医古文,Ancient medical literature
1)Ancient medical literature医古文
1.Thoughts, practice and experience in bilingual teaching of ancient medical literature;医古文双语教学的思路及实践体会
2.Meanwhile some suggestions were advanced concerning teaching practice of ancient medical literature.为了培养外向型中医人才,即双语人才,实施医古文中英双语教学具有特别重要的意义;并以《扁鹊传》和《宝命全形论》为例,介绍了不同文体医古文双语教学的具体实施方案;同时对医古文中英双语教学提出了建议。

1.Giving Play to Multiple Functions of Ancient Chinese Language Class - A Discussion on Curricular Construction of Ancient Chinese Language Class;发挥医古文课的多重作用——谈医古文课的内涵建设
2.Two Discussions on the Explanation for "Zhu Jia De Shi Ce" in Chinese Ancient Medical Textbook;《医古文·诸家得失策》注释商榷两则
3.On the Principle of Knowing the World in the Ancient Medical Teaching知人论世原则在医古文教学中的应用
4.Acceptation Explaining about Medical Literature Needs Accomplishment of Characters and Words Commentary Work on Classics医古文的学习和研究需要文字训诂学素养
5.Ancient language development of Traditional Chinese Medicine university student and multimedia education for ancient Medical language;中医大学生语文素质的培养与医古文多媒体教学
6.The Analysis of Ancient Chinese Female Doctors Based on the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine中国古代女医兴衰之医政文化制度探析
8.A Study on Ancient Books and Documents about Aged Health Care of Chinese Medicine;中医老年保健古代文献资料整理研究
9.Examples of Classics Citation in Ancient Medical Books;引用文字 形式多样——古医书引经举要
10.On Reasons for Long Duration of Usage of TCM Ancient;中医古代文献使用时效长的原因初探
11.The TCM Archaic Literature Research on External Application of Tympanites黄疸中药外治法的中医古代文献研究
12.Ancient Literature Record of TCM on Pulmonary Distention Symptoms中医古籍对肺胀相关症状的文献记录
13.Exploration into Ancient Literature on TCM Causa Morbi and Mechanism of Anal and Enteric Diseases中医肛肠病病因、病机的古文献探析
14.Cultural Connotations and the Translation of Traditional Chinese Medical Texts: With the titles of some ancient rare books as a case in point;论中医文化内涵对中医英译的影响——中医药古籍善本书目译余谈
15.Present Development with the Ancient & Cultivation of Kindness & Morals--On Development of Humanistic Spirit in Ancient Chinese Medicine Culture;借古吟今 育善培德——谈古代中医文化中人文精神的培养
16.Medical Humanities Movement and Knowledge Archaeology--Tactics and Strategy of Chinese Humanities Medicine;医学人文运动与知识考古——中国人文医学的战略与策略
17.Thinking Way and Method of Digital Informationalized for Ancient Literatures of Traditonal Chinese Medicine中医药古文献数字信息化的思路与方法——以中医药古文献语料库的构建为例
18.The Study on Classification in the Corpus of Ancient Literature in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy;中医药古文献语料库建设的语料分类问题研究

classical medical Chinese医古文
1.Written in Classical medical Chinese, translating Chinese medical text involves a decoding process, which is largely associated with parsing the metaphoric and connotative meanings of the original text into modern Chinese.因中医文本多为医古文,故在翻译初期需将其解码,即把原文的比喻意义及内涵意义转变为现代汉语。
3)ancient medical Chinese医古文
1.This article discusses that the interpreters should translate the figures of speech of tile ancient medical Chinese into English appropriately according to the basic translating principles of TCM due to the cultural differ- ences between English and Chinese.本文探讨由于英汉语言的文化差异,翻译医古文比喻修辞格,译者应根据中医翻译的基本原则进行恰当的表达。
2.The paper makes an introduction to the practice and thought of the construction of ancient medical Chinese, a national superfine course.介绍了上海中医药大学实施国家级精品课程医古文建设的具体实践与思路,从深化课程内涵、整合课程体系、名师领衔的人才建设、多元化的教学内容与教学模式等多方面进行了探讨。
4)language of "Yi Gu Wen"医古文语言
5)Seventh Edition of Ancient Medical Chinese七版《医古文》
1.Five Corrections to Notes in Seventh Edition of Ancient Medical Chinese;七版《医古文》注释辨商五则
6)TCM ancient literatures中医古文献
1.General condition of TCM ancient literatures acquired from ancient remains in Japan;日本古旧遗址中发现的零残中医古文献概况
