学术特点,academic features
1)academic features学术特点
1.Preliminary study on the academic features of Shenshi Fang;《深师方》学术特点初窥
2.The author of this paper presents a discussion on the academic features of infantile massage in the Qing Dynasty and advocates that importance should be attached to syndrome differentiation, the use of less and effective points, point combination and pressing on the chest and abdomen for diagnosis.简要讨论了清代小儿推拿的学术特点 ,即极力倡导小儿推拿 ;尤为重视辨证论治 ;用穴精少 ,讲究配伍 ;胸腹按诊 ,独辟蹊径 ,推拿八法 ;提纲挈领及广泛应用于成人。

1.On the Academic Characteristics and Position of the Textual Research in the Ming Dynasty;明代考据学的学术特点及其学术地位
2.Academic Features of Lingnan Prescriptions in Treating Miasma;《岭南卫生方》辨证治瘴的学术特点
3.English for Academic Purposes: definition,teaching and language;学术用途英语:概念、教学和语言特点
4.A Brief Introduction About the Characteristics and Principles of Arts Teaching in Primary and Secondary schools;论中小学美术教育的特点和教学原则
5.characteristic of present-day art and literature.以当今时代的艺术和文学为特点。
6.characteristic of the classical artistic and literary traditions.以古典艺术和文学传统为特点。
7.Reviews on the Characteristics and the Empirical Turn in Euro - American Philosophy of Technology试论欧美技术哲学的特点及经验转向
8.The value structure and its characteristics of academic sci-tech periodicals学术性科技期刊的价值构成及其特点
9.Study on Academic Opinions and Features of Formulas of Treatise on Seasonal Diseases;《时病论》学术思想及方剂用药特点研究
10.Research of Peng Guie s Border Area History;彭桂萼边疆史地研究的学术思想特点
11.On Academic Research to Islam Religion in China and Its Characteristics;中国伊斯兰教法的学术研究及其特点
12.The Aesthetic Features of Artistic Symbol in the Stream of Consciousness Novels;意识流小说艺术象征表现的美学特点
13.On the Features and Roles of Evidentiality in EABR;论英语学术书评实据性的特点及作用
14.The Artistic Patterns and Aesthetic Traits of Yunnan Ethnic Paper-cuttings;云南民族剪纸的艺术造型和美学特点
15.Patterns Characteristics and Academic Value of Song Si Liu Hua;论《宋四六话》的体制特点及学术价值
16.Features of Chinese Ancient Mathematics and "Arithemetic in Nine Sections";论《九章算术》和中国古代数学的特点
17.On Characteristics of the International Research about Technology Education of High and Primacy School;国际中小学技术教育研究的若干特点
18.On the Characteristics of the Proposition that "Science and Technology is the First Productive Force";论“科学技术是第一生产力”的命题特点

academic feature学术特点
1.In exploration of the academic feature of Dr.从医论、医案入手,探讨全国著名中医学家张镜人的学术特点
2.This paper makes an analysis of the academic features and the value of some articles that appear in the Republished References by the People s University" from educational academic journals with a view to exploring the state and trend of the education research in China.分析部分教育类学术期刊被《人大复印报刊资料》全文复印或部分转载的论文的学术特点和学术价值,有助于我们从具体的研究成果中抽象出我国教育理论的研究状态和学术趋势。
3)academic characteristics学术特点
1.It has three academic characteristics:1.小型实用,切合临床;讲究炮制,配伍灵活;结合临床,阐发药理是本书的主要学术特点
2.The core of the TCM academic characteristics lies in the thought structure on method and the human body function structure on content,the exploration into which is the key of TCM research.中医学术特点的核心是方法上的思维层次观和内容上的人体功能层次,对其的揭示是中医研究的关键。
4)features of learning papers学术论文特点
5)Academic thought characteristic学术思想特点
6)tactics teaching feature战术教学特点

“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”  遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿