薛生白,Xue Shengbai
1)Xue Shengbai薛生白
1.Xue Shengbai s Drug Administering Characteristics on Eliminating Dampness;薛生白化湿用药特点探析
2.Thought in Xue Shengbai’s “Shi Re Bing Pian” on Treating Spiritual Diseases;薛生白《湿热病篇》中治疗神志病变思路探析
3.After reading and analyzing Shi Re Bing Pian,Xue Shengbai s methods of dampness-eliminating in damp-heat diseases,such as ventilating dampness,resolving dampness,drying dampness and removing dampness,were discovered.通过研读分析《湿热病篇》,发现薛生白治疗湿热病时,娴熟得运用了宣湿、化湿、燥湿、利湿之法,对当前中医临床颇具指导意义。

1.And what's Hsueh Pao-chu done that she should be promoted?"宝珠有什么功劳,升她?”
2.Xue Bao-chai s Ambivalence--An Insight into Image of Xue Bao-chai from the"cold-fragrance pill;宝钗性格的双重特征——从“冷香丸”看宝钗
3."The sons of Naphtali by their families: of Jahzeel, the family of the Jahzeelites: of Guni, the family of the Gunites:"按着家族,拿弗他利的众子,属雅的,有雅族。属沽尼的,有沽尼族。
4."Presuming on his powerful connections, he had had a man beaten to death and was now to be tried in the Yingtian prefectural court. ""家姨母之子姨表兄蟠,倚财仗势,打死人命,现在应天府案下审理."
5.And the sons of Kohath; Amram, Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel.歌辖的儿子是暗兰,以斯哈,希伯伦,乌
6."The sons of Uzziel: Micah the first, and Isshiah the second."乌的长子是米迦,次子是耶西雅。
7."Ezer their chief, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third,"第一以,第二俄巴底雅,第三以利押,
8."and the sons of Kohath were amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel."哥辖的儿子是暗兰,以斯哈,希伯伦,乌
9.and the sons of Uzziel: Mishael and Elzaphan and Sithri.乌的儿子是米沙利,以利撒反,西提利。
10.and the sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel and Guni and Jezer and Shillem.拿弗他利的儿子是雅,沽尼,耶色,示冷。
11.Beth Ezel is in mourning; its protection is taken from you.伯以人的哀哭,使你们无处可站。
12.But now Baochai had suddenly appeared on the scene.不想如今忽然来了一个宝钗
13.Remeth, En Gannim, En Haddah and Beth Pazzez.利篾,隐干宁,隐哈大,伯帕
14."Xue Pan is another of those greedy-guts who keep"one eye on the bowl and the other on the pan."那老大也是"吃着碗里看着锅里"的
15."Let's leave the question of Yao Chin-feng and Hsueh Pao-chu out of it for the moment.“姚金凤和宝珠的事,往后再谈。
16.What did Hsueh Pao-chu and Chou Erh-chieh say?宝珠和周二姐说些什么呀?
17.What did Hsueh Pao-chu and that girl Chou Erh-chieh have to say about it?宝珠,还有那个周二姐,造些什么谣言?
18.A token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes.作为斯巴达臣服雨西斯意志的象征。

3)Xue Neng薛能
5)Xue Xuan薛瑄
1.A Study of the Editions of Du Shu Lu by Xue Xuan;薛瑄《读书录》版本源流考
2.Xue Xuan Understanding and Practice of Cheng Zhu Li Xue;薛瑄对程朱理学的体认与实践
6)Xue Tao薛涛
1.Evaluations on the Three English Versions of XUE Tao s Poems through Nida s Theory of Equivalence Effect;用奈达的等效翻译理论评价薛涛诗词的三个英译本
2.Between female feelings and male spirit——A complex world of feelings in Xue Tao s poets;女性情怀辉映男子气概——试论薛涛诗歌中的双重情感
3.The Discrimination of“Leave Poems”Writtened by Xue Tao;“长教碧玉藏深处,总向红笺写自随”——薛涛《离诗》辨
