俗字,folk character
1)folk character俗字
1.Through paying attention to the differences and the relations of folk characters,wrong characters,interchangeable characters and variant forms of the same character,the existing problems of folk characters types are analysed,then the new classification methods are proposed in accordance with the variant forms of the same character types.在提取俗字时应注意区别俗字和错字、通假字、异体字的关系,目前俗字类型划分存在问题,本文在与异体字关系保持一致的情况下提出了新的分类方法,并从心理和载体形式两个方面探讨了俗字的成因。
2.In Hui Lin s Yiqie Jing Yin Yi,there are some terminologies such as"the vulgar general character""the customs of the time""the character uses in common " "the vulgar general character" "the unauthorized character"are all belong to folk character.慧琳在《一切经音义》中使用的术语主要有俗字、俗用字、俗行用字、时俗共享字、俗通用字、通俗字、俗撰字、变体俗字、转变俗字等,这中间“俗用字”“俗行用字”“时俗共享字”“俗通用字”“通俗字”也都是“俗字”,它们的区别在于流行使用的程度不同,它们代表了俗字从产生使用到广泛流传到通行于那个时代所处的不同阶段;另外的三个术语“俗撰字”“变体俗字”“转变俗字”主要区别在于俗字产生途径的不同。
3.With the influence of the traditional idea that the standard form of Chinese characters was thought highly, the folk characters in Shuo Wen, the precious Chinese character fossil, was not valued.《说文》最早提出"俗某字"这一概念,但由于重正轻俗传统观念的影响,历来对《说文》中俗字这种珍贵的汉字化石重视不够。

1.A study on the similarities and differences between vernacular words in the running-regular script " Qianziwen" written by OUYANG Xun and Dunhuang Manuscripts欧阳询行楷《千字文》俗字与敦煌俗字异同考辨
2.Exmination and Explanation of Some Chinese Su Words;汉语俗字续考(之一)──利用文献材料考释俗字
3.Questions on Phonology of Non-orthodox Characters in Textual Research;俗字考释中的音韵问题──《汉语俗字丛考》读后
4.The Study of Exchanged Characthers and Folk Characters Used in Bamboo Silps Excavated From Ancient Tombs of Qin Dynasty in Shuihudi;《睡虎地秦墓竹简》通假字、俗字研究
5.Kehong Yinyi and Research on Folk Words in Large Modern Dictionaries;《可洪音义》与现代大型字典俗字
6.Study on the Comparison between Dunhwang Vulgar Words and Chinese Characters of Yu Pian's Edition of Song Dynasty敦煌俗字与宋本《玉篇》文字比较研究
7.Duan Yucai′s Views on Language,Limitations and Singnificance as Judged by His Study on Nonstandard Forms of Chinese Characters;从俗字看段玉裁的语言文字观、局限性及意义
8.Research on the Variant Chinese Characters in Romance of Three Kingdoms of Yuan Block-printed Edition;《元至治本全相平话三国志》異俗字研究
9.A Study of the Characters of Folk Forms Written on Silk Books Excavared from Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty in Ma Wangdui;《马王堆汉墓帛书》“肆”俗字研究
10.Analysis of the Case that Dunhuang Chinese Folk Character--Taking the Hand-copied Book on Divination as Center;敦煌俗字举隅——以写本相书为中心
11.Interpreting Style of Chinese Folk Characters in Longkanshoujing according to the Glossaries of Kehong;据《可洪音义》解读《龙龛手镜》俗字释例
12.Types and Genesis of Folk Characters in Yingxian Muta Liao Dynasty Secretbook;《应县木塔辽代秘藏》俗字类型及成因
13.Discrimination on the Terminologies of Folk Character in Hui Lin s Yiqie Jing Yin Yi;《一切经音义》中几个俗字术语辨析
14.Textual Research on Difficult Folk Characters Based on Sui Han Lu(随函录) by Ke Hong(continued);以可洪《随函录》考汉语俗字(续)
15.On Kehong Suihanlu and Chinese Folk Words;可洪《藏经音义随函录》与汉语俗字研究
16.On the Folk-characters Research in the Documents of Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang;《道藏》本《肘后备急方》俗字研究
17.Textual Research on Some Difficult Folk Characters Based on Sui Han Lu (随函录) by Ke Hong (可洪);以可洪《随函录》考汉语俗字若干例
18.An Identification of Some Suzi in the Dunhuang Documents: The Buddha s Preaching of the Scripture of Dizang Bodhisattva;敦煌写本《佛说地藏菩萨经》俗字考辨

common words俗字
1.In this scripture,there are many common words and common phrases.1477号《<祭驴文>一首》堪称唐人俗文中的一篇佳作,此文语言通俗滑稽,妙语连珠,口语色彩极为浓郁,保存了许多当时的俗字、俗语词。
2.From linguistics view, the Dunhuang scriptures of the 85th volume are not only the new materials for studying buddhist scriptures, but also good ones for studying common words and common phrases of Dunhuang documents.第八十五卷所涉的敦煌文献一方面给佛经研究提供了新的材料;另一方面,从语言学的角度来看,也是研究敦煌俗字、俗语词的很好材料。
3)nonstandard forms of characters俗字
1.This paper sort out and analyze seven types of nonstandard forms of characters.本文主要从七个方面对唐代“三书”中的俗字类型进行梳理。
2.A systematical study on nonstandard forms of characters in these manuscripts will be presented in this paper.本文全面地调查了《唐五代韵书集存》的韵书残卷,对当中的俗字进行了系统的研究。
4)folk characters俗字
1.Based on this book Sui Han Lu(随函录),this paper makes a detailed literature a- nalysis of some difficult folk characters that appear in or are omitted by big dictionries,and corrects or amends some present mistakes,aiming to rouse experts attention to this book.论文利用可洪《随函录》对大型字典存有的或漏收的一部分疑难俗字进行了考释,纠正或补充了现有的一些说法。
2.As a treasure house of Chinese language materials, Sui Han Lu (随函录) by Ke Hong(可洪) is indispensable to the researches on Chinese folk characters, but has been ignored by most experts.可洪《随函录》是研究汉语俗字不可多得的一种重要语料,然而一直没有被人们重视。
5)common word俗字
1.Based on Hanyusuzicongkao, this paper studies more than thirty difficult common words from large dictionaries like Hanyudazidian and corrects mistakes that occur in identifying and explain.宋代以后的一些字典辞书 ,诸如《龙龛手镜》、《四声篇海》、《字汇》、《字汇补》、《康熙字典》 ,以及今人编的《汉语大字典》、《中华字海》等 ,都收载了大量有音无义或音义全无以及与正字关系不明的疑难俗字
2.It is a book that can explain shuowen and vindication common words,which is wrote by Zhou Poqi, a paleographers figure of the Yuan dynasty.元代文字学家周伯琦所著《六书正讹》,是一部阐述《说文》,辨证俗字的字书。
6)Vulgar word and idioms俗字俗语

俗字1.即俗体字。旧时指通俗流行而字形不合规范的汉字,别于正体字而言。 2.习用而无新意之字或不高雅之字。