气通人和,smooth Qi and harmonious person
1)smooth Qi and harmonious person气通人和
1.Dong views that TCM is extensive and profound, deeply influenced by ancient China philosophy, inheriting the rich experience through thousands of years of Chinese nationality long struggle with disease, meanwhile affected by other sciences and modern medicine, making it gradually become unique medical theoretic system, whose core thought can be summed up with "smooth Qi and harmonious person".董师认为中医博大精深,深受中国古代哲学思想的影响,秉承了数千年中华民族长期与疾病斗争的丰富经验,同时受其它学科与现代医学的影响,使得中医学逐渐形成独特的医学理论体系,其核心思想可用"气通人和"这四个字概括。

1.Professor Dong Xiangguo Talk about TCM Core Thought-Smooth Qi and Harmonious Person董襄国教授论中医核心思想——气通人和
2.Some people think that ventilation is the same thing as air-conditioning.有些人以为通风和空气调节是一回事。
3.Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Unit暖气、通风和冷气股
4.an invalid restored By quiet and fresh air;通过宁静和新鲜的空气而恢复健康的病人;
5.Ease one's mind by blowing up sb.通过骂某人来出气。
6.acting in collaboration, the two of them shielded each other.两人串通一气,互相包庇。
7.Stimulate (consumers') popular enthusiasm on the market by offering soft prices通过让利激发市场人气
8.She acted in collusion with the other witness.她与另一证人串通一气.
9.Through burning coal, oil and gas, people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2.通过燃烧煤、石油和天然气,人们增加了大气中的"温室"气体,例如二氧化碳。
10.heating, air-conditioning and ventilation暖气、空调和通风(系统)
11.water naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses; often effervescent; often used therapeutically.天然含有或人工加入天然盐和气体的水,通常会冒泡,常用于治疗。
12.The man suddenly dropped his threatening tone and became all sweetness and light.这人突然一改威胁的口气,摆出一副温和而通情达理的样子。
13.Evaluation on applying philological cards and finger language to communicate with patients accepted trachea cannulation应用语言卡和手语与气管插管病人沟通的效果评价
14.It is possible to design good heating ventilating and air conditioning systems at a reasonable cost.人们可以用合理的造价设计一个良好的采暖通风和空气调节系统。
15.This cast of the bronchial tree is formed of inspissated mucus and was coughed up by a patient during an asthmatic attack.通过粘液和模仿咳嗽建立哮喘发作时病人的支气管树模型。
16.Commuting takes time and energy (spending time in traffic is particularly draining).来回上下班需要时间和精力(交通上的耗时特别让人泄气)。
17.Compare of the effect of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion in adult anaesthesia with sevoflurane and propofol七氟烷和丙泊酚用于成人麻醉诱导放置喉罩通气道的效果比较
18.The Effect of the Taiji on Pulmonary Function of Old Men;太极气功对老年人肺通气功能的影响

The government functions well and the people live in harmony.政通人和。
3)To carry on a fight with someone out of spite or vanity和人呕气
4)Artificial ventilation人工通气
5)air saturation method通气饱和法
1.A novel rabbit model of myocardial infarction without endotracheal intubation;一种新的非人工通气兔心肌梗死模型的制作
