《金匮要略》,Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
1)Synopsis of the Golden Chamber《金匮要略》
1.Analysis of "FuJue" in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》“趺蹶”条文解读
2.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation of blood arthralgia in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》血痹辨治初探
3.Theoretical Example of Pattern of Taking Disease as the Key Link in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber to Today s TCM;《金匮要略》以病为纲模式对现行中医学的理论示范作用

1.Application of Six Steps Pedagogy in Teaching of the Golden Chamber六步教学法在《金匮要略》教学中的应用
2.Characteristics of Chen Xiuyan’s Study on‘Jinguiyaolue’陈修园研究《金匮要略》的特点初探
3.The Study of the Academic Ideas in Jin Kui Yao Lue;《金匮要略》内科杂病学术思想研究
4.Study on the Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Lijie Disease Originated in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》历节病脉因证治源流初探
5.Several Questions Concerning Teaching of Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》教学中若干问题的思考
6.Analysis on differentiated treatment of abdominal pain in Jinguiyaolue《金匮要略》对腹痛的辨治用药探析
7.Effect of synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber on otorhinolaryngologic diseases《金匮要略》对耳鼻喉科临床的影响
8.Discrimination of palpation due to alarm disease in Jinguiyaolue对《金匮要略》惊悸病的辨析与研究
9.On the Characteristics of Synopsis of Golden Chamber in Treating the Gynecological Diseases浅述《金匮要略》论治妇人病的特色
10.A Study in Relationship between Dosage and Effect of Prescriptions Recorded in Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber《金匮要略》方药用量与功效变化的探讨
11.Selection of Treatment According to Differential Diagnosis Research on the Otorhinolarynology of TCM in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》耳鼻咽喉科辨证论治方法探析与临床
12.The Research of the Treatment for Mastopathia by Liver-Spleen-Harmonizing Therapy of Jinkui Yaolue;《金匮要略》调理肝脾法在乳腺病中的运用
13.Jaundice Will Heal by Treating Blood从《金匮要略》原文浅析“治黄必治血,血行黄易却”
14.Mechanism Study on Consumptive Disease with Ingredient-altered Cinnamon Twig Decoction Therapy in Synopsis of Golden Chamber《金匮要略》以桂枝汤加减治疗虚劳病机理探讨
15.Therapy for Excessive and Dysfunction Syndrome of the Liver in Synopsis of Golden Chamber对《金匮要略》中肝实证 肝虚证治法的理解与思考
16.The Ideas of Harmony of "Jinkui Yaolue" and the Application to the Treatment of Disease of Liver《金匮要略》“调和”思想及在肝病证治上的运用
17.On Concept and Meaning of Chest Paralysis and Heartache in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber"试论《金匮要略》胸痹心痛的概念及合篇意义
18.Academic Thought and Clinical Meaning of Treating Diseases to Pay Attention to Tong's Methods on JinGui YaoLue《金匮要略》治病贵通学术思想及临床意义

synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber《金匮要略》
1.Application of Diaphoresis to Edema in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber;汗法在《金匮要略》水气病中的运用
2.Chest Impediment in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber浅探《金匮要略》之胸痹
3)Synopsis of Golden Chamber《金匮要略》
1.Shenqi Capsule is a kedney-yang-tonifying prescription in the Synopsis of Golden Chamber,however,large quantities of raw Dihuang,Shanzhuyuand Shanyao were used to nourish kidney-yin while only small amount of Guizhi and Fuzi were used to tonifying kidney-yang.肾气丸是《金匮要略》温补肾阳方,却反重用干地黄、山茱萸、山药以养肾阴益精血,仅用少量桂枝、附子温补肾阳,并配淡渗利水之泽泻、茯苓,以及活血通脉的丹皮,其理何在?文章就此配伍奥义进行了探讨,提出该方补少火以生肾气;养肾阴以助肾阳;利水湿以通阳气;活血脉以助阳行,集通补开合于一方的观点。
2.The treatment characteristics of liver disorders in Synopsis of Golden Chamber can be summarized as follows: nourishing the spleen to discontinue the advancement of liver disorders; eliminating pathogenic dampness, toxin and stasis; enriching qi and blood and spleen, This article also offers three cases of chronic cholecystitis, viral hepatitis B and fatty liver.学习《金匮要略》,体会其治疗肝病的特点为:肝病实脾防传变,祛邪偏重湿、毒、瘀,扶正培育气、血、脾。
4)Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber《金匮要略》
1.Probe into Damp Disease in Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》“湿病”探微
2.Heat unique pathogen brings on diseases and it′s syndrome and treatment on Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber;《金匮要略》热邪致病及其证治
3.Treating urinary diseases by methods in Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber;运用《金匮要略》方、法治疗泌尿系疾病
1.Application of Clearing the Passage of Fu and Purging Away the Obstruction in JinGuiYaoLue;《金匮要略》中通腑泻实法的运用
2.Characteristics of Chen Xiuyan’s Study on‘Jinguiyaolue’;陈修园研究《金匮要略》的特点初探
3.Discrimination of palpation due to alarm disease in Jinguiyaolue对《金匮要略》惊悸病的辨析与研究
6)Jinkui Yaolue《金匮要略》
1.The Ideas of Harmony of "Jinkui Yaolue" and the Application to the Treatment of Disease of Liver《金匮要略》“调和”思想及在肝病证治上的运用
2.Discussion on the Therapeutic Characteristics of Woman Disease of Jinkui Yaolue试论《金匮要略》妇人病治疗特色
3.Guizhi Fuling Pill comes from section of Furenzabing in Jinkui Yaolue,written by Zhang Zhongjing.为了弘扬仲景学术思想,指导临床正确而广泛地运用该方,本文通过查阅大量文献,主要从该方在《金匮要略》中的应用,古今医家对该方的临床应用几个方面探讨其应用规律。

《金匮要略》《金匮要略》以论述中医内科杂病为主的中医临床专著。全称《金匮要略方论》。中国东汉末张仲景撰于3世纪初。《金匮要略》是作者原撰《伤寒杂病论》中内科杂病部分。北宋校正医书局根据当时所存的《伤寒杂病论》古传本之一的《金匮玉函要略方》3卷本,重新予以整理编次,取其中以杂病为主的内容,略去伤寒部分,仍厘订为3卷。全书共25篇,载方262首。所述病证包括内科杂病方面有:痉病、中暍、百合、狐惑、阴阳毒、疟病、中风、历节、血痹、虚劳、肺痈、咳嗽上气、奔豚气、胸痹等40多种病证;外科方面有痈肿、肠痈、刀斧伤、浸淫疮等;妇科方面有经、带杂病、妊娠及产后病等。此外,还记述了急救猝死、脏腑经络病脉及饮食禁忌等。书中总结了汉代以前的丰富临床经验,提供了辨证论治及方药配伍的一些基本原则。《金匮要略》介绍的方剂多实用有效,直到现在仍较广泛应用于临床。本书自北宋刊行以后,历代注释及研究《金匮要略》的著作颇多,现有多种刊本和注释本。《金匮要略》书影(明万历年间刻本 )