观赏植物,Ornamental Plant
1)Ornamental Plant观赏植物
1.Garden Applied For Wild Ornamental Plant Resource in Hunan;湖南野生观赏植物及其园林应用
2.Adaptability survey and analysis of the Araceae ornamental plants in Wenzhou;天南星科观赏植物在温州的适应性调查与分析

1.The Application of Plant Tissue Culture Technology on the Ornamental Plants;植物组织培养技术在观赏植物中的应用
2.Ornamental grass such as mondo grass, pampas grass, blue fescue, etc.观赏植物包括粗草、蒲苇、牛毛草等。
3.The cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants.种花花卉和观赏植物的栽培
4.ornamental vases装饰花瓶,n.[C]1. 装饰品,2. 观赏植物
5.erect vigorous hybrid ornamental.挺直的生命力强的杂种观赏植物
6.The Tentative Criticisim on the Ancient Chinese Names of 20 Ornamental Plants观赏植物(20种)古汉名初步考证
7.Study on Reproduce Technic of Soft Cutting for Kolkwitzia Amabilis Graebn;优良观赏植物—猬实嫩枝繁殖技术研究
8.Investigation on the Ornamental Plants in Dongjiang Tree Park of Huizhou;惠州市东江树木园观赏植物资源调查
9.Resources of the Wild Ornamental Plants and Its Development in Sichuan;四川省野生观赏植物资源及开发利用
10.The Exploiture of Ornamental Resources in Chang-Bai Mount;长白山野生观赏植物资源及开发利用
11.Comparison of ability of absorbing formaldehyde among 6 species of indoor ornamentals6种观赏植物吸收甲醛能力比较研究
12.The Application of ISSR Technique in Ornamental Plants ResearchISSR分子标记在观赏植物研究中的应用
13.Research on Absorptive Capacity of Ornamental Plant Leaves on Formaldehyde观赏植物叶片对甲醛吸收能力的研究
14.Research Progress on Mechanism of Ornamental Plants Injured by Acid Rain酸雨对观赏植物伤害机理的研究进展
15.The Investigation of Plant Resources of Mochou Lake Park in Nanjing City南京市莫愁湖公园观赏植物资源调查
16.an expert in the science of cultivating plants (fruit or flowers or vegetables or ornamental plants).园艺种植(水果、蔬菜或观赏植物)方面的专家。
17.Analysis of Ornamental Plants in the Interior Landscape Design浅析观赏植物在室内景观设计中的应用
18.genus of Old World plants grown as ornamentals.作为观赏性植物种植的一个旧大陆植物属。

ornamental plants观赏植物
1.The growth test of different ornamental plants in the sewage urban riverway;不同观赏植物在城市河道污水中的生长试验
2.Study on the Ornamental Characters and Application of Wild Ornamental Plants Resources in Hong Kong;香港野生观赏植物资源观赏特性及应用探讨
3.Applications of AFLP molecular markers in ornamental plants;AFLP分子标记技术在观赏植物中的应用
1.Research Review of Taihangia rupestris as a Wild Ornamental;野生珍稀观赏植物太行花的研究
2.Protoplast Technology and Breeding of Ornamental;原生质体技术与观赏植物育种
3.The review of radiation breeding combining tissue culture in ornamentals;观赏植物组培与辐射结合育种研究进展
4)ornamental plants观赏植物学
5)ornamental foliage plant观赏性观叶植物
6)Potted plants盆栽观赏植物
1.In this paper,fumigations of pest were taken to the cut flowers and potted plants by carbonyl sulfide.5h能用于鲜切花和百合种球、部分盆栽观赏植物的熏蒸杀虫,但该剂量和处理时间不能有效杀灭土壤中的线虫,也不能用于白掌、文心兰、大花蕙兰、红掌、凤梨、蝴蝶兰等盆栽观赏植物的熏蒸杀虫。
