中两权分离理论和实践探索
3.Guiding by two documents to promote public hospital reform学习贯彻两个文件 推进公立医院改革
6)Health care reform医疗改革
1.This study focuses on the coverage of Health Care Reform in China from 2005 to 2007.本文主要从新闻框架的视角,对2005年7月至2007年8月近两年时间里,国内部分媒体对医疗改革的报道进行研究。

中医中医  ①中医学的简称。②本学科专业职业队伍。