王叔和,Wang Shuhe
1)Wang Shuhe王叔和
1.Mai Jing (The pulse classic), the earliest extant monograph on sphygmology in China, was wrote by Wang Shuhe during the Jin Dynasty.《脉经》为晋·王叔和撰,是我国现存最早的脉学专著,其学术思想主要来源于《内经》、《难经》、和张仲景的《伤寒杂病论》,继承了汉魏以前的脉学成就,集其大成,同时还收载了多部早已失传的古代脉学著作,因此本书是中医古代脉学的结晶,是一部理论与实践相结合的脉学专著。
2)Wang Renshu王任叔
1.The paper argues that, Wang Renshu realized the policy of "violating national interests of country" and propagated war of resistance to save the nation; Hu Sh-anyuan has clear consciousness in carrying out the spirit of war of resistance, warm in propagating style; Huang Jiayin is turned to and paid close attention to "society and .孤岛时期,王任叔主编时期《自由谈》实现了以“不违背民族国家的利益”宣传抗战救国;胡山源主编时期《自由谈》在贯彻抗战精神上有明确的意识,在传播风格上具有温和性;黄嘉音主编时期《自由谈》转向关注“社会与人生”,提供知识与趣味。
3)Wang Jinshu王进叔
4)Wang Shumin s王叔岷
1.Supplementing and Emending for Wang Shumin s Zhuangzi Jiaoshi;王叔岷《庄子校释》订补稿
5)Wang Shuhui王叔晖

1.Making an Inventory of the Elapsed DreamThe Analysis of Art Achievements of the Picture - Story Book STORY OF THE WEST WING - ROOM;盘点逝去的梦——浅谈王叔晖连环画《西厢记》的艺术成就
2.The latter was represented by the Four Wangs (Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, Wang Hui, Wang Yuanqi), Wu Li and Yun Ge.后者以"四王吴恽"(王时敏、王鉴、王晖、王原祁、吴历、恽格)为代表,
3.Uncle Wang didn't look convinced.王大叔看来还不相信。
4.He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair.他请求王大叔主持会议。
5." Well said, " put in Uncle Wang.王大叔插话说:“说得对。”
6.The children hung about Grandpa Wang, hoping to hear a story about Uncle Lei Feng.孩子们围着王大爷,想听他讲雷锋叔叔的故事。
7.Proposal for Reconstructing New life--on Wang Anyi s Uncle s Stories;重建新生活的倡议书——论王安忆《叔叔的故事》
8.Another Investigation of Tang Shuyu's Fief--A discussion with Mr.Wang Zengbin叔虞封地再考——兼与王增斌先生商榷
9.Uncle Ke-ting and Aunt Wang were the most boisterous of the lot.闹得最起劲的是五叔克定和四婶王氏。
10.In Arthurian legend, a king of Cornwall who was the husband of Iseult and the uncle of her lover Tristan.马可王在亚瑟王传奇中的康沃尔王,伊索尔特之夫,他是其妻子的情人特里斯坦的叔叔
11.And the king of Babylon made Mattaniah his father's brother king in his stead, and changed his name to Zedekiah.巴比伦王立约雅斤的叔叔玛探雅代替他作王,给玛探雅改名叫西底家。
12.Bob has often spoken me of Wang hui, and has told me how very much be enjoys having him for a roommate / teammate.鲍勃经常向我提起王晖,并经常谈到与他同住一室/为队友是多么愉快。
13.Wang Shu-ming was deputy commander-in-chief and chief of staff of the air force.王叔铭,当时任国民党军空军副总司令兼参谋长。
14.Uncle Wang offered to adopt the homeless child.王大叔(主动)提出了要收养这个无家可归的孩子。
15.In the play, a wicked uncle acts as a foil to the noble prince.在剧中,一个坏心肠的叔父给高贵的王子做衬托。
16."Obsequious Beauty" and "Being Dizzy and Confused"--One of comparisons between aesthetics categories of Schopenhauer and Wang Guowei“媚美”与“眩惑”——叔本华与王国维美学范畴比较之一
17.Analyzing the Influence on Wang Guo-wei by the Philosophy of Schopenhauer from Comments on A Dream of the Red Mansions;从《红楼梦评论》看叔本华哲学对王国维的影响
18.WANG Tong-zhao s Recommendation, Approval, Misreading And Original Ideal About Schopenhauer s And Eduard Von Hartmaun s Aesthetics;王统照对叔本华、哈特曼美学的译介与误读

Wang Renshu王任叔
1.The paper argues that, Wang Renshu realized the policy of "violating national interests of country" and propagated war of resistance to save the nation; Hu Sh-anyuan has clear consciousness in carrying out the spirit of war of resistance, warm in propagating style; Huang Jiayin is turned to and paid close attention to "society and .孤岛时期,王任叔主编时期《自由谈》实现了以“不违背民族国家的利益”宣传抗战救国;胡山源主编时期《自由谈》在贯彻抗战精神上有明确的意识,在传播风格上具有温和性;黄嘉音主编时期《自由谈》转向关注“社会与人生”,提供知识与趣味。
3)Wang Jinshu王进叔
4)Wang Shumin s王叔岷
1.Supplementing and Emending for Wang Shumin s Zhuangzi Jiaoshi;王叔岷《庄子校释》订补稿
5)Wang Shuhui王叔晖
6)Wang Shuwen Group王叔文集团
1.Wang Shuwen Group carried out Shunzong s order devotedly in the process of reformation and adopted a series of important measures which benefited both the country and the people.王叔文集团在实行改革的过程中,既忠实地贯彻了顺宗的意图,采取了一系列利国利民的重大措施,又利用顺宗所赋予的权力,在组织方面塞进了许多党同伐异的私货。
