中医妇科学,gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine
1)gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine中医妇科学
1.A discussion of teaching reform of Gynecology of traditional Chinese Medicine for visually handicapped students;视障针推专业《中医妇科学》教学改革的探讨
2.The article has elaborated the function of cases in the gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine teaching and how to blend the cases into the Special Education.研究如何改进教学方法,是每一个任课教师的责任,本文阐述了案例教学在中医妇科学教学中的作用及如何将案例教学融入特殊教育等问题。

1.A probe into teaching method of gynecology of TCM for blind students;视障学生《中医妇科学》教学法初探
2.A discussion of teaching reform of Gynecology of traditional Chinese Medicine for visually handicapped students;视障针推专业《中医妇科学》教学改革的探讨
3.Students are the main body of learning;学生是学习的主体——非医攻博班中医妇科学调查问卷分析报告
4.Study on Enhancing Theory and Practice Ability of Chinese Medicine Gynecology Students and Clinical Experience;中医妇科学生理论与实践能力提高的方法初探及临床体会
5.a specialist in gynecology.专攻妇科医学的医生。
6.Chinese Medicine Psychology Development and in Chinese Medicine Gynecology Department Clinical Application;中医心理学的发展及在中医妇科临床中的应用
7.biomedical engineering in obstetrics and gynaecology妇产科生物医学工程
8.Cultivating the meidical students in obstetrics and gynecology practice浅谈医学生在妇产科临床教学中的培养
9.Study of evidence-based medicine in clinical obstetrics and gynecology teaching循证医学在妇产科临床教学中的应用研究
10.Understanding,prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis in obstetrics and gynecology based on traditional Chinese medicine妇产科深静脉血栓形成的中医学认识和防治
11.Gynaecology is a branch of medicine.妇科学是医学的一个分科.
12."Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal College of Surgeons of Canada [FRCSC (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)]"加拿大皇家外科医学院妇产科院士
13.Application of Medical Simulation Education Combining with Standardized Patients in the Teaching of Obstetrics and Gynecology医学模拟教育结合标准化患者在妇产科教学中的应用
14.Application of evidence-based medicine combined with problem-based learning(PBL) in clinical teaching of obstetrics and gynecology循证医学和PBL结合教学模式在妇产科见习中的应用
15.There was a doctor,a research scientist,a homemaker,a businessman,and many teachers among them.他们中间有医生、科学家、家庭主妇、商人,也有很多老师。
16.A Study on the Academic Thought and Clinical Experience of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) Gynecologic Famous Experts in the Contemporary Era;当代中医妇科名家学术思想及临证经验整理研究
17.A Preliminary Discussion on Ethical Implications of Gynecological Exams Performed by Medical Students during Their Internship in Clinic;临床中实习医生做妇科检查所引发的伦理学问题浅析
18.Survey and Research of Some Problems Male Medical Students Face During Their Practice in Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics男性医学生在妇产科实习中存在问题的调查研究

Chinese gynecology中医妇科学
1.Evaluation of case introduction teaching method in 7-year program of Chinese gynecology;七年制中医妇科学病例导入式教学法效果评估
2.Experience in clinical teaching of Chinese gynecology to 7-year program of Chinese medicine;七年制硕士生中医妇科学临床教学的体会
3)gynecology of TCM中医妇科学
1.A probe into teaching method of gynecology of TCM for blind students;视障学生《中医妇科学》教学法初探
2.In order to upgrade the quality of clinical teaching in the department of gynecology of TCM,we enhanced the cognitions of teachers and students,and made teacher-student interactions and doctor-patient relationships better;consolidated the basic training and operating abilities;went the rounds of the wards regularly;analyzed cases of particular disease and held lectures.为提高中医妇科学临床带教质量,通过提高教师和学生思想认识、做好师生互动和医患沟通、狠抓基本功和提高动手能力、定期教学查房和病案分析及讲座等形式,使学生在短暂实习阶段有最大收获,为以后真正走上工作岗位奠定基础。
4)TCM gynecology中医妇科
1.Contradictions of clinical practice in TCM gynecology and their possible solutions;中医妇科临床实习与患者就医矛盾调和之对策
2.Based on the research methodology of traditional Chinese medicine, this paper deals with the main components of the reproduction rhythm in TCM gynecology, i.从传统中医研究方法入手 ,通过对中医妇科生殖节律理论的主要组成部分———月经节律与调周法、生殖节律与心肾子宫轴及任督循环圈、中医妇科生殖节律理论中的数律学说三大理论体系形成的分析 ,阐明了中医妇科生殖节律理论的形成与哲学思维指导下的传统中医研究方法关系十分密切。
6)gynecology and obstetrics of Chinese medicine中医妇产科

中医妇科学    中医妇科学    ?妇产科教材。罗元恺主编。本书以1964年全国中医学院试用教材《中医妇科学讲义》为基础,加以充实、扩编而成。列总论、各论两篇。总论介绍绪言、女性的解剖生理特点、病因病机、诊断治法概要以及预防与保健等中医有关妇科的理论学说;各论分述月经、带下、妊娠、产后以及妇科杂病等病因证治与理法方药。书末附有血证、痛证、热证等妇产科常见急症诊断简表,以及计划生育与妇科常用辅助检查等内容。全书突出中医辨证论治特色,间附现代妇科医学知识于其中,颇适用于临床教学。现有1986年上海科学技术出版社排印本。?妇产科著作。成都中医学院主编。全国中医学院首版教科书。全书分总论、各论两部分。总论介绍妇女的生理特点、病因病机、诊断预防、治法概要等;各论分述月经、带下、妊娠、产后以及妇科杂病的证治方药。论病务求审证求因,注重辨证施治。1964年由上海科学技术出版社初版。1971年经修订由上海人民出版社再版,并作为《中医临床参考丛书》之一。?妇科著作。辽宁中医学院等编。系《高等教育中医专业自学考试指导丛书》之第十六种。此书参照历年中医院校教材之体例,以突出自学辅导为特点。书中设总论、各论。总论首列绪论,次阐介女性之解剖生理、病因病机、诊断治法以及预防保健。各论介绍月经、带下、妊娠、产后以及杂病的证治方药。1987年由辽宁科学技术出版社出版。