陈自明,Chen Ziming
1)Chen Ziming陈自明
1.Chen Ziming was the famous medicine expert in Nan Song dynasty,whose masterpiece "woman complete and effective prescription" is the first gynecological monograph in China that established the foundation of the development of the gynecology,had a great influence on later age.陈自明为南宋时期著名医家,其著作《妇人大全良方》是我国第一部妇科专著,为我国妇产学科的发展奠定了基础,对后世有着深远的影响。
2.Chen Ziming was a very famous TCM expert in Song Dynasty.陈自明是宋代著名医学家,在理论上不仅深入钻研经典,并能博采众家之长,勤于实践,勇于创新。

1.The Study of Characteristics and Medicine Laws for Curing Amenorrhea by Chen Zi-Ming陈自明论治闭经特色及用药规律研究
2."See now, I have put my cause in order, and I am certain that I will be seen to be right."我已陈明我的案,知道自己有义。
3.The Clear and Bright Moon--The optimism and low-pressure style of Chen Guan Ci;这一轮明月,本自无暇——论陈瓘词的明净风格
4."Put me in mind of this; let us take up the cause between us: put forward your cause, so that you may be seen to be in the right."你要提醒我,你我可以一同辩论,你可以将你的理陈明,自显为义。
5.Allow me to introduce myself. my name is chen ming, business manager of the pacific ocean computer company.请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫陈明,太平洋计算机公司的业务经理。
6.Chen's two alleged accomplices, Kao Tien-min and Lin Chen-sheng, committed suicide in two earlier clashes with police.陈的两个共犯,高天明和林春生,在两个警方先前的攻坚中自杀。
7.Poetic Civilazation in Mutual Interpretation between Poetry and History--Chen Yinke and Qian Mu′s Free Intention in Their Poetics Interpretations;在诗史互证中显现文明的美丽——陈寅恪与钱穆诗学解释的自由意向
8.Each piece is dried, mounted in a clear trophy case and marked with the type of rhino that produced it.这四块干犀牛粪被放在透明的陈列柜中,每块粪便还注明来自哪种犀牛。
9.This writer is guilty of trying to gussy up a plain statement to make it fit the rules.这个执笔者所犯的错误就是把本来明明自己的陈述修饰一番,使之变成合乎条例的规定。
10.clearly defined or formulated.明确的定义或者陈述。
11.Do one thing under cover of another明修栈道,暗渡陈仓
12.Natural Lighting and Illumination ofExhibition Room陈列室的采光和照明
13.I know what you mean, Mr. Chen.陈先生,我明白你的意思。
14.I think Chen Ming is.我认为陈明最合适。
15.So I suggest we have Chen Ming.因此,我建议选陈明。
16.explain oneself: give an account of one's intentions or motives陈述理由,说明清楚
17.It is with a keen sense of urgency that we state our views, and we await your considered opinion.迫切陈词,愿闻明教。

Chen Ming陈明
1.Love along Yan River Lasts almost Half a Century——On Reading A Collection of Love Letters Between Ding Ling and Chen Ming;延河的爱,流淌近半个世纪——敬读《书语:丁玲陈明爱情书简》
3)Chen Jiongming陈炯明
1.Review of Chen Jiongming s Building of Local Self-Government in Guangdong Province;陈炯明地方自治及其评析
2.Attempt and failure of National Communists Association to unite Chen Jiongming;共产国际联合陈炯明的尝试及失败
3.The Elective Wave of Guangdong Captain General in the Early Time of Republic of China——On the Gap between Sun Yatsen and Chen Jiongming民国初年广东都督选任风潮——孙中山与陈炯明分歧溯源
4)CHENG Xiao-ming陈晓明
5)Chen Keming陈克明
1.An Andrew Sanqu in Ming Dynasty Linchuan we lost with the return of Chen Keming;明代临川散曲大家陈克明的走失与回归
6)Chen Zuoming陈祚明
1.Examining and Commenting on Chen Zuoming s Outings and His Intention of Compiling The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House;陈祚明交游及《采菽堂古诗选》编选意图考论

陈自明Chen Ziming陈自明 人名。字良甫,生卒年月:1190~1270年。中国临川(今江西抚州)人,世医出身,精于外科和妇科。著有《妇人大全良方》、《外科精要》等书。二书分别对 女性生殖系统疾患、求嗣、胎教、梅毒、下疳等进行了详论,对后世影响较大。尤其是《妇人大全良方》在付梓300年后,明代医家薛己加以校订注释,并在每论之后,再加按语及治验 ,使其流传更为广泛。《女科证治准绳》、《济阴纲目》等书,即以其书为蓝本而编撰。