孙思邈,Sun Simiao
1)Sun Simiao孙思邈
1.Sun Simiao Worship,Yao Wang Hui Folk Festival of Western Sichuan and Their Modern Utilization;川西孙思邈崇拜、药王会习俗及其现代开发
2.Exploration on the Thinking of Sun Simiao s Psychosomatic Medicine of TCM;孙思邈中医心身医学思想探微
3.Analysis of Sun Simiao s Treatment for Excess Heat-Syndrome of the Liver;孙思邈治疗肝实热证探析

1.The Blend of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism in Sun Simiao's Medical Ethics Thought孙思邈医学伦理思想中儒、道、释的交融
2.An Exploratory Study of Sun Simiao′s Ideology from the Sui and tang to Qing Dynasties从隋唐到明清时期孙思邈思想的发掘研究
3.Study on Sun Simiao's Tao Regimen Thought from the Developing View of Modern Physics;从现代物理学理论发展探讨孙思邈修道养生观
4.Sun Simiao Worship,Yao Wang Hui Folk Festival of Western Sichuan and Their Modern Utilization;川西孙思邈崇拜、药王会习俗及其现代开发
5.Comparative Studies on Regimens between Canon of Medicine by Avicenna and QianJinFang by Sun Simiao;阿维森纳《医典》与孙思邈《千金方》养生思想的比较研究
6.Outline of SUN Zhong-Shan s Ethical Thoughts--To Commemorate the 140th Anniversary of SUN Zhong-shan s Birth;孙中山的伦理思想述要——纪念孙中山诞辰140周年
7.Among the masters in Warring-States after Sun Bin, “Sun” all refers to Sun Bin according to the context when “Sun” and “Wu” are written together.孙膑以后的战国诸子,在“孙吴”连用时,根据上下文意思,“孙”全都是指孙膑。
8.The Dynamic and Strategically Flexible Thinking of Suntzu's Art of War《孙子兵法》的动态思维与战略柔性思想
9.Sun Zhongshan's Revolutionary Thought and Chinese Traditionary Culture孙中山的革命思想与中国传统文化
10.How Dr. Sun Yat-sen Expatiate on his Revolutionary Theory with Confucianism孙中山如何用儒学阐释其革命思想
11.Sun Zhongshan and the Revial Trend of Thought of Chinese Culture in the 20 th Century孙中山与20世纪中华文化复兴思潮
12.Sun Li, A Lonely but Sober Person--from a Writer to a Thinker孤冷却清醒的孙犁——从文学家到思想者
13.You mean I should have two operations?孙: 您的意思是说我需要动两次手术?
14.This is what Sun Tzu meant when he said that a confused army provides victory for the enemy!孙子所说的“乱军引胜”便是这个意思。
15.Comparison of Mao Zedong and Sun Yat-sen s Thought of Republicanism;毛泽东与孙中山的共和思想比较研究
16.The Research of the Foreign Affairs Idea of Sun Zhongshan about the State Nation Working Together;国共合作前后孙中山的外交思想研究
17.Sun Yat-sen s Thoughts and Practices on Diplomacy in His Later Years and Their Influences;孙中山晚年的外交思想、实践及其影响
18.Research on Thinking of Forging Ahead of Sun Yat-sen, MaoZedong and Deng Xiao Ping;孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平赶超思想研究

SUN Si-miao孙思邈
1.SUN Si-miao s Contribution to the Knowledge of Taoism Neidan Regimen;孙思邈对道家内丹养生学发展的贡献
2.Advocating thoughts of SUN Si-miao s medical morality and improving medical humanistic spirit;弘扬孙思邈医德思想 重振医学人文精神
1.Sunsimiao s Medical Morality and Chinese Humane Spirit;弘扬孙思邈医德思想与重振医学人文精神
2.The Opinion and Treatment of Physician,SunSimiao,on Emergencies;孙思邈对急症的认识和处治
3.Sunsimiao,one of the most distinguished doctors in ancient China,played the important role of linking the past to the future development of the traditional Chinese medicine.孙思邈为中国古代名医之一,他在中医史上做出了承前启后的贡献,使中医继后汉之后的唐代又登上一个新高峰。
4)SUN Si miao孙思邈
1.SUN Si miao is a well known doctor and expert in health preservation who died at the age of 101.孙思邈是我国唐代著名的医学家和养生学家 ,享年 10 1岁 ,其著作《千金要方》记载的养生之道可资后人借鉴。
2.SUN Si miao s hygienics is the result of the combination of Confucianism, Taoism and medical science.孙思邈的养生学说是儒、道、医相结合的产物 ,它由养性说、劳形说和食宜说三个基本方面构成一个完整的体系。
5)Sun Simiao(581-682)孙思邈(581-682)
6)Sun Simiɑo孙思邈(约581~682)
