痰病,phlegm disease
1)phlegm disease痰病
1.Discussion clinical instruction significance with theory of phlegm disease of traditional Chinese medicine;论中医痰病学说对临床的指导意义
2)treatment of phlegm diseases痰病论治
1.The clauses are narrated separately sentence by sentence in the treatment of phlegm diseases and the treatment of fluid-retention diseases.本文对《伤寒论》论治痰饮病的条文作了归类,分别以“痰病论治”和“饮病论治”逐条进行叙述。
3)Tan theory痰病学
4)phlegm and muddy causing the illness痰浊致病
5)coexistence of phlegm and blood stasis痰瘀同病
6)phlegm-fluid retention disease痰饮病
1.This book involves the chapter of phlegm-fluid retention disease which has created a precedent study of this disease.《金匮要略》中的痰饮病篇开创了中医痰饮病学的先河,该篇对痰饮病的论述详尽,理法方药俱全,是中医痰饮病学发展史上的里程碑。

1.Study on Syndrome-Treatment and Prescription-Drugs of Phlegm Retention Disease by Ancient and Morden Medical Records Date基于古今医案数据分析的痰饮病证治规律研究
2.Clinical Study on the Effect of JianPi HuaTan Yin in Treating Angina Pectoris;健脾化痰饮治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床研究
3.the Treatment Thought in Fangzhu in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber从《金匮要略·痰饮咳嗽病脉证并治》方后注看
4.Study on antioxidant effect of Buxuhuayuqutanyin for pneumoconiosis补虚化瘀祛痰饮对尘肺病人抗氧化作用机制
5.Whereas, retention of water may form such pathological substances as water, dampness and phlegm retention.而水液储留可以由如停滞的水湿痰饮的病理物质引起。
6.Clinical Abservation on Treatment of Qi-Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis Phlegm Muddy Type 2 Diabetes Mellttus with Xiaoke Yin;消渴饮治疗气阴两虚兼有血瘀痰浊型2型糖尿病的临床研究
7.The Association and Exploration of Phlegm-rheum Chapter in JinGui YaoLue and Pulmonary Heart Disease《金匮要略》中痰饮咳嗽病脉证并治与肺胀联系及发挥
8.Effect of Buxu Huayu Qutan Decoction on Anti-oxidative Capacity in Aged Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease补虚化瘀祛痰饮对老年冠心病稳定性心绞痛患者抗氧化作用的影响
9.The Experimental Study of the Effect of Piantongyin to Migraine;偏痛饮活血、镇痛、化痰作用的研究
10.Influence of vibrating sputum evacuation device on expectoration of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation振动排痰机对机械通气病人排痰的影响
11.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Tan Shi Syndrome with JianPiHuaTanFang Prescripton;健脾化痰方治疗痰湿型2型糖尿病的临床研究
12.An Analysis of Standard Sputum Smears Examination for Assessment of 23 Tuberculosis Sputum Smear-rapporteurs' in Six Provinces of China23名结核病痰检员标准痰涂片考核结果分析
13.Expectorants are commonly used as a herd treatment and are administered in the drinking water.祛痰剂常用作猪群治疗药,可加到饮水中喂给。
14.Objective: To study the effect of resolving phlegm of different prepared products of Radix Asteris.目的:探讨不同炮制方法的紫菀饮片的祛痰作用。
15.Study the Document and Clinic in Treatment Aged Cough by the Method of "Warming and Eliminating the Phlegmatic and Fluid Retention"温化痰饮法治疗老年咳嗽的文献及临床研究
16.Pathogeny and Pathogenesis Research and Clinical Investigation in the Phlegm-heat Syndrome of Insomnia失眠痰热证病因病机研究及临床调研
17.Comparison on both discharging sputum methods applied in nursing of acute severe cerebrovascular disease patients两种排痰法在急性重症脑血管病病人排痰护理中的应用比较
18.Investigate on the Clinical Pathogeny and Pathogenesis Research in Syndrome of the Febrible Due to Phlegm of Cerebral Disease;中医脑病痰热证病因病机研究及其临床调研

treatment of phlegm diseases痰病论治
1.The clauses are narrated separately sentence by sentence in the treatment of phlegm diseases and the treatment of fluid-retention diseases.本文对《伤寒论》论治痰饮病的条文作了归类,分别以“痰病论治”和“饮病论治”逐条进行叙述。
3)Tan theory痰病学
4)phlegm and muddy causing the illness痰浊致病
5)coexistence of phlegm and blood stasis痰瘀同病
6)phlegm-fluid retention disease痰饮病
1.This book involves the chapter of phlegm-fluid retention disease which has created a precedent study of this disease.《金匮要略》中的痰饮病篇开创了中医痰饮病学的先河,该篇对痰饮病的论述详尽,理法方药俱全,是中医痰饮病学发展史上的里程碑。
