圣济总录,Sheng ji zong lu
1)Sheng ji zong lu圣济总录
1.Analysis on status of versions of Sheng ji zong lu ( Complete Record of Holy Benevolence) in Emperor Qianlong s reign;《圣济总录》乾隆本之版本状况分析
2.Discussion of "Brain Controls Mental and Emotional Activities" in Sheng Ji Zong Lu;论《圣济总录》脑者物有所受命

1.A Study on Regularity of the form of Medication and Guiding Herbs in General Medical Collection of Royal Benevolence《圣济总录》中剂型和药引规律研究
2.An Inquiry into the Cause of the Fu-Jin Section in the Book of "Sheng Ji Zong Lu"谈《圣济总录》“符禁门”产生的深层根源
3.AI-iman AI-bukhari and his Sahib AI-bukhari (Abstract)圣训学泰斗布哈里及其《圣训实录》
4.Accounting is a proce of recording, cla ifying, summarizing and interpreting of those busine activities that can be expre ed in monetary terms.会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、类、总以及解释的过程。
5.Accounting: The process of identifying, recording, summarizing, and reporting economic information to decision makers.会计:识别,记录,汇总,并报告经济信息给决策者的程序。
6.He' s always full of cheer at Christmas.圣诞节他总是兴致勃勃。
7.Santa always says, @Ho! Ho! Ho!圣诞老人总是说:“嗬!嗬!嗬
8.the Apocalypse ;the last book in the Bible,recording the revelation of St John about the end of the world启示录(《圣经》中最后一卷,记录圣约翰关于世界末日的启示).
9.a large Bible with pages to record marriages and births.记录婚姻和生子的大圣经。
10.Total output value hit a record high (an all-time high).总产值创历史最高记录
11.total oxygen demand automatic recorder总需氧量自动记录仪
12.International Standard Bibliographic Description (General) [ISBD(G)]国际标准书目着录(总则)
13.General bibliographical descriptioGB/T3792.1-1983文献著录总则
14.Accounting is a proce of recording, cla ifying,summarizing and interpreting of those busine activities that can be expre ed in monetary terms.会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、分类、汇总以及解释的过程。
15.Record "{0}" - The Record Tag is not within the total length of the record.记录“{0}”-记录标记不在该记录的总长度范围内。
16.She always remembers me at Christmas.她总是在圣诞节送我礼物。
17.After Christmas I am always in the hole for at least a month.圣诞节后我总是至少有一个月没有钱。
18.Business is always brisk before Christmas.圣诞节前生意总是很兴隆.

3)Sheng Ji Jing; Classic of Holy Benevolence圣济经
4)Record of Goddess of Heaven Making Her Power Felt天妃显圣录
1.About the Present Version of Record of Goddess of Heaven Making Her Power Felt and Its Revision;《天妃显圣录》现存版本及其纂修过程初探
5)Qing Sheng Zu Shi Lu清圣祖实录
6)Shengwu Qinzheng Lu《圣武亲征录》

圣济总录圣济总录 中医全书。又名《政和圣济总录》、《大德重校圣济总录》。200卷。宋赵佶敕撰。成书于北宋政和年间(1111~1117年)。此书是征集宋时民间及医家所献医方,结合“内府”所藏秘方,经整理汇编而成。理论方面除引据《内经》等医学经典,并结合当代各家论说深入阐述。首列运气、叙例、治法及临床各科病证证治等项,以下自诸风门至神仙服饵门共66门,涉及内、外、妇、儿、五官、针灸诸科以及其他杂治、养生之类,并都有论说,词简理明。继列各种病证,凡病因、病理、方药、炮炙、服法、禁忌等均有说明。录方近20000首,内容极其丰富,堪称宋代医学全书。该书镂版后,未及刊印,金兵灭北宋,书版被运往北方。金大定年间(1161~1189年)和元大德四年(1300年)曾2次刊印。其后,日本文化10年(1813年)亦有集珍本刊行。建国后有排印本。