气血,qi and blood
1)qi and blood气血
1.Study on hyperthyroidism from the aspect of differentiation and treatment of Qi and blood;甲状腺功能亢进症从气血论治探讨
2.When the function of"all vessels converging in lung"is normal, the circulation of qi and blood is smooth, the relationship between yin and yang is harmony.肺朝百脉是对气血关系、心肺关系的高度概括。
3.However,the author believe that human body is a holic,therefore,white lesions of vulvar is extensively associated with the Qi and Blood,five Zang-organs and six Fu-organs.人体是有机的整体,外阴白色病变的发生与气血及五脏六腑均有密切关系,故治疗上还应考虑心、肺两脏。

1.Chinese dates and red Beans can warm and nourish qi and Blood.红枣赤豆,温补气血
2.a woman after childBirth needs to warm and nourish qi and Blood.产妇产后,需要温补气血
3.Effect of the Method of Reinforcing Qi and Activating Blood on the Functions of Vascular Endothelial Cells in Acute Ischemic Stroke with Qi-deficiency and Blood-stasis Syndrome益气活血对急性缺血性中风气虚血瘀证血管内皮细胞功能的影响
4.The Clinical Study of Yiqi Zhixue Decotion in Treating Emorrhapic Period of Anovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding with Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis Syndrome;益气止血汤治疗气虚血瘀型无排卵型功血出血期的临床研究
5.The sap was rising in him.他胸中的血气开始涌涨。
6.Why be obliging? He was selling his sweat and blood.没有客气,他卖的是血汗。
7.microblood gas analysis apparatus微量血液气体测定器
8.Alcaligenes bronchisepticus支气管败血性产碱杆菌
9.alveolar-arterial oxygen difference肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差
10.Their swords smoke with blood.他们的刀上冒出血腥气。
11.Fresh air cleans the blood.新鲜空气能净化血液。
12.Omnis caro ad te veniet.凡有血气者,均来归顺。
13.Blood coagulates in air.血液遇到空气就凝结.
14.Blood is aerated in the lungs.血液在肺中与氧气结合。
15.Blood coagulates when it meets air.血液接触空气就会凝结。
16.blood urea-nitrogen analyzer血尿素-氮气分析仪
17.The blood has gone to his head again, I'm afraid.他恐怕血气又上头了。
18.indirect-pressure interlayer-inflated transfusion bag夹层充气加压式输血袋

1.Objective: To observe the changes of volt-ampere characteristics of Yuan-Primary acupoints in women(before,) during and after menstruation, and to find out the relationships between Qi-blood in human body and volt-ampere characteristics of acupoints,so as to develop a new method for quantitative analysis on changes of Qi-blood.目的:观察健康女性月经前后穴位伏安特性的变化规律,研究穴位伏安特性与人体气血变化的关系,创建气血变化定量研究新方法。
3)Blood gas血气
1.Effects on blood gas during endoscopic thyroidectomy with carbon dioxide insufflation;腔镜甲状腺切除术二氧化碳对血气的影响
2.Effects of different doses of lipopolysaccharide on blood gas and blood glucose in septic rats of different ages;不同日龄大鼠感染不同剂量内毒素对其血气、血糖的影响
3.Effect of on-pump and off-pump coronary bypass surgery on perioperative blood gases in elderly patients;老年患者体外与非体外循环行冠状动脉旁路移植术对围术期血气的影响
5)blood gas analysis血气分析
1.Visceral syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine and the changes of nutrition status or blood gas analysis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期中医脏腑辨证与营养状态、血气分析的变化
2.Blood gas analysis in patients with Septic shock;感染性休克与血气分析关系的相关性研究
3.The predictive values of hemoglobin and blood gas analysis in predicting the prognosis of patients with lung cancer treated with bronchography and perfusion chemotherapy;血红蛋白与血气分析对支气管动脉造影与灌注化疗肺癌患者的预警作用
6)Recuperates the vitality调理气血
1.Recuperates the vitality meath to treat the coronary disease the experience;调理气血法治疗冠心病的体会

气血1.中医学名词。指人体内的气和血。中医学认为气与血各有其不同作用而又相互依存﹐以营养脏器组织﹐维持生命活动。 2.气性。 3.精神﹐精力。参见"气血方刚"。