喻昌,Yu chang
1)Yu chang喻昌
1.The Contribution of Yu chang to the Theory of Jaundice of TCM;喻昌《医门法律》对黄疸证治的贡献
2.Characteristics of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment Administration of Exogenous Disorders in Medical Laws by Yu Chang;喻昌《医门法律》对外感诸病辨证论治之特色
3.Yu Chang's View on Dryness: A Study of Literature Related to Treatment of Dry Syndromes in Northwest China喻昌论燥——西北燥证治法相关文献研究

1.Yu Chang's View on Dryness: A Study of Literature Related to Treatment of Dry Syndromes in Northwest China喻昌论燥——西北燥证治法相关文献研究
2.Cultural Metaphor of Ideal Life and Objective Reality;通达与穷厄的文化隐喻——王昌龄《长信秋词》别解
3.Study on Influence of Nanchang Yujiawan Levee Realignment Project in Gangjiang River on the Flood Control and Regime of River;赣江南昌市沿江大堤喻家湾改线工程对防洪河势影响研究
4.The gentleman knows what is right; the small man knows what is profitaBle.君子喻于义,小人喻于利。
5.A Metonymy and Metaphor-based Study of HAND Fan Hui,Gongxue,Daiweiping;“Hand/手”的转喻、隐喻说略
6.The Similarity of Lenor and Vehicle of the Figurative Structure of N_1 (de) N_2;N_1(的)N_2比喻结构的喻解
7.the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories.用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。
8.A word used in metonymy.换喻词,转喻词用在换喻中的词
9.Vehicle and metaphorical meaning in cultural context of Chinese and English trope;从喻体和喻义看英汉比喻的文化差异
10.Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.比喻包括隐喻、喻、喻、喻等,是语义修辞法的重要组成部分。
11.The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张
12.The Construction of Metaphorical Meaning from the Perspective of the Addressor s Focalization and Understanding of Metaphor;从施喻者角度看隐喻意义构建和隐喻理解
13.Metaphor Everywhere--to Explore Translation Studies from Simile and Metaphor;无处不在的隐喻——从明喻、隐喻看翻译理论研究
14.On the Fuzziness of Metaphorical Phrases and the Translation Strategy of Metaphorical Ways in A Dream of Red Mansions;比喻喻体的模糊性及翻译对策——《红楼梦》比喻译谭
15.A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric Metaphor,Cognitive Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor;修辞隐喻、认知隐喻、语法隐喻的对比初探
16.On August 1st, 1927, Nanchang Uprising broke out in Nanchang.1927年8月1日,南昌起义在南昌爆发。
17.Yang Shengan and His Poems;羁身边陲 放歌永昌——杨升庵永昌诗赏析
18.advisory letter [slope maintenance]劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕

1.Sutra of 100 Parables was a classical easy-to-read Buddhist book and it is famous for its 100 parables.《百喻经》以近百喻喻世,系中古时期浅显易读的佛典名著。
3)Wenchang Changsa文昌昌洒
1.Study on the Characteristics of Rural Vegetation and the Eco-environmental Problems of Agriculture Development in Wenchang Changsa, Hainan;海南文昌昌洒农村植被特点与农业开发中的生态环境问题研究
4)City Site of Chanchan昌昌城址
5)metaphor vehicles比喻喻体
1.This paper discusses different patterns in the choice of metaphor vehicles in both English and Chinese idioms.广泛、系统地了解英汉两个民族的文化 ,可以帮助学习者更好地了解英汉习语比喻喻体选择的因素 ,增强学习者的文化敏感性 ,准确理解英语习语 ,尤其是那些貌合神离的英语习
6)metaphor metonymy隐喻转喻

醍醐喻【醍醐喻】 (譬喻)天台依涅槃经喻之于第五时之法华涅槃。真言依六波罗蜜经譬之于陀罗尼藏。其他诸宗各喻其自宗。涅槃经十四曰:“譬如从牛出乳,从乳出酪,从酪出生苏,从生苏出熟苏,从熟苏出醍醐。醍醐最上,若有服者,众病皆除。所有诸药,悉入其中。善男子!佛亦如是。从佛出生十二部经,从十二部经出修多罗,从修多罗出方等经,从方等经出般若波罗蜜,从般若波罗蜜出大涅槃,犹如醍醐,言醍醐者喻于佛性。”六波罗蜜经一曰:“一素呾缆,二毗奈耶,三阿毗达磨,四般若波罗蜜多,五陀罗尼门。此五种藏教化有情,随所应度而为说之。(中略)此五法藏譬如乳酪生苏熟苏及妙醍醐,契经如乳,调伏如酪,对法教者如彼生苏,大乘般若犹如熟苏,总持门者譬如醍醐。醍醐之味,乳酪苏中微妙第一,能除诸病,令诸有情自心安乐。总持门者,契经中最为第一,能除重罪,令诸众生解脱生死,速证涅槃安乐法身。”