1.This paper briefly reviews the studies of language use in business contracts in the past decade, which are classified into theoretical study, practical study, and translation study.文章从语言使用的角度 ,按研究的性质和主要内容 ,分为理论研究、实务研究、翻译研究三大类 ,对我国 2 0世纪 90年代以来国际商务合同的若干语言研究进行了简评

1.character sketch人物素描, 人物简评
2.Brief Introduction and Analysis of MT-05;NIST2005机器翻译评测(MT—05)简评
3.On the Assessment of English Teaching under the New Curriculum Idea;简评新课程理念下英语课堂教学评价
4.A Historic Narration of the Decline and Fall of the Ming Dynasty;一张明朝衰亡的病历——简评《檮杌闲评》
5.A Brief View of the Principles of Treating Simplified-style and Traditional-style Chinese Characters in The General List of Regularized Chinese Characters简评《通用规范汉字表》简繁字的处理原则
6.Poetic Criticism and Critic Poetry--On WANG Zhong-sheng s literary Criticism;诗性的批评与批评的诗性——简评王仲生的文学批评
7.The short film review was written by a famous writer.这篇电影简评是一个名作家写的。
8.The Call of Sentiments in Loneliness--Comments on Jimmy′s Cartoons in Brief孤独中的真情呼唤——简评?酌茁?
9.Your remark about Jane got home.你对简的批评很中肯。
10.a pithy comment, remark, saying, etc简要的评论、 话、 谚语等.
11.a terse reply, comment, remark, etc简短的答覆、 评论、 言语等
12.A short, conversational piece of writing or criticism.文章或批评谈话式的简短文章或评论
13.On Translation Criticism;简论翻译批评——《文学翻译批评论稿》序
14.A personal item or notice in a newspaper.关于个人的简讯报纸上的个人简讯或短评
15.Critics really slapped the play around.剧评家们把那个剧本简直批评得体无完肤。
16.Simplified Useful Respiratory Failure Evaluation System;简易呼吸衰竭评估系统(SURFES)的建立与评价
17.Simplified Useful Respiratory Failure Evaluation System2;简易呼吸衰竭评估系统的建立与评价2
18.The Brief Evaluation of Activity-based Costing对作业成本制度的简要评述

brief comment简评
1.This paper also tentatively comments on \%Fuzzy Linguistics \% authored by Professor Wu Tieping.本文着重探讨了模糊语言学研究对象的界定问题、方法问题和人本中心论原则下语义模糊的生成与理解问题 ,并对伍铁平先生著《模糊语言学》作一简评
4)simplified assessment简化评定
1.The procedure of simplified assessment of fatigue life by European Standard for Pressure Vessels EN13445 is introduced in this paper.介绍了欧盟压力容器标准EN13445关于疲劳寿命的简化评定方法,分析了其详细评定步骤和注意要点,并与JB 4732—95中的疲劳设计方法进行了比较。
5)brief book review图书简评
1.The work of brief book review work is not only one of important components in library reader services, but also an important display of its social education activities.图书简评工作不但是图书馆读者服务工作的重要组成部分,而且还是图书馆社会教育职能的重要体现。
6)simple and easy evaluation简易评价

繁体字和简化字对照表 繁体字和简化字对照表[繁体字和简化字对照表]