素问,Plain Questions
1)Plain Questions素问
1.Selection of Scholar Thought"Treat Pre-disease"From"Plain Questions";《素问》“治未病”学术思想选讲(三)
2.Textual Research on "Shi Qi Mai" in Plain Questions;《素问》“適其脉”解诂
3.Fortune doctrine formed in the Eastern-Han Dynasty, Whose contents firstly appeared in seven chapters of Plain Questions.运气学说形成于东汉 ,其整体内容最早见之于现存的《素问》“七篇大论”之中 ,据现存资料而言 ,王冰是发掘并传承运气之学的第一人。

1.Ad Hoc Committee on Factors特设因素问题委员会
2.`Would you like to see a little of it?' said the Mock Turtle.“你想看一看吗?”素甲鱼问。
3.asked the Mock Turtle a little anxiously.素甲鱼有点不安地问道,
4.Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire多因素领导行为问卷
5.a crucial decision, issue, factor关键性的决定、 问题、 因素
6.Factor Analysis Personality Questionnaire因素分析型人格问卷
8.Mathemtical Accomoplishment in Education--“the problems”in “problem solving”;谈数学素质教育——“问题解决”中的“问题”
9.She pulled herself together and nudged Chang Su-su:她定了定神,推着旁边的张素素,轻声问道:
10.Discussion of Improvement of Teacher s Quality &Implementation of Quality Education;谈高校教师素质的提高与素质教育实施问题
11.Decomposition of prime ideal p in Q(u~(1/6))素数p在Q(u~(1/6))中的素理想分解问题
12.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.--Bertrand Russell有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。——罗素
13.On the concept of maths problem awareness and problem posing and factor analysis;数学问题意识、问题提出的涵义及因素分析
14.Proper Names and Description--Russell s Criticism to Frege;专名问题及指称问题——浅析罗素对弗雷格之批判
15.On "Being Good at Question Asking" and "Proper Treatment of Qustions"in the Classroom under Quality Education;论素质教育背景下课堂教学的“善问”与“善待问”
16.Factor Ownership"and "Factor Contribution"-On the Essence of the "Distribution basedon the Factor"Issue and Measurement Standard;“要素所有权”与“要素贡献”——论“按要素分配”问题的实质与衡量标准
17.Pursuing Our Own Educational Problems Critically and Simply:Reconstruction of the Problems Realm of Chinese Comparative Education;朴素地追问“自者”的教育问题——中国比较教育学的“问题域”重构
18.No repeating element accessor for {0}:{1}.{0}:{1} 没有重复的元素访问器。

1.Wang Bing s Devotion to the Study of Ancient Books through Current Version of Suwen;由通行本《素问》编次看王冰对古籍整理的贡献
2.A Collation, Making Textual Criticism and Correcting the Fromr of the Knotty Character and Words in Huangdi Neijing Suwen;《黄帝内经素问》疑难字词校补
1.Discussing the Utilization Miraculous Pivot Composition by Suwen rectified by Linyi;略论《素问》林亿新校正对《灵枢》经文的利用
4)Plain Question《素问》
1.New Explanations on"Treatment by LAN"and"Treatment by STONE"in Plain Question;《素问》“治之以兰”与“或石治之”新释
5)Su Wen《素问》
1.The Cultural Origin of Nei Jing With the Reference of Su Wen;察天人之道 究阴阳消息——从《素问》看《内经》的文化来源
2.The Discussion on Theory of "Wu Xing" in Su Wen;论《素问》中的五行学说
3.Discussion about "Wu Xing" and Main Editions of Su Wen论《素问》的五行理论及主要传本
6)Plain Questions《素问》
1.In this paper, the authors present their new explanations of a Chinese word and their correction of some misnomers in the ancient Chinese medical classic Plain Questions .《素问》“不时御神”的“时” ,旧释为“善”。

素问    素问    即《黄帝内经素问》之简称。