喻嘉言,Yu Jiayan
1)Yu Jiayan喻嘉言
1.Evidence-Based Medicine Ideology in Yu Jiayans Yu Yi Cao;喻嘉言《寓意草》中的循证医学思想
2.Yu Jiayan who was the famous doctor of TCM in Qing Dynasty dealed with the acute or severest symptoms by the mild treatment fearlessly.清·喻嘉言大胆采用缓治法治疗急危重症,其依据是临床辨证不明、病邪在中,无力受药、虚不受补及妊娠患者,难以承受顿挫病势、抓起沉疗之急治。

1.A Brief Analysis on the Contribution of "YiMenFaLv" by YuJiaYan to the Syndrome on Differentiation and Treatment of Dryness Syndrome浅析喻嘉言《医门法律》燥证辨治之贡献
2.The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张
3.A Cognitive Study of Metonymy: Chinese as a Metonymic Language;转喻的认知研究:汉语作为转喻的语言
4.tell its own story [tale]本身表明,不言而喻
5.His thoughts, spoke for themselves.他的思想是不言而喻的。
6.Her intelligence is self-evident.她的聪颖是不言而喻的。
7.What he had said told its own tale.他所说的一切不言而喻。
8.They were eloquent in their distress;那副狼狈相不言自喻。
9.About Similarity and Cognitive Foundation of Metaphor in Uygur and Chinese Language Culture;隐喻的认知基础与汉维语言隐喻的相似性
10.The Figurative System of Morality and the Metaphorical Use of the Chinese and English Language;道德的比喻体系与中英文语言的隐喻用法
11.The Mechanism of Understatement:A Cognitive Explanation Based On Metaphor and Metonymy低调陈述:基于隐喻及转喻的认知语言学诠释
12.Metaphor in Stock Trading Expression隐喻镜头下的股市语言——隐喻在股市语言中的应用
13.Naturally enough,the Americans won most of the events.不言而喻,美国人赢得了多数项目。
14.The potential benefits of their co-operation are clear.双方合作的潜在好处是不言而喻的。
15.That, I should think, goes without saying.这一点我想是不言而喻的。
16.when the person or thing that is referred to is obvious within the situation用以指不言而喻的人或事物
17.The importance of his creation is clear.他的发明的重要性是不言而喻的。
18.Bing professors of psychiatry explained everything.精神病学教授的身份使一切不言而喻。

Yongjia Dialect永嘉方言
1.Word Formation in Yongjia Dialect: Initial s Voice-Voiceless Alternation;永嘉方言声母清浊交替构词举隅
3)Dialect of jiayu嘉鱼方言
4)Jiaxing dialect嘉兴方言
6)Fine words and deeds嘉言懿行

顺喻【顺喻】 (术语)八种喻之一。(参见:譬喻)