知识元,knowledge element
1)knowledge element知识元
1.Knowledge Representation Based on Knowledge Element Ontology;基于知识元本体的知识统一表示
2.Research on knowledge element-based knowledge organization and its system service function;基于知识元的知识组织及其系统服务功能研究
3.To Construct K-12 Multimedia Knowledge Element Repository;论中小学多媒体知识元库的建设

1.Research and Implementation on Domain Knowledge Service System Based on Knowledge Element基于知识元的领域知识服务体系的研究与实现
2.Auto-parts knowledge management system based on knowledge-unit linking基于知识元链接的汽车零部件知识管理系统
3.Study on TCM Ancient Books' Metadata on the Basis of Knowledge Element in Information Technology基于知识元信息技术的中医古籍元数据研究
4.On Ontology-based Historical Knowledge Element;基于本体的历史年代知识元应用研究
5.A Semantic Web Based Knowledge Element Integration Model;基于语义Web的知识元集成模型研究
6.Metacognition included metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive monitoring skills.元认知包括元认知知识和元认知监控技能。
7.A Semantic-Wiki Knowlege Base System Based on Knowledge Elements基于知识单元的语义Wiki知识库
8.A Study of English Listening Metacognitive Knowledge of Chinese Vocational College Students;高职学生英语听力元认知知识的研究
9.Cultivating Metacogniti Ve Knowledge and Strategies in English Language Teaching;英语教学中元认知知识与策略的培养
10.On the Trine information Dual knowledge and Monistic Ontology;论三元信息、二元知识与一元本体的实践互动
11.Mete-cognition in English reading involves in three clements: mete-cognitive knowledge, meta-cognitive experience and mete-cognitive monitoring.英语阅读理解中的元认知包括三个构成要素:元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控。
12.The Application of Meta-cognitive Knowledge and Strategies in Japanese Listening Teaching;元认知知识与元认知策略在日语听力教学中的运用
13.Model and Mapping Algorithm of Transformation from Text Cell to Knowledge Cell;文本单元向知识单元转化的模型与映射算法
14.Ternary System of Knowledge;知识三元系 自然科学——社会科学——人文学科三元系
15.Multiplization of Social Work Research in the Perspective of Multiplity of Knowledge and Method;从知识、方法多元性看社会工作研究多元化
16.Revise and consolidate the languages learned in this unit.(复习巩固本单元所学的词汇和知识点。
17.The Research on Meta-knowledge in the ICAID System for NCMT;数控机床ICAID系统中元知识的研究
18.Building Semantic Knowledge-Bank Based on the Binary Combinatorial Grammar;基于二元组合文法的语义知识库构建

knowledge unit知识元
1.Theoretically, using database of knowledge unit can collect knowledge information from the whole web; can also enlarge the using space of library knowledge information in better condition and renew service model; as well as guarantee readers to gain what they want freely.从理论上讲 ,利用知识元数据库可以汇集整个知识网络中的知识信息 ,为扩展图书馆知识信息资源利用空间和更新服务模式创造有利条件 ,同时为用户自由获取知识信息提供可靠保证。
2.Data retrieval and information retrieval organize the data and documents by indexing,while knowledge retrieval is to organize knowledge by linking among knowledge units and knowledge structures.数据检索和信息检索是通过标引组织数据和文献,而知识检索则是通过链接知识元和知识结构组织知识。
3)Learning Object知识元
4)metacognitive knowledge元认知知识
1.The psychology researchers try to discuss the process how the second language learners use their metacognitive knowledge under the metacognitive monitoring.该文以元认知结构的二分法为框架,说明了心理学研究者致力于探讨第二语言学习者通过元认知监控来使用元认知知识的内部加工过程的特点,并从影响第二语言阅读的自我观念、文本内容和策略使用意识等方面系统介绍了元认知知识、监控与第二语言阅读的关系,最后对元认知的研究方法进行了归纳和展望。
2.Metacognition is the cognition of cognition,including metacognitive knowledge,experience and supervision.元认知是认知的认知,包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控。
5)meta-cognitive knowledge元认知知识
1.Based on the expert s researches on the relationship between meta-cognitive knowledge and English listening,the article explores how to reflect on improving English listening from the perspective of meta-cognitive knowledge through analyzing three aspects:enriching individual meta-cognitive knowledge,ensuring task meta-cognitive knowledge and mastering strategy meta-cognitive knowledge.本文基于学者们对元认知和英语听力学习的研究,从丰富个体元认知知识、明确任务元认知知识和掌握策略元认知知识三个方面论述如何从元认知知识角度反思英语听力学习。
2.The writer explores the functions of meta-cognitive knowledge and strategies in Japanese listening teaching,attempting to apply them to guide teaching practice,hence to improve Japanese majors’ listening ability.文章探讨了元认知知识与元认知策略在听力教学中的有效运用,试图用元认知知识和元认知策略来指导日语听力教学,以提高日语专业学生的听力理解能力。
3.The survey concerning the acquisition of the meta-cognitive knowledge of the students in local colleges or universities shows that the students are weak in the three components of the meta-cognitive knowledge.项目组对地方高校学生元认知知识状况进行调查,结果表明地方高校学生在元认知知识构成的三个方面掌握不足,特别是学生监管自己、策略选用等方面不够理想。
6)knowledge unit知识单元
1.The domain knowledge is organized by knowledge units and knowledge testing is used to establish the evaluation method of the user’s knowledge structure.目前知识系统中存在知识利用率不高、对使用者辅助性不足等问题,通过研究人在计算机辅助下快速利用知识的规律,提出了人机结合的知识辅助方法,利用知识单元对领域知识进行组织和知识测题建立个人知识结构评测方法,给出了应用本方法提供快速辅助和知识检测的知识系统框架。
2.The knowledge rules of the process planning are establised on the basis of the knowledge units included in objects such as Parts, Feature, Sequence, Operation and so on.以零件、特征型面、工序、工步等对象为知识单元,建立了工艺设计过程中的工艺规划知识规则集,探讨了该模型的实现。

元知识  设计大型专家系统时,有时把知识分为两个层次:知识集及控制知识集(知识的知识)。后者称为元知识。设计基于规则的专家系统,可以考虑设置元规则。元知识的设置一般是在领域知识及具体的系统中实现的。它起着减少搜索知识时间、确定知识使用的优先级、知识分类、知识项的宏观描述、控制知识的激发和运行等作用。元知识是高层次的知识,不属于知识集本身,因此,元知识的知识表示的选择应单独考虑。    元知识不是知识集的"公理集",它们之间不是推导关系,而是控制、操作关系。元知识的运行占有优先的地位,而知识(例如规则)的运行可以是在元知识控制下进行。    从抽象意义看,元知识概念属于启发方法的应用,在一个大的知识处理系统中,允许多个知识层次,在其中某些层次中,仍然要明确那些是该层的知识及元知识。