古文献,ancient documents
1)ancient documents古文献
1.This paper will focus on some of the long-existing controversial paragraphs in the ancient documents.古文献难解之处,大多存在句读问题。
2.The second part surveys research done on the other ancient documents related .水运仪象台是中国古代伟大的科技成就之一,对它的研究和复原,无一不是在古文献的整理及文字解读基础上进行的。

1.Taking the Examples of Loopholes and Faults with Seal Characters and Seal Characters Correspond to Regular Scripts in Ancient Documents;古文献中篆文及其篆楷对应错漏举例
3.New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents;笺注上古文献的新视角——评《〈尚书〉新笺与上古文明》
4.Beginning Time of the Xia Culture As Seen from Ancient Data and Archeological Finds;从古文献与考古资料看夏文化的起始年代
5.In the ancient geography book Shanhai Jing (The Book of Mountains and Seas), there is an account of "Long-Leg Kingdom".古文献《山海经》中有关于"长股国"的记述,
6.The Distinguishes between "Gan" and "Neng" in Chinese Ancient Literature;浅议古文献中的“敢”字可以训“能”
7.Some Problems about the Quotation of the Ancient Literature in Chinese Dialects Dictionary;《汉语方言大词典》古文献引用问题例说
8.Historical Matericals of Ancient Chinese Document中国古代文献史料学
9.Publishment of Chinese Monggol Language Ancient Books Comprehensive Table of Contents and Exploitation of Monggol Language Ancient Book and Documents;《中国蒙古文古籍总目》的出版与蒙古文古籍文献的开发利用
10.Inheritance and innovation of both ancient literature masterpiece of comments "Classical Literature";继承与创新兼备的文献学佳作——评《古典文献学》
11.The Comparative Analysis on Chinese Classical Philology and Historical Philology中国古典文献学与历史文献学的对比分析
12.He was an expert on ancient Chinese astronomical literature.他是研究中国古代天文学文献的专家。
13.Legal Literature in Ancient Times-Treasury of Chinese Civilization古代法律文献——中华法制文明的宝库
14.Crises in Chinese Quality of Editors and Carrying on the Classical Literature;编辑语文素质与古典文献传承之危机
15.The paleographic value of the ancient arranged reference book <秘府略>;日本汉文古类书《秘府略》文献价值研究
16.Brief Discuss The Ancient Documental "Cuju" With Football Culture;简论古代文献中的“蹴鞠”与足球文化
17.Reviewing on Mao Zedong s Contribution to Philology through the remark on Classical Novels and Poetry--Tries analyzes "Besieged city" the character portrait description;从批注古典小说、诗词看毛泽东对文献学的贡献
18.On Contributions Confucius Made in Sorting Out Library Material and Information;试论孔子对我国古代文献资料整理工作的贡献

ancient literature古代文献
1.However,some "Gan" in the ancient literature express the external possibility instead of the personal positivity,whose meaning and function are similar to the word "Neng".但是,在古代文献上,有些“敢”字却不表示主观上的积极性,而是强调客观上的可能性,意义和用法与“能”字相当。
2.This paper deals mainly with the different forms of characters between ancient literature and modern usage of the characters, which may cause confusion.本文主要从今人的阅读实际出发,着重注意研究古代文献中因与现代用字不一致而带来的解读障碍。
3.The Collection of Ancient Literature about Atrophy Diseases and a Research on 50 Cases of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Symptoms and Syndromes;目的:探讨古代文献中关于“痿证”的病因病机、病位及对50例肌萎缩侧索硬化(Amyotrophic Lateral Solerosis,ALS)患者(痿证)的症状特点、证候特点进行分析;并对二者共性进行分析。
3)ancient books古籍文献
1.Further tapping the ancient books and further in vestigation in fields are the main course of saving Manchu medicine culture.抢救满族医药文化遗产所遇到的首要问题是满族先民是否有医药;古籍文献的深度挖掘和田野调查的深入开展是抢救满族医药文化遗产的主要路径;抢救民族医药文化遗产的目的,不只是为了保护,更主要的是为了开发,使之为社会进步和民族区域经济发展服务。
2.The paper discusses three problems that ancient books protection in university libraries meets,and also discusses the main technologies,methods and trend of regeneration protection of ancient books,which should be strengthened and exploited in university libraries by sharing the ancient books resources over the network.论述高校图书馆古籍文献保护工作面临的三大问题,探讨古籍文献"再生性保护"工作主要的技术、方法及发展方向,认为高校图书馆应着重加强和拓展古籍文献"再生性保护"工作,并应积极参与网络化共享。
3.Based on the construction on the bibliograry database of the copy of ancient books the Series Imperial Collection of Four,the paper discusses the standardization of mark list of individual title in ancient China and the superscription of ancient books,and points out the problems existing in Title Standards of National Library.文章就影印古籍《四库全书》系列书目数据库建设,谈我国古代个人名称标目和古籍文献题名规范控制,并指出"国家图书馆名称规范库"存在的问题。
4)ancient book literatures古籍文献
1.This paper introduces the definition of the ancient book literatures, analyzes on the aims and significance of composing the ancient book literatures, discusses on the problems existing in the ancient book literatures and their reasons, and advances several suggestions on protecting and utilizing the ancient book literatures in a proper way.介绍了古籍文献的定义,分析了古籍文献撰制的目的和意义,论述了古籍文献资料中存在的问题及其原因,提出了正确保护与利用古籍文献的几点建议。
2.This paper expounds the important significance of the digitalization for the application and propagation of the ancient book literatures,introduces the present situation of the digitalization of Chinese ancient book literatures,and probes into some problems related to the digitalization of ancient book literatures.阐述了数字化对古籍文献应用与传播的重要意义,介绍了我国古籍文献数字化工作的现状,探讨了古籍文献数字化面临的有关问题。
3.This paper expounded the important significance of the digitalization for the application and propagation of the ancient book literatures,introduced the present situation of the digitalization of Chinese ancient book literatures,and probed into some problems related to the digitalization of ancient book literatures.阐述了数字化对古籍文献应用与传播的重要意义,介绍了我国古籍文献数字化工作的现状,探讨了古籍文献数字化面临的有关问题,并针对性的提出了解决措施。
5)ancient document古籍文献
6)Antiquarian book古旧文献

文化部古文献研究室  整理和研究中国出土古代文献资料为主的科学研究机构。1978年 1月23日成立,主任唐长孺。    该室主要研究甲骨金文、秦汉简牍、敦煌吐鲁番文书、碑刻墓志、石窟雕塑、长城考察和古代工艺等。其中居延汉简、敦煌古文献、吐鲁番文书为国家重点科研项目。该室的某些研究项目,是1974年国家文物事业管理局组织的竹简帛书整理组研究工作的延续。    编辑出版的刊物有:《出土文献研究》和《文物天地》。与有关单位合作出版图书有 《吐鲁番出土文书》。原竹简帛书整理组编的书有:《银雀山的汉墓竹简》(一)、《马王堆汉墓帛书》 (一)(三)(四)、《睡虎地秦墓竹简》以及单行本如 《孙子兵法》、《孙膑兵法》、《老子》、《经法》、《战国纵横家书》、《五十二病方》、《导引图》、《古地图》等。