《梦溪笔谈》,Meng Xi Bi Tan
1)Meng Xi Bi Tan《梦溪笔谈》
1.Discussing Medical Achievement of Meng Xi Bi Tan略论《梦溪笔谈》的医药学成就
2.His collation of Meng Xi Bi Tan (Dream Stream Essays), a famous ancient work on science and technology, is well received by the academic circles both in China in other countries.他对我国著名的科技古籍《梦溪笔谈》的整理校证工作,受到国内外学术界的一致好评。
3.In this paper, we mainly based on the“Meng Xi Bi Tan”, with the reference Li haixia“Research on animal一naming in acient Chinese”and Tan hongjiao“Research on plant一naming in acient Chinese”.本文主要以《梦溪笔谈》为文本,参考李海霞的《汉语动物命名研究》和谭宏娇的《古汉语植物命名研究》,以名物命名的相对可论证性认识和汉语词汇发生与积累的阶段性理论为基础理论,对书中的274个动植物名物词做集中、系统地分析,从而为汉语词汇史的建立与完善提供语言材料和结论。

1.An Analysis on Value of Notes at Mengxi Garden in Modern Researches on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology;试析《梦溪笔谈》的当代中医药研究价值
2.An overview of the study on Meng Xi Bi Tan《梦溪笔谈》研究的主要内容与成果概览
3.and wooden mouse-catching device recorded in Meng Xi Bi Tan (the Dream Rivulet Diary) written by Shen Kuo of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), all have natures similar to modern robots.宋代沈括的《梦溪笔谈》中的"木抓鼠"等,都和机器人有着异曲同工之妙。
4.Research on the Idea of Structure of Ancient China Based on the Typology of Text--Mengxibitan and Yingzaofashi as Examples文本类名中的中国古代结构观念探析——以《梦溪笔谈》、《营造法式》为例
6.Between idea and material--Discusses in the plastic arts the material and the idea question梦笔生花——谈造型艺术中的物质性
7.The wonderful dreams make the wonderful imagination--On the Technique of Dreams Writing in Dreams of the Red Mansion and Wuthering Heights;妙笔生心花——谈谈《红楼梦》与《呼啸山庄》的梦境式叙事技巧
8.Communication Style of Love and Its Cultural Connotation in A Dream of Red Mansions;传神文笔寄深情——谈《红楼梦》中的情爱传达方式及其思想文化内涵
9.Brush-pot with a Scene of Enjoying the Cool on a Stream Boat Carved by Shang Xun尚勋溪船纳凉图笔筒
10.Not about art and dreams.不谈艺术,不谈梦。
11.Brief Analysis of "Wolf-image" in Writings of Shen Shixi and Jin Zenghao谈中国当代动物小说创作的新动向——以沈石溪、金曾豪笔下的“狼形象”为例
12.The Textual Criticism of The Essay about A Dream of Red Mansion--A Comparative Study of Its Two Fditions Collected Respectively By Sichuan Provincial Library And Zhengzhou University Library;《读红楼梦随笔》流传考辨——郑藏与川藏《读红楼梦随笔》比较研究
13.On Tragic Psychology and Sentimental Connotation of Yuxi Poetry and Mengchuang Ci;论玉溪诗与梦窗词的悲情心理和情思内涵
14.Qian zhongshu Talks about “A Dream of Red Mansions”;无端说梦向痴人——钱锺书谈《红楼梦》
15.Buddhist Destiny and Meditative Mind--From the Simplified Paintings of LiangKai to the Paintings of Buddhist-Taoist Figures of MuXi;佛缘禅思——从梁楷的减笔体到牧溪的道释人物画
16.Succinct and Implicit Narration and the Esthetic Appreciation in A Dream of Red Mansion;“春秋笔法”与《红楼梦》审美接受
17.On the Distinguishing Feature That A Dream of Red Mansions Has Different Literary Form;史才·诗笔·议论——《红楼梦》文备众体的特点
18.Discussion on Citation Norms Taking Chen Li s Citation Methods as a Good Example;从《引书法示端溪书院诸生》谈引文规范

1.The Preliminary Discussions on the Literatureal Achievements of Shen Kuo s Mengxibitan;沈括《梦溪笔谈》的文献学成就
3)Mongxi Bitan (Dream Pool Essays)梦溪笔谈
1.Shen Kuo and His Mongxi Bitan (Dream Pool Essays);弥足珍贵的《梦溪笔谈》——写在沈括逝世900周年
4)Tthe pen talk of Red Chamber Dream《红楼梦》笔谈
5)Yuan Dade Jiu Nian Chen Renzi Dongshan Shuyuan keben Guyu Chenshi Jiacang Mengxi Bitan元大德九年陈仁子东山书院刻本《古迂陈氏家藏梦溪笔谈》
6)written discussion笔谈
1.Also some of post-graduates inShanghai University who are majoring the Contemporary Chinese Literature,are having a written discussion,under theguidance of Professor Wang Hong-sheng.上海大学现当代文学专业的部分研究生,在导师王鸿生教授的主持下,通过认真的阅读和讨论,撰文就贾氏的这一新作进行了笔谈。
