叶天士,YE Tianshi
1)YE Tianshi叶天士
1.Briefly on Applying Rules of Letting-out-therapy of Ye Tianshi;叶天士透法运用规律浅探
2.Explanations to the first 10 items of Ye Tianshi s Comments on Warm Heat from Exogenous Contraction;叶天士《外感温热篇》前十条阐释 ——湿热病与体质的关系及温热病与湿热病的治疗原则

1.The Study on Rules of Syndrome Differentiation and Making up a Prescription in Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Disease by Yetianshi;叶天士治疗温病的辨证及组方配伍规律研究
2.That night many patriotic Americans went onto the ships and threw all the tea into the sea.那天晚上美国一些爱国志士登上这些船,把茶叶都扔进海里。
3.a Catholic priest, school天主教教士、 学校.
4.From 18-43 days after flowering (DAF), Chlorophyll was contained in amyloplasts of soybean cotyledon cells.大豆开花后18~43天,子叶细胞含叶绿素。
5.In autumn the hills flame with maple leaves秋天里枫叶满山红遍。
6.Those leaves and the blue sky,尽管这些叶子和蓝天
7.In winter there are no leaves on the trees.冬天树上没有树叶。
8.Maple leaves turn red in the autumn.枫叶在秋天变红了.
9.A maple tree ablaze in autumn.枫叶树在秋天呈红色
10.In autumn leaves of trees grow yellow.树叶在秋天渐渐变黄。
11.crush rose geranium leaves;压榨玫瑰天竺葵的叶子;
12.In autumn the leaves fall down from the trees.秋天树叶从树上掉下来。
13.Presumably, flowers bloom from Heaven and leaves sprout from Man's heart.天养的花,心灵的叶子。
14.The maple leaves are tinge with autumn red.枫叶染上了秋天的红色。
15.The woods were in their full panoply of autumn foliage.秋天的树林枝叶茂密。
16.Spring invests the trees with leaves春天给树木披上绿叶。
17.The trees come into leaf in spring.春天,树木吐芽长叶。
18.The leaves start to colour in autumn.树叶在秋天开始变色。

Ye Tian-shi叶天士
1.Investigation of YE Tian-shi s Differential Treatment of Yingfen Syndrome Based on the Picture of Tongue;叶天士《温热论》营分证舌诊探微
2.Ten Methods for Nourishing Yin in the Un-inscribed Medical Records Written by YE Tian-shi;叶天士《未刻本叶氏医案》养阴十法
3)Ye Tian Shi叶天士
1.Preliminary Exploration on Experience of Ye Tian Shi in Diagnosing and Treating Accumulation of Wetness-heat in the Spleen and Stomach;叶天士辨治脾胃湿热证经验初探
2.YE Tian shi, a famous physician in the Qing dynasty in the field of exogenous febrile diseases, advocated, while carrying on and developing the spleen stomach theory of LI Dongyuan, treating the spleen and stomach separately and established the Stomach yin Theory.清代著名温病学家叶天士 ,在继承和发展东垣的脾胃学说的基础上 ,倡导脾胃分治 ,创立了胃阴学说 ,推动了脾胃学说的发展 ,并以甘平或甘凉濡润作为养胃阴的基本原则 ,灵活地将养胃阴法运用于临床 ,丰富了温病及其他杂病治疗的理论和方法。
3.The inheritance and application of Miaos internal deficiency and hidden wind,the theory and therapy of spleen yin and the qidescending method by YE Tian shi presented the achievements of YE Tian shis inheritance and creation and also reflected inheritance and develping channel of the related academic thoughts.明代缪希雍对清代医家的学术发展产生深远的影响 ,叶天士对缪氏内虚暗风、脾阴论治及降气方法的师承运用 ,既体现叶氏继承与创新的成就 ,也反映了有关学术思想继承和发展的脉
4)Masaji Chiba千叶正士
1.Masaji Chiba s Legal Pluralism and the Plural Law in China;千叶正士的法律多元观及中国的法律多元问题
5)Tiantai Taoist priest天台道士
