《伤寒论》,Treatise on Febrile Diseases
1)Treatise on Febrile Diseases《伤寒论》
1.Related Theory and Clinical Significance of Superficial Syndrome in Treatise on Febrile Diseases;《伤寒论》表证的相关理论及其临床意义
2.Dialectical Characteristic of Thought of ZHANG Zhong-jing from Utilization of Negative Symptom in Treatise on Febrile Diseases;从《伤寒论》阴性症状运用谈张仲景辨证思维特点
3.Succession and Development of Treatise on Febrile Diseases by Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Diseases;谈《温病条辨》对《伤寒论》的继承与发展

1.The Study of Syndrome Differentiation Thinking of Jue Yin Disease in Treatire on Febrile Diseases《伤寒论》厥阴病辨证论治思维研究
2.Discussion on the Application of Acapuncture Treatment in Six-meridian Diseases of ShangHan Lun试论《伤寒论》六经病中针灸疗法的运用
3.Exploration on the Motive and Mechanism for Theories Formation of Shanghan Lun《伤寒论》理论构建的动力与机理探讨
4.Definite Proportion Thoughts in Syndrome Differentiation by Definite Quantity of Treatise on Febrile Diseases论《伤寒论》定量辨证中的定比思想
5.Clinical Significance Theory of Stomach Qi Conservation of Shanghanlun论《伤寒论》的保胃气思想及其临床意义
6.Documentation Research and Clinic on the Otorhinolarynology of TCM in Shang Han Lun;《伤寒论》中耳鼻喉条文整理与临床
7.Textual Research on "Xiang Bo", a Misnomer from Treatise on Febrile Disease;宋本《伤寒论》中“相搏”为“相摶”之讹误考
8.The Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment and Clinical Applications on Dysuria in Shanghanlun《伤寒论》小便不利辨治分析及临床应用
9.Thought of Water-control in Shanghan Zabing Lun《伤寒论》太阳篇中的治水思想探析
10.Essence of Taiyang Disease in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases from the Meteorological Perspective从气象角度探讨《伤寒论》太阳病实质
11.On TCM Differentiation Rule of Gastric Stuffiness from Internal Classics and Febrile Diseases从《内经》《伤寒论》谈胃痞中医辨治规律
12.Cross reference of syndromes and prescriptions:the soul of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease written by“方证照合”—张仲景《伤寒论》的灵魂
13.Discussion of Therapeutic Methods for Pharyngeal Dryness Based on the Taiyang Disease Piece of Treatise on Febrile Diseaeses从《伤寒论》太阳病篇谈咽干症的治法
14.Acadmic Thonghe Study on Prescription and Syndrome in Shanghanlun张仲景《伤寒论》方证学术思想研究
15.[Conclusion] This method is easy and quick to apply and observe. It has subsidiary value in diagnosing typhoid, paratyphoid and typhus.结论此法简便,快速,结果易于观察,对伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒具有一定的辅助诊断价值。
16.typhoid-paratyphoid A,B and C vaccine (TABC)伤寒副伤寒甲乙丙菌苗
17.typhoid-paratyphoid A and B vaccine伤寒副伤寒甲和乙菌苗
18.typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine伤寒副伤寒混合菌苗

Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases《伤寒论》
1.Discussion on diagnosis of analogous symptoms in treatise on exogenous febrile diseases;论《伤寒论》类似证辨证
2.Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases:Famous Work of Symptome-based Medicine in China;《伤寒论》是中国古代循证巨著
3.Analysis of the essence of undigested diarrhea syndrome recorded in treatise on exogenous febrile diseases;《伤寒论》固瘕证实质探析
3)Treatise on Febrile Disease《伤寒论》
1.My opinion on the 28th item of Treatise on Febrile Disease;《伤寒论》第28条之我见
2.Differentiation and analysis of the 29~(th) Item of Treatise on Febrile Disease;《伤寒论》第29条辨析
3.Law of Diagnosis and Treatment about Joint Pain of Limbs in Treatise on Febrile Disease;《伤寒论》中四肢骨节疼痛的证治规律研究
4)Shang Han Lun《伤寒论》
1.Investigation and Study on the Series of Recuperative Treatment in Shang Han Lun;《伤寒论》将息诸法探讨
2.Treatment Laws of Epigastric Fullness in Shang Han Lun;《伤寒论》痞证辨治规律探讨
3.Research on mutual collation between Japan Cabinet Edition and National Beijing Library Edition of Shang han lun (Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Disease);《伤寒论》日本内阁本与中国北图本互勘研究
5)Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases《伤寒论》
1.Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases: a Monograph on Syndrome and Treatment of Warm(Pathogen) Diseases;《伤寒论》实为一部“温病证治”专著
2.Ways of Disease Understanding in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases;试论《伤寒论》认识疾病的方法
3.Essence of Taiyang Disease in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases from the Meteorological Perspective从气象角度探讨《伤寒论》太阳病实质
6)Treatise on Febrile Diseases伤寒论
1.Sweating after Treatment in Treatise on Febrile Diseases;谈《伤寒论》的服药后汗出
2.Quantitative Thoughts in Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Treatise on Febrile Diseases;论《伤寒论》辨证论治中的程度表达和定量辨证
3.Discussion on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diarrhea from the Viewpoint of the 159th Item in Treatise on Febrile Diseases;从《伤寒论》第159条谈下利的证治思路
